~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.


Music: KALM
Lyrics: KALM
水に浮かぶ風に揺れてる部屋に 肌の色を白く擦り替え暮らす
君は目を閉じる 地図を描き出す 時に流された宙に浮かんだ世界

やがて君は小舟に乗る 居るべき地は此処じゃない
そこで君は気付くだろう 水に映るその肌を

Waving, loopin, 君はその部屋を動けない
そっと聞こえてくる お似合いなAsian creek
Waving, loopin, 君はその部屋で眠るだろう
ずっと聞こえていた子守唄 Asian creek———————————————————————————————————————————
Modified Lyrics
水に浮かぶ風に揺れてる部屋に 肌の色を白く擦り替え暮らす
君は目を閉じる 地図を描き出す 時に流された宙に浮かんだ世界

やがて君は小舟に乗る 居るべき地は此処じゃない
そこで君は気付くだろう 水に映るその皮膚1

Waving, loopin [ウェービング、ルーピン], 君はその部屋を動けない
そっと聞こえてくる お似合いなAsian creek [エーシン・クリーク]
Waving, loopin [ウェービング、ルーピン], 君はその部屋で眠るだろう
ずっと聞こえていた子守唄 Asian creek [エーシン・クリーク]
Waving, loopin [ウェービング、ルーピン], 君はその部屋を動けない
そっと聞こえてくる お似合いなAsian creek [エーシン・クリーク]
Waving, loopin [ウェービング、ルーピン], 君はその部屋で眠るだろう
ずっと聞こえていた子守唄 Asian creek [エーシン・クリーク]

Waving, loopin [ウェービング、ルーピン], 君はその部屋を動けない
そっと聞こえてくる お似合いなAsian creek [エーシン・クリーク]
Waving, loopin [ウェービング、ルーピン], 君はその部屋で眠るだろう
ずっと聞こえていた子守唄 Asian creek [エーシン・クリーク]
1 is what is written, but 皮膚 is what is sung.
2 Everything past this point is sung, but is not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Mizu ni ukabu kaze ni yureteru heya ni…hada no iro o shiroku kosurigaekurasu

Kimi wa me o tojiru…chizu o egakidasu…toki ni nagasareta chū ni ukanda sekai

Yagate kimi wa kobune ni noru…irubeki Chi wa koko ja nai
Soko de kimi wa kizuku darō…mizu ni utsuru sono hifu1 o…

Waving, loopin’ [Uēbingu, rūpin’], kimi wa sono heya o ugokenai
Sotto kikoete kuru…o-niai na Asian creek [Eshin kurīku]
Waving, loopin’ [Uēbingu, rūpin’], kimi wa sono heya de nemuru darō
Zutto kikoete ita komoriuta…Asian creek [Eshin kurīku]
Waving, loopin’ [Uēbingu, rūpin’], kimi wa sono heya o ugokenai
Sotto kikoete kuru…o-niai na Asian creek [Eshin kurīku]
Waving, loopin’ [Uēbingu, rūpin’], kimi wa sono heya de nemuru darō
Zutto kikoete ita komoriuta…Asian creek [Eshin kurīku]

Waving, loopin’ [Uēbingu, rūpin’], kimi wa sono heya o ugokenai
Sotto kikoete kuru…o-niai na Asian creek [Eshin kurīku]
Waving, loopin’ [Uēbingu, rūpin’], kimi wa sono heya de nemuru darō
Zutto kikoete ita komoriuta…Asian creek [Eshin kurīku]———————————————————————————————————————————
1 ‘hada’ is what is written, but ‘hifu’ is what is sung.
2 Everything past this point is sung, but is not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
You rub white and get along with the color of your skin…in your room that shakes in the wind that rises to the surface in the water
You close your eyes…and draw a map…the world that floats in midair was made to flow in time

Before long, you get on the small boat…the Earth that should exist is not here
Now you will probably notice…that skin of yours that is reflected in the water…

Waving, loopin’, you cannot move in that room
Softly, it comes to be heard…the well-matched Asian creek
Waving, loopin’, you will probably die/sleep in that room
The lullaby that was continuously being heard…the Asian creek
Waving, loopin’, you cannot move in that room
Softly, it comes to be heard…the well-matched Asian creek
Waving, loopin’, you will probably die/sleep in that room
The lullaby that was continuously being heard…the Asian creek

Waving, loopin’, you cannot move in that room
Softly, it comes to be heard…the well-matched Asian creek
Waving, loopin’, you will probably die/sleep in that room
The lullaby that was continuously being heard…the Asian creek
1 Everything past this point is sung, but is not written in the official lyrics.

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