~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Moi dix Mois


    Voice from inferno (Demo CD)
    Release Date: March 19, 2002

  1. Voice from inferno
  2. Dialogue Symphonie (Demo Version)
  3. forbidden (Demo Version)
    Dialogue Symphonie (Single)
    Release Date: November 19, 2002

  1. Dialogue Symphonie
  2. forbidden
  3. Dialogue Symphonie (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  4. forbidden (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
    Dix infernal
    Release Date: March 19, 2003
  1. Dix infernal (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  2. La dix croix
  3. front et baiser
  4. Ange
  5. tentation
  6. Solitude
  7. Pessimiste
  8. Gloire dans le silence
  9. L'intérieur Dix (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  10. Détresse
  11. Prière
  12. Dialogue Symphonie-x (2003 Version)
  13. Dix est infini (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
    Shadows Temple (Single)
    Release Date: May 31, 2004
  1. Shadows Temple
  2. Night breed
  3. Shadows Temple (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  4. Night breed (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
    Release Date: July 20, 2004

    Limited Edition
    Release Date: December 2, 2005
  1. Invite to Immorality (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  2. Nocturnal Romance
  3. monophobia
  4. vestige
  5. Vizard
  6. Mephisto Waltz
  7. MAD INGRAIN (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  8. the Prophet
  9. Perish
  10. Shadows Temple-x (2004 Version)
  11. silent omen (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
    Pageant (Single)
    Release Date: October 6, 2004
  1. Secret longing (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  2. Pageant
  3. Pageant (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
    Beyond the Gate (EP) (Limited Edition)
    Release Date: March 1, 2006
  1. The other side in blood (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  2. Eternally Beyond
  3. deus ex machina
  4. Vain
  5. Deflower
  6. unmoved
  7. The other side of the door (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  8. Eternally Beyond (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  9. deus ex machina (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  10. Vain (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  11. Deflower (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  12. unmoved (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
    Lamentful Miss (Single)
    Release Date: October 4, 2006
  1. Lamentful Miss
  2. Perish (2006 Version)
  3. forbidden (2006 Version)
  4. Lamentful Miss (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  5. Perish (2006 Version) (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  6. forbidden (2006 Version) (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
    Release Date: March 28, 2007
  1. dispell bound
  2. Angelica
  3. Metaphysical
  4. exclude
  5. Last Temptation ('tentation' 2007 Version)
  6. Immortal Madness
  7. neo pessimist ('Pessimiste' 2007 Version)
  8. Xanadu
  9. A Lapis Night's Dream (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  10. Lamentful Miss
  11. Lilac of Damnation
  12. sacred lake (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
    DIXANADU (Limited Edition)
    Release Date: August 31, 2007
  1. dispell bound (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  2. Angelica (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  3. Metaphysical (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  4. exclude (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  5. Last Temptation ('tentation' 2007 Version) (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  6. Immortal Madness (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  7. neo pessimist ('Pessimiste' 2007 Version) (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  8. Xanadu (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  9. A Lapis Night's Dream (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  10. Lamentful Miss (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  11. Lilac of Damnation (Instrumental Version) (Music: Mana)
  12. sacred lake (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
    Release Date: December 15, 2010
  1. In paradisum
  2. The Seventh Veil
  3. Witchcraft
  4. The SECT
  5. Divine Place
  6. Pendulum
  7. The Pact of Silence (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  8. Ange ~D side holy wings~ ('Ange' 2010 Version)
  9. Agnus Dei
  10. Sanctum Regnum
  11. Dead Scape
  12. Dies Irae
  13. Baptisma (SE) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
    Reprise ~Le dixième anniversaire~
    Release Date: July 11, 2012
  1. En Lumière (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  2. Dialogue Symphonie (2012 Version)
  3. front et baiser (2012 Version)
  4. Solitude (2012 Version)
  5. the Prophet (2012 Version)
  6. Invite to Immorality (SE) (2012 Version) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  7. Nocturnal Romance (2012 Version)
  8. vestige (2012 Version)
  9. La dix croix (2012 Version)
  10. Secret longing (SE) (2012 Version) (Instrumental) (Music: Mana)
  11. Pageant (2012 Version)
  12. Je l'aime
  • Beast side (Live Version)
  • Destruction xxx (SE) (Live Version)
  • A ghost whispers (Live Version)
  • Material Death (Live Version)
  • Twilight flower (Live Version)

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