~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

La dix croix (2003)

Moi dix Mois
Title Translation: “The ten cross” (French)
Music: Mana
Lyrics: Mana
今はもう迷わないで そう 開きかけた未来へ
貴方の心に刻まれた 夢は光の中へ…

忘れないで あの日の誓いを
傷つき 愛さえ 苦悩の果てに

今 真実の迷宮へ

La dix croix 夢は魅惑の光景に
La dix croix 夢に叫び続けても

La dix croix 夢は聖なる輝きを

目を閉じれば 思い出の中
あの時交わした 最後の言葉を

今 すべてを解き放てば

La dix croix 夢に最後の奇跡を
Modified Lyrics
今はもう舞わないで1 そう 開きかけた世界2
貴方の心に刻まれた 夢は光の中へ…

忘れないで あの日の誓いを
傷つき 愛さえ 苦悩の果てに

今 真実の迷宮へ

La dix croix [ディスクロワ] 夢は魅惑の光景に
La dix croix [ディスクロワ] 夢に叫び続けても

La dix croix [ディスクロワ] 夢は聖なる輝きを


目を閉じれば 思い出の中
あの時交わした 最後の言葉を

今 すべてを解き放てば

La dix croix [ディスクロワ] 夢は魅惑の光景に
La dix croix [ディスクロワ] 夢に叫び続けても

La dix croix [ディスクロワ] 夢に最後の奇跡を
1 迷わないで is what is written, but 舞わないで is what is sung.
2 未来 is what is written, but 世界 is what is sung.
3 Some lines are whispered here, but I have been unable to discern what they are.
4 These four lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Ima wa mō mawanaide1…sō…hirakikaketa sekai2 e
Anata no kokoro ni kizamareta…yume wa hikari no naka e…

Wasurenaide…ano hi no chikai o
Kizutsuki…ai sae…kunō no hate ni

Ima…shinjitsu no meikyū e
Saigo no kiseki o…

La dix croix [Ra disu kurowa]…yume wa miwaku no kōkei ni
Negai wa tozasareta kokoro ni
La dix croix [Ra disu kurowa]…yume ni sakebitsuzukete mo
Saigo no tobira o hirakanakereba…

La dix croix [Ra disu kurowa]…yume wa seinaru kagayaki o…


Me o tojireba…omoide no naka
Ano toki kawashita…saigo no kotoba o…

Ima…subete o tokihanateba
Saigo no kiseki o…

La dix croix [Ra disu kurowa]…yume wa miwaku no kōkei ni
Negai wa tozasareta kokoro ni
La dix croix [Ra disu kurowa]…yume ni sakebitsuzukete mo
Saigo no tobira o hirakanakereba…4

La dix croix [Ra disu kurowa]…yume ni saigo no kiseki o…
1 mayowanaide’ is what is written, but ‘mawanaide’ is what is sung.
2 mirai’ is what is written, but ‘sekai’ is what is sung.
3 Some lines are whispered here, but I have been unable to discern what they are.
4 These four lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
Now, do not dance1 anymore…so…go to the world2 that has bloomed/spread out before you
A dream etched into your mind…you go to the center of the light…

Do not forget me…or I will be wounded by the vow we made on
That day…even our love…it will exist in the end of my agony/suffering

Now…I will go to the labyrinth of truth/reality
The final miracle awaits within…

The ten(th) cross…a dream that exists in a fascinating sight
A desire that exists only in this shut off heart of mine/heart of mine that was plunged in grief
The ten(th) cross…even if I continue to scream in the dream
Even if I cannot open the final door…

The ten(th) cross…a dream that shines in holy/sacred radiance…


Even if I close my eyes…in that time that was exchanged
Inside of my memories…I can still hear your final words…

Now…even if I release everything
The final miracle still awaits…

The ten(th) cross…a dream that exists in a fascinating sight
A desire that exists only in this shut off heart of mine/heart of mine that was plunged in grief
The ten(th) cross…even if I continue to scream in the dream
Even if I cannot open the final door…4

The ten(th) cross…will show me the final miracle in this dream…
1 do not give into temptation/lose control’ is what is written, but ‘do not dance’ is what is sung.
2 future’ is what is written, but ‘world’ is what is sung.
3 Some lines are whispered here, but I have been unable to discern what they are.
4 These four lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.

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