~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Shadows Temple-x (2004 Version) (2004)

Moi dix Mois
Music: Mana
Lyrics: Mana
Shadow’s dream of truth and false

You were selected to be on this stage by a stroke of fate
なぜ選んだ 私をこの世界に
This stage is just like illusions you made
なぜ殺した 閉ざされたこの世界で

Lonely night. I hold a ceremony of darkness
Changing mind is an omen of tragedy
You are all mine

影絵の戯れ 真夜中の倒錯
真紅に染まった 貴方を抱きしめ この手で…

Cut off the whole things
Set your reason free
Follow instincts

Shadow’s dream of truth and false
蒼ざめた肢体を 愛しつづけ…

Why didn’t you show me the future?
Love tied me. I got lost
Do you remember the promise & dream?
The dream confused me, I lost myself
Such a thought inspires me

You were selected to be on this stage by a stroke of fate
なぜ奪った 私のこの世界を
This stage is just like illusions you made
なぜ消えゆく 壮麗なこの世界で

狂気の戯れ 真夜中の交錯


Shadow’s dream of truth and false
蒼ざめた肢体を 愛しつづけて 永遠に

Shadow’s dream of truth and false


蒼ざめた肢体に 罪の証を刻み

Shadow’s dream of truth and false———————————————————————————————————————————
Modified Lyrics
Shadow’s dream of truth and false.

You were selected to be on this stage by a stroke of fate.
なぜ選んだ 私をこの世界に
This stage is just like illusions you made.
なぜ殺した 閉ざされたこの世界で

Lonely night. I hold a ceremony of darkness.

Changing mind is an omen of tragedy.
You are all mine.

影絵の戯れ 真夜中の倒錯
真紅に染まった 貴方を抱きしめ この手で…

Cut off the whole things.
Set your reason free.
Follow instincts.

Shadow’s dream of truth and false.
蒼ざめた体1を 愛しつづけ…

Why didn’t you show me the future?
Love tied me. I got lost
Do you remember the promise & dream?
The dream confused me, I lost myself
Such a thought inspires me.

You were selected to be on this stage by a stroke of fate.
なぜ奪った 私のこの世界を
This stage is just like illusions you made.
なぜ消えゆく 壮麗なこの世界で

狂気の戯れ 真夜中の交錯


Shadow’s dream of truth and false.
蒼ざめた体2を 愛しつづけて 永久3

Shadow’s dream of truth and false.
蒼ざめた体4に 罪の証を刻み

Shadow’s dream of truth and false.
肢体 is what is written, but  is what is sung.
肢体 is what is written, but  is what is sung.
永遠 is what is written, but 永久 is what is sung.
肢体 is what is written, but  is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Shadow’s dream of truth and false

You were selected to be on this stage by a stroke of Fate
Naze eranda…watashi o kono sekai ni?
This stage is just like illusions you made
Naze koroshita…tozasareta kono sekai de?

Lonely night. I hold a ceremony of darkness

Changing mind is an omen of tragedy
You are all mine

Kage’e no tawamure…mayonaka no tōsaku
Shinku ni somatta…anata o dakishime…kono te de…

Cut off the whole things
Nagareru chi ni
Set your reason free
Kuchizuke shite
Follow instincts

Shadow’s dream of truth and false
Butai no tsuzuki o misete
Aozameta karada1 o…ai shitsuzuke…

Why didn’t you show me the future?
Love tied me. I got lost
Do you remember the promise & dream?
The dream confused me, I lost myself
Such a thought inspires me

You were selected to be on this stage by a stroke of Fate
Naze ubatta…watashi no kono sekai o…?
This stage is just like illusions you made
Naze kieyuku…sōrei na kono sekai de?

Kyōki no tawamure…mayonaka no kōsaku
Tsukiyo ni terasare anata to kono mama tokeai…

Yoru no hate made…

Shadow’s dream of truth and false
Butai no tsuzuki o misete
Aozameta karada2 o…ai shitsuzukete…towa3 ni…

Shadow’s dream of truth and false
Kikaijikake no kokoro
Aozameta karada4 ni…tsumi no akashi o kizami…

Shadow’s dream of truth and false
‘shitai’ is what is written, but ‘karada’ is what is sung.
‘shitai’ is what is written, but ‘karada’ is what is sung.
‘eien’ is what is written, but ‘towa’ is what is sung.
‘shitai’ is what is written, but ‘karada’ is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
Shadow’s dream of truth and false

You were selected to be on this stage by a stroke of Fate
In this world that belongs to me…why were you chosen?
This stage is just like illusions you made
In this world that is locked away…why were you killed?

Lonely night. I hold a ceremony of darkness

My changing mind is an omen of tragedy
You are all mine

A shadow picture/silhouette play…a midnight perversion
I will embrace you…who is dyed/stained in deep crimson…closely and with these hands of mine…

Cut off the whole things
In blood that flows
Set your reason free
Kiss me
Follow your instincts

Shadow’s dream of truth and false
Show me the continuation of this scene of the play
I will continue to love…your body1 that has grown pale and…

Why didn’t you show me the future?
Love tied me. I got lost
Do you remember the promise & dream?
The dream confused me, I lost myself
Such a thought inspires me

You were selected to be on this stage by a stroke of Fate
In this world of mine…why were you snatched away/stolen away?
This stage is just like illusions you made
In this magnificent world…why are you disappearing?

A play of madness/insanity…a midnight crossing
We are illuminated by the moonlight, so I melt together this way with you and…

Until the end of this night…

Shadow’s dream of truth and false
Show me the continuation of this scene of the play
I will continue to love…your body2 that has grown pale and…eternally/for eternity…

Shadow’s dream of truth and false
My mechanical heart
I will etch proof/evidence of my sin…on this pale body3 of yours and…

Shadow’s dream of truth and false
‘limbs’/‘body’ is what is written, but ‘body’ is what is sung.
‘limbs’/‘body’ is what is written, but ‘body’ is what is sung.
‘limbs’/‘body’ is what is written, but ‘body’ is what is sung.

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