~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Je l'aime (2012)

Moi dix Mois
Title Translation: “I love him/her” (French)
Music: Mana
Lyrics: Mana
その手を 引き寄せて 永久に眠る
想いを 捧げよう この世界が続くまで I need your love

憐れみたもう 光を包み影を抱いて眠る

私は罪と 彷徨う時の中 光差す未来へ 今解き放つ 希望の声と

全てを 信じ会えれば 今此処で

Your heart is beating inside
The world of us two
Fly to the sky

我らの光と 共に

その手を 引き寄せて 永久に眠る
想いを 捧げよう この世界が続くまで I need your love

我の中の主は囁く 光は影と共に抱いて生きる

私は愛と 彷徨う時の中 光差す 未来へ今解き放つ 希望の声 

そう 感じ合えれば 今此処で

我らの光と 共に 我らと

その手を 引き寄せて 永久に眠る
想いを 捧げよう この世界が続くまで

この手を 引き寄せて 永久の愛を
貴方に 捧げよう この世界が続くまで

溶けあいながら 貴方と 探し求め 遥か世界の果てまで

Je l'aime Parlez-moi d'Amour Embrassez-moi Je l'aime

Modified Lyrics
その手を 引き寄せて 永久に眠る
想いを 捧げよう この世界が続くまで I need your love

憐れみたもう 光を包み影を抱いて眠る

私は罪と 彷徨う時の中 光差す未来へ 今解き放つ 希望の声と

全てを 信じ会えれば 今此処で

Your heart is beating inside
The world of us two
Fly to the sky

我らの光と 共に

その手を 引き寄せて 永久に眠る
想いを 捧げよう この世界が続くまで I need your love

我の中の主は囁く 光は影と共に抱いて生きる

私は愛と 彷徨う時の中 光差す 未来へ今解き放つ 希望の声 

そう 感じ合えれば 今此処で

Your heart is beating inside
The world of us two
Fly to the sky1

我らの光と 共に 我らと

その手を 引き寄せて 永久に眠る
想いを 捧げよう この世界が続くまで

この手を 引き寄せて 永久の愛を
貴方に 捧げよう この世界が続くまで

溶けあいながら 貴方と 探し求め 遥か世界の果てまで

Je l'aime Parlez-moi d'Amour Embrassez-moi Je l'aime

1 This verse is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Sono te o…hikiyosete…towa ni nemuru
Omoi o…sasageyō…kono sekai ga tsuzuku made…I need your love

Awaremita mō…hikari o tsutsumi, kage o daite nemuru

Watashi wa tsumi to…samayō toki no naka…hikari sasu mirai e…ima tokihanatsu…kibō no koe to…

Subete o…shinjiaereba…ima koko de…

Your heart is beating inside
The world of us two
Fly to the sky

Warera no hikari to…tomo ni…

Sono te o…hikiyosete…towa ni nemuru
Omoi o…sasageyō…kono sekai ga tsuzuku made…I need your love

Ware no naka no shujin wa sasayaku…hikari wa kage to tomo ni daite ikiru

Watashi wa ai to…samayō toki no naka…hikari sasu mirai e…ima tokihanatsu…kibō no koe

Sō…kanjiaereba…ima koko de…

Your heart is beating inside
The world of us two
Fly to the sky1

Warera no hikari to…tomo ni…warera to…

Sono te o…hikiyosete…towa ni nemuru
Omoi o…sasageyō…kono sekai ga tsuzuku made…

Kono te o…hikiyosete…towa no ai o…
Anata ni…sasageyō…kono sekai ga tsuzuku made…

Tokeainagara…anata to…sagashimotome…haruka sekai no hate made…

Je l'aime, parlez-moi d’amour, embrassez-moi, je l'aime

Kono sekai ga tsuzuku made…
1 This verse is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
I pull…that hand of yours to me and…sleep in eternity
Let me offer…my desires/feelings to you…until this world continues/goes on…I need your love

You tried to have pity/compassion for me now…I am enveloped by light, embrace the shadows and sleep/die

I exist inside of a time that wanders about…with sin…with the voice of hope…that releases me now…to a future that shines with light…

If I believe and encounter…everything…in this place now…

Your heart is beating inside
The world of us two
Fly to the sky

Together…with our light…

I pull…that hand of yours to me and…sleep in eternity
Let me offer…my desires/feelings to you…until this world continues/goes on…I need your love

The master inside of me whispers…the light makes love/embraces together with the shadows and exists inside me

I exist inside of a time that wanders about…with love…the voice of hope…that releases me now to a future…that shines with light

So…if I feel and encounter you…in this place now…

Your heart is beating inside
The world of us two
Fly to the sky1

Together…with our light…with us…

I pull…that hand of yours to me and…sleep in eternity
Let me offer…my desires/feelings to you…until this world continues/goes on…

I pull…this hand of yours to me and…let me offer
To you…my eternal love…until this world continues/goes on…

As we melt together…I search for the light…with you…to the limits of this far off world…

I love him/her, tell me about love, embrace me, I love him/her

Until this world continues/goes on…
1 This verse is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.

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