~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Xanadu (2007)

Moi dix Mois
Music: Mana
Lyrics: Mana
青白き光芒は 十字照らし
憂愁の風が 錆びた鐘を響かせ

呪われた 心をオルグの
聖なる調べと共に 別れを告げ


咲き誇れ 時間を越えて 高みへ
異端の賛歌よ 響け世の果てに

咲き乱れ 今宵は 全て捨て去り
貴方の真実の証しを 見せて目の前に今

揺らめく篝火は 邪まを映し出して
影を殺め 吐き出せば


咲き誇れ 時間を越えて 高みへ
煌く 異端の賛歌よ 響け世の果てに

咲き乱れ 今宵は全て捨て去り
貴方の真実の証しを見せて 目の前に

此処は壮麗な 神聖な十源境
罪深き 愛の刺に口づけて

言葉は要らない 崇高なる世界へ

幾千の緋い 屍を越えて
Modified Lyrics
青白き光芒は 十字照らし
憂愁の風が 錆びた鐘を響かせ

呪われた 心をオルグの
聖なる調べと共に 別れを告げ


咲き誇れ 時1を越えて 高みへ
煌く2 異端の賛歌よ 響け世の果てに

咲き乱れ 今宵は 全て捨て去り
貴方の真実の証しを 見せて目の前に今

揺らめく篝火は 邪まを映し出して
影を殺め 吐き出せば


咲き誇れ 時間を越えて 高みへ
煌く 異端の賛歌よ 響け世の果てに

咲き乱れ 今宵は全て捨て去り
貴方の真実の証しを見せて 目の前に

此処は壮麗な 神聖な十源境
罪深き 愛の刺に口づけて

言葉は要らない 高なる4世界へ

幾千の緋い 屍を越えて
1 時間 is what is written, but is what is sung.
2 This word is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
3 光彩 is what is written, but is what is sung.
4 崇高なる is what is written, but 高なる is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Aojiroki kōbō wa…jūji terashi
Yūshū no kaze ga…sabita kane o hibikase…

Norowareta…kokoro o orugu no
Seinaru shirabe to tomo ni…wakare o tsuge…

Kibō noni hikari ni irodorarete…

Sakihokore…toki1 o koete…takami e…
Kirameku2…itan no sanka yo!…Hibike yo no hate ni…

Sakimidare…koyoi wa…subete sutesari
Anata no shinjitsu no akashi o…misete me no mae ni ima

Yurameku kagaribi wa…yokoshima o utsushidashite
Kage o ayame…hakidaseba…

Ima, kasanariau hikari3 no naka

Sakihokore…jikan o koete…takami e…
Kirameku…itan no sanka yo!…Hibike yo no hate ni…

Sakimidare…koyoi wa subete sutesari
Anata no shinjitsu no akashi o misete…me no mae ni…

Koko wa sōrei na…shinsei na tōgenkyō
Tsumibukaki…ai no toge ni kuchizukete

Kotoba wa iranai…takanaru4 sekai e…

Ikusen no akai…shikabane o koete
1 ‘jikan’ is what is written, but ‘toki’ is what is sung.
2 This word is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
3 ‘kōsai’ is what is written, but ‘hikari’ is what is sung.
4 sūkō naru’ is what is written, but ‘takanaru’ is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
A pale beam of light...illuminates the cross
A melancholy wind...makes a rusty bell resound and...

It signals our parting...together with the sacred melody
Of the organization of my heart...that was cursed and...

While my hope is colored by the light and...

We are in full bloom...we cross over time and...rise to a height far above us...
A hymn/eulogy of heresy...that shines1!...We hear it to the ends of a world that remains in us...

We bloom in profusion and...this evening/tonight...we will abandon everything and
Show me the vindication/proof of the reality of you...now, before my eyes

A bonfire that flickers...projects/shows evil
It murders the shadows and...if it spits out...

Now, inside of the light2 that overlaps itself

We are in full bloom...we cross over time and...rise to a height far above us...
A hymn/eulogy of heresy...that shines!...We hear it to the ends of a world that remains in us...

We bloom in profusion and...this evening/tonight...we will abandon everything and
Show me the vindication/proof of the reality of you...before my eyes...

This place is the magnificent...sacred/holy Xanadu/Eden
Kiss me in its thorns of sinful...love

Words are not needed...we will rise to a world that throbs/beats fast...3

Cross over the red...corpses of thousands
1 This word is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
2 ‘brilliance’/‘splendor’ is what is written, but ‘light’ is what is sung.
3 has become noble’ is what is written, but ‘throbs/beats fast’ is what is sung.

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