~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

exclude (2007)

Moi dix Mois
Music: Mana
Lyrics: Mana
The moth spreads its poison
Multiplying parasite
Taken by visciousness
Too many ghosts

貴方には顔が無い 知性は置き去りにして
死人の戯言など この世には存在しない

e x c l u de, Fade away, vanish

You have no face

Your intellect is left behind
Egoist Stained with jealousy
Where is it, your being?
You are fixed by a spell

悪意を抱き 認めても その虚ろな夢 空白のまま
存在すら気づかれない Agasthiyaが描く 破滅の戯曲

If you don't belive in your self in the endless void,

The problems of this world are made by your desires.

The moth spreads its poison
Multiplying parasite
Taken by visciousness
Too many ghosts

貴方には何がある 毒牙を磨く事しか

e x c l u de, Fade away, vanish

悪夢の中 逃げ延びても Agasthiyaはそう嘲り

If you don't belive in your self in the endless void,

It's a sad world to hold grace, nihilism

Modified Lyrics
The moth spreads its poison
Multiplying parasite
Taken by visciousness
Too many ghosts

貴方には顔が無い 知性は置き去りにして
死人の戯言など この世には存在しない

e x c l u de, Fade away, vanish
e x c l u de, Fade away, vanish1

You have no face
You have no face2

Your intellect is left behind
Egoist Stained with jealousy
Where is it, your being?
You are fixed by a spell

悪意を抱き 認めても その虚ろな夢 空白のまま
存在すら気づかれない Agasthiya [アギャスシヤ]が描く 破滅のシナリオ3

If you don't belive in your self in the endless void,
The problems of this world are made by your desires.

The moth spreads its poison
Multiplying parasite
Taken by visciousness
Too many ghosts

貴方には何がある 毒牙を磨く事しか

e x c l u de, Fade away, vanish
e x c l u de4

悪夢の中 逃げ延びても Agasthiya [アギャスシヤ]はそう嘲り If you don't belive in your self in the endless void,5

It's a sad world to hold grace, nihilism

Agasthiya [アギャスシヤ]と共に破滅のシナリオ6
1 This line is repeated here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
2 This line is repeated here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
3 戯曲 is what is written, but シナリオ is what is sung.
4 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
5 This line is sung here simultaneously with the other line, but is written in the official lyrics as being sung below this verse.
6 戯曲 is what is written, but シナリオ is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
The moth spreads its poison
Multiplying parasite
Taken by viciousness
Too many ghosts

Anata ni wa kao ga nai…chisei wa okisari ni shite
Shinin no zaregoto nado…kono yo ni wa sonzai shinai

e…x…c…l…u…de….fade away, vanish
e…x…c…l…u…de….fade away, vanish1

You have no face
You have no face2

Your intellect is left behind
Egoist stained with jealousy
Where is it, your being?
You are fixed by a spell

Akui o daki…shitatamete mo…sono utsuro na yume…kūhaku no mama
Sonzai sura kizukarenai…Agasthiya [Agyasushiya] ga egaku…hametsu no shinario3

(If you don't believe in yourself in the endless void
The problems of this world are made by your desires)

The moth spreads its poison
Multiplying parasite
Taken by viciousness
Too many ghosts

Anata ni wa nani ga aru?…Dokuga o migaku koto shika
Shinin wa hitsugi no naka de yasuraka ni nemureba ii

e…x…c…l…u…de….fade away, vanish

Akumu no naka…nigenobite mo Agasthiya [Agyasushiya] wa sō azakeri (If you don't believe in yourself in the endless void)5
Shinu made daite nemuru ga ii

It's a sad world to hold grace, nihilism

Agasthiya [Agyasushiya] to tomo ni hametsu no shinario6
1 This line is repeated here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
2 This line is repeated here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
3 ‘gikyoku’ is what is written, but ‘shinario’ is what is sung.
4 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
5 This line is sung here simultaneously with the other line, but is written in the official lyrics as being sung below this verse.
6 ‘gikyoku’ is what is written, but ‘shinario’ is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
The moth spreads its poison
Multiplying parasite
Taken by viciousness
Too many ghosts

A face does not exist on you/You do not have a face/You have no face…even your intelligence is left behind and
The likes of the nonsense of a corpse…it has no existence in this world

e…x…c…l…u…de….fade away, vanish
e…x…c…l…u…de….fade away, vanish1

You have no face
You have no face2

Your intellect is left behind
Egoist stained with jealousy
Where is it, your being?
You are fixed by a spell

Even if you were to recognize and…embrace the malice…that hollow dream will lead to…your state/condition being as of a blank space
You do not even notice/perceive its existence…Agasthiya3 will paint…a scenario of destruction4

(If you don't believe in yourself in the endless void
The problems of this world are made by your desires)

The moth spreads its poison
Multiplying parasite
Taken by viciousness
Too many ghosts

What do you have?…Only the thing that will refine your sinister ways/polish your poison fangs
A corpse is fine even if it sleeps peacefully inside of a coffin

e…x…c…l…u…de….fade away, vanish

Even if you make your escape…inside of the nightmare, Agasthiya will seem to ridicule you (If you don't believe in yourself in the endless void)6
Embrace you until you die and sleep for good 

It's a sad world to hold grace, nihilism

In a scenario7 of destruction together with Agasthiya
1 This line is repeated here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
2 This line is repeated here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
3 Agasthiya’ is either another spelling or (more likely) a misspelling of ‘Agastya’, a monotypic moth with only one species that exists in India. In other words, it exists alone, with no other subspecies in its genus. 
4 ‘play’ is what is written, but ‘scenario’ is what is sung.
5 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
6 This line is sung here simultaneously with the other line, but is written in the official lyrics as being sung below this verse.
7 ‘play’ is what is written, but ‘scenario’ is what is sung.

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