~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Eternally Beyond (2006)

Moi dix Mois
Music: Mana
Lyrics: Mana
Like an ogre you are devouring hearts
Under the mask your vile face smiles
Starving demons without salvation
Could you hear melody from the execution block

罪と 砕けた精神が 彷徨い歩いても 許されぬ想い全てが 胸を突き刺して

My spirit, leave the poisoned abyss, draw from the deep lake of infinity

巡る運命の 扉開ける鍵この手の中に内在る 偶像を壊せば
そう廻る世界を この腕で引き寄せ抱き締めなければ 憂鬱なこの虚空を

I know suffering isn't celestial nor earthly but supreme sanctuary,
origin of the imagination New life is born in this world ruled by chaos

永遠に 捧げた蛹は 堕天使に換わりて 目映い未来を纏って 羽撃き

巡る運命の  扉開ける鍵この手の中に内在る 偶像を壊して
そう廻る世界を この腕で引き寄せ抱き締めなければ 憂鬱なこの虚空へ

嘆き哀しみで 磔にされた肢体を引き裂いて

身体に刻まれた 誓いの証しを

Modified Lyrics
Like an ogre you are devouring hearts
Under the mask your vile face smiles
Starving demons without salvation
Could you hear melody from the execution block

罪と 砕けた心1が 彷徨い歩いても 許されぬ想い全てが 胸を突き刺して

My spirit, leave the poisoned abyss, draw from the deep lake of infinity

巡る運命の 扉開ける鍵この手の中に内在る 偶像を壊せば
そう廻る世界を この腕で引き寄せ抱き締めなければ 憂鬱なこの空2

I know suffering isn't celestial nor earthly but supreme sanctuary,
origin of the imagination New life is born in this world ruled by chaos

永久3に 捧げた体4は 堕天使に換わりて 目映い光5を纏って 羽撃き

巡る運命の  扉開ける鍵この手の中に内在る 偶像を壊して
そう廻る世界を この腕で引き寄せ抱き締めなければ 憂鬱なこの空6

嘆き哀しみで 磔にされた体7を引き裂いて

身体に刻まれた 誓いの証しを

1 精神 is what is written, but is what is sung.
2 虚空 is what is written, but is what is sung.
3 永遠 is what is written, but 永久 is what is sung.
4 is what is written, but is what is sung.
5 未来 is what is written, but is what is sung.
6 虚空 is what is written, but is what is sung.
7 肢体 is what is written, but is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Like an ogre, you are devouring hearts
Under the mask, your vile face smiles
Starving demons without salvation
Could you hear melody from the execution block?

Tsumi to…kudaketa kokoro1 ga…samayoiaruite mo…yurusarenu omoi subete ga…mune o tsukisashite...

(My spirit, leave the poisoned abyss, draw from the deep lake of infinity)

Meguru unmei no…tobira hirakeru kagi kono te no naka ni uchi aru…gūzō o kowaseba…
Sō, mawaru sekai o…kono ude de hikiyosedakishimenakereba…yū’utsu na kono sora2 o…

(I know suffering isn't celestial nor earthly, but supreme sanctuary,
Origin of the imagination…new life is born in this world ruled by chaos)

Towa3 ni…sasageta karada4 wa…datenshi ni kawarite…mabayui hikari5 o matotte…habataki

Meguru unmei no…tobira hirakeru kagi kono te no naka ni uchi aru…gūzō o kowashite
Sō, mawaru sekai o…kono ude de hikiyosedakishimenakereba…yū’utsu na kono sora6 e…

Nagekikanashimi de…haritsuke ni sareta karada7 o hikisaite
Yogoreta chi o subete nagashite…

Karada ni kizamareta…chikai no akashi o…

Shukumei no tobira ni…
1 ‘seishin’ is what is written, but ‘kokoro’ is what is sung.
2 ‘kokū’ is what is written, but ‘sora’ is what is sung.
3 ‘Eien’ is what is written, but ‘Towa’ is what is sung.
4 ‘sanagi’ is what is written, but ‘karada’ is what is sung.
5 ‘mirai’ is what is written, but ‘hikari’ is what is sung.
6 ‘kokū’ is what is written, but ‘sora’ is what is sung.
7 ‘shitai’ is what is written, but ‘karada’ is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
Like an ogre, you are devouring hearts
Under the mask, your vile face smiles
Starving demons without salvation
Could you hear the melody from the execution block?

Even if I wander aimlessly and walk…my heart that was broken…with sin continues to beat…all your feelings that will not be given up/yielded…pierce my heart and…

 (My spirit, leave the poisoned abyss, draw from the deep lake of infinity)

If I break/destroy the idol that represents you…the key that opens the door of my fate/destiny…exists inside of this hand of yours…
So, if I cannot pull close and embrace with these arms of mine…the world that revolves around me…it will vanish into this melancholy sky1

(I know suffering isn't celestial nor earthly, but supreme sanctuary,
Origin of the imagination…new life is born in this world ruled by chaos)

My body2 that was offered/sacrificed…to eternity…is exchanged with a fallen angel…that follows about a dazzling light3…flutters its wings and…

If I break/destroy the idol that represents you…the key that opens the door of my fate/destiny…exists inside of this hand of yours…
So, if I cannot pull close and embrace with these arms of mine…the world that revolves around me…it will vanish into this melancholy sky4

You tear/rip up my body5 that was crucified…in/with grief and sadness
Drain it completely of corrupted/dirty blood and…

You see the proof/evidence of our vow…that was carved into/on my body/dead body…

At the door of my fate/destiny…
1 ‘empty sky’ is what is written, but ‘sky’ is what is sung.
2 ‘pupa’ is what is written, but ‘body’ is what is sung.
3 ‘future’ is what is written, but ‘light’ is what is sung.
4 ‘empty sky’ is what is written, but ‘sky’ is what is sung.
5 ‘limbs’/‘body’ is what is written, but ‘body’ is what is sung.

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