~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Metaphysical (2007)

Moi dix Mois
Music: Mana
Lyrics: Mana
Behind the shape of things, deep in that phenomena, there appears form in illusion.
Represent the day dream.

Expel the latent, what exists in truth, in essence.

Throw away rigid style. Break the swing.

そう 貴方が手にしたeuphony
目には映らない 夢現つ意識下で
瞳を閉じて 紺碧に輝くPhilosophia

Affected material culture. Reclaim humanity.

Free of shape, natural moment, describe as dot image.

Seek, feel, throw away rigid style.
Rest, awake, break the balance and swing.

壊れかけのeuphoria, ideaに抱かれて
篭中に在れば 夢心地に揺られて
限られた世界と 消えてゆくRealist


Fated, "raison d'être"
Modified Lyrics
Behind the shape of things, deep in that phenomena, there appears form in illusion.
Represent the day dream.

Expel the latent, what exists in truth, in essence.
Throw away rigid style. Break the swing.

そう 貴方が手にしたeuphony [ユーフォニー]
標した密やかなsign [サイン]は隠された扉を
目には映らない 夢現つ意識下で
1を閉じて 紺碧に輝くPhilosophia [フィーローソファイアー]

Affected material culture. Reclaim humanity.

Free of shape, natural moment, describe as dot image.

Seek, feel, throw away rigid style.
Rest, awake, break the balance and swing.

壊れかけのeuphoria [ユーフォーリア], idea [アイディア]に抱かれて
篭中に居れば2 夢心地に揺られて
限られた世界と 消えてゆくRealist [リアリスト]

鏡に眠るPhilosophia [フィーローソファイアー]

Fated, "raison d'être" [フェーティド・レーソン・デトレー]
1 is what is written, but is what is sung.
2 在れば is what is written, but 居れば is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Behind the shape of things, deep in that phenomena, there appears form in illusion
Represent the daydream

Expel the latent, what exists in truth, in essence
Throw away rigid style. Break the swing

Sō…anata ga te ni shita euphony [yūfonī]
Shirushita hisoyaka na sign [sain] wa kakusareta tobira o…
Me ni wa utsuranai…yumeutsutsuishikika de
Me1 o tojite…konpeki ni kagayaku philosophia [fīrōsofaiā]

Affected material culture. Reclaim humanity

Free of shape, natural moment, describe as dot image

Seek, feel, throw away rigid style
Rest, awake, break the balance and swing

Kowarekake no euphoria [yūfōria], ideal [aidia] ni dakarete
Hane wa kagayaki o ushinai
Kago naka ni ireba2…yumegokochi ni yurarete
Kagirareta sekai to…kiete yuku realist [riarisuto]

(Kagami ni nemuru  philosophia [fīrōsofaiā])

(Fated, "raison d'être" [Fētido, “rēson de’torē])
1 ‘Hitomi’ is what is written, but ‘Me’ is what is sung.
2 ‘areba’ is what is written, but ‘ireba’ is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
Behind the shape of things, deep in that phenomena, there appears form in illusion
Represent the daydream

Expel the latent, what exists in truth, in essence

Throw away rigid style. Break the swing

So…you are a euphony that was held in my hand
The quiet sign that was shown will reveal a door that was hidden…
It will not be reflected in your eyes…close your eyes
In a subconscious trance…and see a philosophy that shines/glitters in deep blue/azure

Affected material culture. Reclaim humanity

Free of shape, natural moment, describe as dot image

Seek, feel, throw away rigid style
Rest, awake, break the balance and swing

My broken euphoria is embraced in the idea and my wings lose their brilliance/radiance
If I exist in a cage…I will swing in a trance/the ecstasy and
Be as a realist that is vanishing/disappearing…with a world that was limited/confined to their mind

(A philosophy that sleeps/dies in the mirror)

(Fated, “reason for being”)

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