~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Perish (2006 Version) (2006)

Moi dix Mois
Music: Mana
Lyrics: Mana
藍く滲む空 閉ざされた幻影を
死にゆく者には 悲哀の決別を

深い霧の闇 閉ざされた幻覚を
変わり果てゆく 美麗な残骸を
your lie perish and die
cause of evil in you


あぁ翳りゆく 月は 涙の破片を
揺らめく 闇に 沈んで

あぁ仮初めの 恋は 月に支配され
揺らめく 影に 踊らされ

淡く歪む空 崩れゆく現実を
裏切る者には 微笑の決別を

your lie perish and die

あぁ仮初めの 恋は 月に支配され
揺らめく 影に 踊らされ

翳りゆく 月は 涙の破片を
揺らめく 闇に 沈んで

あぁ仮初めの 恋は 月に導かれ
色めく 影に 引き裂かれ

翳りゆく 月は 貴方の姿を
めく 闇に 映して

あぁ仮初めの 恋は 月に支配され
揺らめく 影に 踊らされ
Modified Lyrics
藍く滲む空 閉ざされた幻影を
死にゆく者には 悲哀の決別を

深い霧の闇 閉ざされた幻覚を
変わり果てゆく 美麗な残骸を

your lie perish and die

cause of evil in you

あぁ翳りゆく 月は 涙の欠片1
揺らめく 闇に 沈んで
あぁ仮初めの 恋は 月に支配され
揺らめく 影に 踊らされ

淡く歪む空 崩れゆく現実を
裏切る者には 微笑の決別を

your lie perish and die

あぁ仮初めの 恋は 月に支配され
揺らめく 影に 踊らされ
翳りゆく 月は 涙の欠片2
揺らめく 闇に 沈んで

あぁ仮初めの 恋は 月に導かれ
色めく 影に 引き裂かれ
翳りゆく 月は 貴方の姿を
揺らめく3 闇に 映して
あぁ仮初めの 恋は 月に支配され
揺らめく 影に 踊らされ
1 破片 is what is written, but 欠片 is what is sung.
2 破片 is what is written, but 欠片 is what is sung.
3 煌めく is what is written, but 揺らめく is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Aiku nijimu sora…tozasareta gen’ei o…
Shi ni yuku mono ni wa…hiai no ketsubetsu o…

Fukai kiri no yami…tozasareta genkaku o…
Kawarihate yuku…birei na zangai o…

Your lie…perish…and die

‘Cause of evil in you

Horobisare yo!
Ā, kageriyuku…tsuki wa…namida no kakera1 o
Yurameku…yami ni…shizunde
Ā, karisome no…koi wa…tsuki ni shihai sare
Yurameku…kage ni…odorasare…

Awaku himuzu sora…kuzureyuku genjitsu o…
Uragiru mono ni wa…bishō no ketsubetsu o…

Your lie…perish…and die

Ā, karisome no…koi wa…tsuki ni shihai sare
Yurameku…kage ni…odorasare
Kageriyuku…tsuki wa…namida no kakera2 o
Yurameku…yami ni…shizunde…

Ā, karisome no…koi wa…tsuki ni michibikare
Iromeku…kage ni…hikisakare
Kageriyuku…tsuki wa…anata no sugata o
Yurameku3…yami ni…utsushite
Ā, karisome no…koi wa…tsuki ni shihai sare
Yurameku…kage ni…odorasare…
1 hahen’ is what is written, but ‘kakera’ is what is sung.
2 hahen’ is what is written, but ‘kakera’ is what is sung.
3 Kagayaku’ is what is written, but ‘Yurameku’ is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
An illusion that was plunged in grief…floats in a sky that spreads/is blurred/reveals itself in indigo…
I give a sad/sorrowful farewell…to this dying person…

A hallucination/An illusion that was plunged in grief…floats in the darkness of a thick/dense fog…
It exists in the beautiful wreckage…that is completely changing…

Your lie…perish…and die

‘Cause of evil in you

You are ruined/perished!
Ah, the moon…that is darkening/getting obscured…descends/sinks
In the darkness…that wavers…in the traces of my tears and
Ah, our transient/fleeting…love…is dominated/controlled by the moon and
We are made to dance…in the shadows…that waver and…

My reality that is collapsing…among a sky that is faintly warped/distorted
I give a smiling farewell…to you, the person who betrayed me…

Your lie…perish…and die

Ah, our transient/fleeting…love…is dominated/controlled by the moon and
We are made to dance…in the shadows…that waver and
The moon…that is darkening/getting obscured…descends/sinks
In the darkness…that wavers…in the traces of my tears and…

Ah, our transient/fleeting…love…shows the way to the moon
Which separates us…in the shadows…that grow lively/waver and
The moon…that is darkening/getting obscured…projects
Your form…in the darkness…that wavers2 and
Ah, our transient/fleeting…love…is dominated/controlled by the moon and
We are made to dance…in the shadows…that waver and…
1 glitters/sparkles’ is what is written, but ‘wavers’ is what is sung.

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