~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

バロック [Barokku] (1994)

Title Translation: "Baroque (French)" (Japanese)
Music: Mana
Lyrics: Tetsu
狂っちゃいない 正常さ そろそろ
死んだフリは やめてよ
狂ってるのは お前達の方さ
ささやかな愛を あげただけ

声を聞かせて 微笑みかけて
優しく そう いつもの様に
震える頬を そっと なでておくれ
優しく そう いつもの様に


Holy moment & Silent moment
Shine with Brilliant colors
and I stay up to Brilliant Vacant

Sweet corpse

『あなたの吐息を溜息も この手で止めたから』———————————————————————————————————————————
Modified Lyrics
狂っちゃいない 正常さ そろそろ
死んだフリは やめてよ
狂ってるのは お前達の方さ
ささやかな愛を あげただけ


声を聞かせて 微笑みかけて
優しく そう いつもの様に
震える頬を そっと なでておくれ
優しく そう いつもの様に


『あなたの吐息を この手で止めたから』
『あなたの溜息 この手で止めたから』3

Holy moment & Silent moment
Shine with Brilliant colors

Holy moment & Silent moment
and I stay up to Brilliant Vacant4



Holy moment & Silent moment
Shine with Brilliant colors7

Holy moment & Silent moment
and I stay up to Brilliant Vacant8

『あなたの吐息を この手で止めたから』
『あなたの溜息 この手で止めたから』9

My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
狂っちゃいない 正常さ そろそろ My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
死んだフリは やめてよ My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
狂ってるのは お前達の方さ My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
ささやかな愛を あげただけ My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
これでもう彼女は離れない My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
僕はもう彼女を離さない My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]10

1 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
2 冷たい口から溢れ出す生温い想い舐めまわせば
is what is written, but
is what is sung.
3 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
4 ‘Holy moment & silent moment
Shine with brilliant colors
And I stay up to brilliant vacant
is what is written, but
Holy moment & silent moment
Shine with brilliant colors

Holy moment & silent moment
And I stay up to brilliant vacant
is what is sung.
5 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
6 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
7 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
8 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
9 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
10 ‘Sweet corpse [スウィート・コープス]
is what is written, but
My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
狂っちゃいない 正常さ そろそろ My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
死んだフリは やめてよ My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
狂ってるのは お前達の方さ My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
ささやかな愛を あげただけ My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
これでもう彼女は離れない My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
僕はもう彼女を離さない My Sweet corpse [マイ・スウィート・コープス]
is what is sung, with the last six lines being sung simultaneously with others.
11 『あなたの吐息を溜息も この手で止めたから』 is written here in the official lyrics, but is not sung here.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Kurutchainai…matomo sa…soro-soro
Shinda furi wa…yamete yo
Kurutteru no wa…o-maera no hō sa
Sasayaka na ai o…ageta dake

Tsumetai kuchi kara afuredasu namanurui omoi1

Koe o kikasete…hohoemi kakete
Yasashiku…sō…itsumo no yō ni
Furueru hoho o…sotto…nadete okure
Yasashiku…sō…itsumo no yō ni

Shinkirō no yō ni hakanai koi wa mō eien yori nagaku tōku…2

“Anata no toiki o…kono te de tometa kara”
“Anata no tameiki…kono te de tometa kara”3

Holy moment & silent moment
Shine with brilliant colors

Holy moment & silent moment
And I stay up to brilliant vacant4

Hizamazuki kubisuji no kuroi ato o kesu
Sube o sagasō5

Tsumetai kuchi kara afuredasu namanurui omoi namemawaseba
Shinkirō no yō ni hakanai koi wa mō eien yori nagaku tōku…6

Holy moment & silent moment
Shine with brilliant colors7

Holy moment & silent moment
And I stay up to brilliant vacant8

“Anata no toiki o…kono te de tometa kara”
“Anata no tameiki…kono te de tometa kara”9

My sweet corpse [Mai sūīto kōpusu]
Boku no naka no kono ai o omori ni shite
My sweet corpse [Mai sūīto kōpusu]
Kurai soko made
My sweet corpse [Mai sūīto kōpusu]
Shizunde ikō
Kurutchainai…matomo [seijō] sa…soro-soro, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]
Shinda furi wa…yamete yo, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]
Kurutteru no wa…o-maera no hō sa, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]
Sasayaka na ai o…ageta dake, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]
Kore de mō kanojo wa hanarenai, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]
Boku wa mō kanojo o hanasanai, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]10

1 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
2 ‘Tsumetai kuchi kara afuredasu namanurui omoi namemawaseba
Shinkirō no yō ni hakanai koi wa mō eien yori nagaku tōku…’
is what is written, but
Shinkirō no yō ni hakanai koi wa mō eien yori nagaku tōku…’
is what is sung.
3 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
4 ‘Holy moment & silent moment
Shine with brilliant colors
And I stay up to brilliant vacant
is what is written, but
Holy moment & silent moment
Shine with brilliant colors

Holy moment & silent moment
And I stay up to brilliant vacant
is what is sung.
5 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
6 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
7 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
8 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
9 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
10 ‘Sweet corpse [Sūīto kōpusu]
Boku no naka no kono ai o omori ni shite
Kurai soko made shizunde ikō
Kore de mō kanojo wa hanarenai
Boku wa mō kanojo o hanasanai’
is what is written, but
My sweet corpse [Mai sūīto kōpusu]
Boku no naka no kono ai o omori ni shite
My sweet corpse [Mai sūīto kōpusu]
Kurai soko made
My sweet corpse [Mai sūīto kōpusu]
Shizunde ikō
Kurutchainai…matomo [seijō] sa…soro-soro, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]
Shinda furi wa…yamete yo, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]
Kurutteru no wa…o-maera no hō sa, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]
Sasayaka na ai o…ageta dake, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]
Kore de mō kanojo wa hanarenai, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]
Boku wa mō kanojo o hanasanai, my sweet corpse [mai sūīto kōpusu]’
is what is sung, with the last six lines being sung simultaneously with others.
11 ‘“Anata no toiki o tameiki mo…kono te de tometa kara”’ is written here in the official lyrics, but is not sung here.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
I am not insane…but right-minded…it is about time
You stop feigning…death/being dead
You are the ones/It is rather you all…who are insane
I just gave/did nothing more than give…you a modest love

The half-hearted love spilling out of your cold mouth1

Let me hear your voice…give me your smile
Tenderly/Kindly/Gently…like that…as usual
Please gently…caress…my trembling cheeks
Tenderly/Kindly/Gently…like that…as usual

The empty love like a mirage is already older and farther than eternity and…2

“Because I stopped your breath…with this hand of mine”
“Because I stopped your sighs…with this hand of mine”3

Holy moment & silent moment
Shine with brilliant colors

Holy moment & silent moment
And I stay up to brilliant vacant4

You kneel and I erase the black marks on the nape of your neck
Let us search for the way5

If I lick around the half-hearted love spilling out of your cold mouth
The empty love like a mirage is already older and farther than eternity and…6

Holy moment & silent moment
Shine with brilliant colors7

Holy moment & silent moment
And I stay up to brilliant vacant8

“Because I stopped your breath…with this hand of mine”
“Because I stopped your sighs…with this hand of mine”9

My sweet corpse
Using this love within me as a sinker…
My sweet corpse
…Let us sink and go all the way…
My sweet corpse
…To the dark bottom
I am not insane…but right-minded…it is about time, my sweet corpse
You stop feigning…death/being dead, my sweet corpse
You are the ones/It is rather you all…who are insane, my sweet corpse
I just gave/did nothing more than give…you a modest love, my sweet corpse
With this she cannot separate from me anymore, my sweet corpse
I will not let her go anymore, my sweet corpse10

1 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
2 ‘If I lick around the half-hearted love spilling out of your cold mouth
The empty love like a mirage is already older and farther than eternity and…
is what is written, but
The empty love like a mirage is already older and farther than eternity and…
is what is sung.
3 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
4 ‘Holy moment & silent moment
Shine with brilliant colors
And I stay up to brilliant vacant
is what is written, but
Holy moment & silent moment
Shine with brilliant colors

Holy moment & silent moment
And I stay up to brilliant vacant
is what is sung.
5 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
6 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
7 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
8 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
9 These two lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
10 ‘Sweet corpse
Using this love within me as a sinker
Let us sink and go all the way to the dark bottom
With this she cannot separate from me anymore
I will not let her go anymore’
is what is written, but
My sweet corpse
Using this love within me as a sinker…
My sweet corpse
…Let us sink and go all the way…
My sweet corpse
…To the dark bottom
I am not insane…but right-minded…it is about time, my sweet corpse
You stop feigning…death/being dead, my sweet corpse
You are the ones/It is rather you all…who are insane, my sweet corpse
I just gave/did nothing more than give…you a modest love, my sweet corpse
With this she cannot separate from me anymore, my sweet corpse
I will not let her go anymore, my sweet corpse
is what is sung, with the last six lines being sung simultaneously with others.
11 ‘“Because I stopped your breath, even sighs…with this hand of mine”’ is written here in the official lyrics, but is not sung here.

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