~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

beautiful the Virgin (2002)

Schwarz Stein
Music: Hora
Lyrics: Kaya


狂っているのは お前達よ

残らず 潰しましょう
Modified Lyrics




狂っているのは お前達よ4

(Beautiful the virgin [ビューティフル・ザー・バージン])5

(Even if I drank your seed…nothing will grow in me
I said, nothing will grow in me!
You, filth!…Bitches!…Come laugh at it!
Look at and sneer at this body!
Blood…blood will be always…)6

狂っているのは お前達よ

残らず 潰しましょう
1 When singing live, Kaya sings あたし instead of 私.
2 嘲笑う is what is written, but 笑う is what is sung.
3 Hora speaks what I can discern to be this line and repeats it over and over until Kaya finishes singing the next line.
4 When singing live, Kaya sings 狂っているのは 奴らなのよ instead of 狂っているのは お前達よ.
5 This line is whispered here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
6 Kaya speaks what I can discern to be this English verse. However, when singing live, he instead sings what I can discern to be this, which is essentially the same thing, but in Japanese:
あなたのサーメンを飲んでも  あたしに生命は宿らない
あなたのサーメンを飲んでも  あたしに生命は宿らない!
あたしはいつまでも  いつまでも  血を  血を流し続ける!
7 This verse is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
Rōmaji Lyrics
Kusatta jōshiki o ryōte ni kakage…

…Kusai mesudomo ga watashi1 o warau2


Hana no kaori mo shirazu ni…

Sō yo!
Kurutte iru no wa…o-maetachi yo!4
Kegareta baita me
Horobiru ga ii wa

(Beautiful the virgin [Byūtifuru zā bājin])5

(Even if I drank your seed…nothing will grow in me
I said, nothing will grow in me!
You, filth!…Bitches!…Come laugh at it!
Look at and sneer at this body!
Blood…blood will be always…)6

Sō yo!
Kurutte iru no wa…o-maetachi yo!
Kegareta baita me
Horobiru ga ii wa7

Oroka na sekai o
Nokorazu…tsumu shimashō
Tadareta kioku o hōmurisaru no
1 When singing live, Kaya sings ‘atashi’ instead of ‘watashi’.
2 ‘azawarau’ is what is written, but ‘warau’ is what is sung.
3 Hora speaks what I can discern to be this line and repeats it over and over until Kaya finishes singing the next line.
4 When singing live, Kaya sings ‘Kurutte iru no wa…yatsura nano yo!’ instead of ‘Kurutte iru no wa…o-maetachi yo!’.
5 This line is whispered here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
6 Kaya speaks what I can discern to be this English verse. However, when singing live, he instead sings what I can discern to be this, which is essentially the same thing, but in Japanese:
‘Anata no sāmen o nonde mo…atashi ni seimei wa yadoranai
Anata no sāmen o nonde mo…atashi ni seimei wa yadoranai!
Kegareta o-musume o warau ga ii!
Me ga aite miseru yo!
Kono karada o warau de ii!
Atashi wa itsu made mo…itsu made mo…chi o…chi o nagashitsuzukeru!’
7 This verse is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
My English Translation
Holding up rotten common knowledge with both hands…

…Putrid females laugh1 at me


Not knowing such common knowledge like the scent of a flower…

That’s right!
You are the ones…who are insane!3
Sinful whores/bitches
Be destroyed

(Beautiful the virgin)4

(Even if I drank your seed…nothing will grow in me
I said, nothing will grow in me!
You, filth!…Bitches!…Come laugh at it!
Look at and sneer at this body!
Blood…blood will be always…)5

That’s right!
You are the ones…who are insane!
Sinful whores/bitches
Be destroyed6

Let us crush
All of…the stupid world
We shall bury dissolute memories away
1 ‘ridicule’ is what is written, but ‘laugh’ is what is sung.
2 Hora speaks what I can discern to be this line and repeats it over and over until Kaya finishes singing the next line.
3 When singing live, Kaya sings ‘They are the ones…who are insane!’ instead of ‘You are the ones…who are insane!’.
4 This line is whispered here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
5 Kaya speaks what I can discern to be this English verse. However, when singing live, he instead sings what I can discern to be this, which is essentially the same thing, but in Japanese:
‘Even if I drink your semen…there will be not be any new life that lives in me/I will not get pregnant
Even if I drink your semen…there will be not be any new life that lives in me/I will not get pregnant!
It is okay to laugh at/ridicule the sinful girls!
I will show you all that my eyes have been opened!
It is fine to laugh at/ridicule this body of mine!
I will continue to shed your blood…your blood…forever…and ever!’

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