~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.


Schwarz Stein
Music: Hora
Lyrics: Hora
そう 増殖する衝動
この虚ろなる世界に今 生み落とされた 無常 非情
崇高なる神 今 創造
常しえに立つ 我 無上 

Rise Blaze Bleed Awake
そう 今 全てを凌駕せんがため生まれし思考 起動
真の楽土 未来永劫
常しえに立つ 我 天昇 

Rise Blaze Bleed Awake
そう 増殖する衝動
この虚ろなる世界に今 生み落とされた 無常 非情
崇高なる神 今 創造
常しえに立つ 我 無上 

 Blaze Bleed  Awake

Rise Blaze Bleed  Awake
Modified Lyrics
そう 増殖する衝動
この虚ろなる世界に今 生み落とされた 無常 非情
崇高なる神 今 創造
常しえに立つ 我 無上 

Rise [ライズ] Blaze [ブレーズ] Bleed [ブリード] Awake [アウェーク] 
Rise [ライズ] Blaze [ブレーズ] Bleed [ブリード] Awake [アウェーク] 1

そう 今 全てを凌駕せんがため生まれし思考 起動
真の楽土 未来永劫
常しえに立つ 我 天昇 

Rise [ライズ] Blaze [ブレーズ] Bleed [ブリード] Awake [アウェーク] 
Rise [ライズ] Blaze [ブレーズ] Bleed [ブリード] Awake [アウェーク] 2

そう 増殖する衝動
この虚ろなる世界に今 生み落とされた 無常 非情
崇高なる神 今 創造
常しえに立つ 我 無上 

[ライズ] Blaze [ブレーズ] Bleed [ブリード] Awake [アウェーク] 
Rise [ライズ] Blaze [ブレーズ] Bleed [ブリード] Awake [アウェーク] 

Rise [ライズ] Blaze [ブレーズ] Bleed [ブリード] Awake [アウェーク] 
Rise [ライズ] Blaze [ブレーズ] Bleed [ブリード] Awake [アウェーク] 3———————————————————————————————————————————
1 This line is repeated twice here, but is written only once in the official lyrics.
2 This line is repeated twice here, but is written only once in the official lyrics.
3 These two lines are repeated again here, simultaneously being sung with the second verse of the song being repeated as well.
Rōmaji Lyrics
Sō…zōshoku suru shōdō
Kaosu ni mukau kono kodō
Kono utsuro naru sekai ni ima…umiotosareta…mujō…hijō
Hito no haha naranu mono kara tanjō
Saisei naru hikari no shōchō
Sūkō naru kami…ima…sōzō
Tokoshie ni tatsu…ware…mujō

Rise [Raizu]…blaze [burēzu]…bleed [burīdo]…awake [auēku]
Rise [Raizu]…blaze [burēzu]…bleed [burīdo]…awake [auēku]1

Fujō naru kono yo ni keishō
Zennō ni shinka suru saibō
Sō…ima…subete o ryōga senga tame umareshi shikō…kidō
Igyō no haha naranu mono kara tanjō
Shin no rakudo…miraieigō
Yo o suberu banbutsu no reichō
Tokoshie ni tatsu…ware…tenshō

Rise [Raizu]…blaze [burēzu]…bleed [burīdo]…awake [auēku]
Rise [Raizu]…blaze [burēzu]…bleed [burīdo]…awake [auēku]2

Sō…zōshoku suru shōdō
Kaosu ni mukau kono kodō
Kono utsuro naru sekai ni ima…umiotosareta…mujō…hijō
Hito no haha naranu mono kara tanjō
Saisei naru hikari no shōchō
Sūkō naru kami…ima…sōzō
Tokoshie ni tatsu…ware…mujō

Rise [Raizu]…blaze [burēzu]…bleed [burīdo]…awake [auēku]
Rise [Raizu]…blaze [burēzu]…bleed [burīdo]…awake [auēku]

Rise [Raizu]…blaze [burēzu]…bleed [burīdo]…awake [auēku]
Rise [Raizu]…blaze [burēzu]…bleed [burīdo]…awake [auēku]3
1 This line is repeated twice here, but is written only once in the official lyrics.
2 This line is repeated twice here, but is written only once in the official lyrics.
3 These two lines are repeated again here, simultaneously being sung with the second verse of the song being repeated as well.
My English Translation
Yes…an impetus to proliferate
This throbbing driving us towards chaos
Cruelty…and insentience…having been dropped into a life…now in this empty world
Birth from a being who is not a human mother
The symbol of the most sacred light
A sublime god…now…in creation
I…who stand eternally…in cruelty


A warning for this unclean world
Cells that evolve to be almighty
Yes…now…start…the thought process that was born to surpass all things
Birth from a being who is a deformed mother
A true resting place…in future eternity
I am the spiritual leader of all things who skillfully handles the world
I…who stand eternally…am the leader of the heavens


Yes…an impetus to proliferate
This throbbing driving us towards chaos
Cruelty…and insentience…having been dropped into a life…now in this empty world
Birth from a being who is not a human mother
The symbol of the most sacred light
A sublime god…now…in creation
I…who stand eternally…in cruelty


1 This line is repeated twice here, but is written only once in the official lyrics.
2 This line is repeated twice here, but is written only once in the official lyrics.
3 These two lines are repeated again here, simultaneously being sung with the second verse of the song being repeated as well.

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