~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Brise (1998)

Title Translation: "Breeze" (French)
Music: Közi
Lyrics: Gackt.C



突然の周りの出来事に君はどうしていいか… 戸惑っている?





Rōmaji Lyrics
Hada ga sukitōri yoru o yasashiku dakishimeru sora ga sotto maifurite kuru koro
Kaze no zawameki wa yubi no sukima o surinukenagara asonde iru
Kimi wa tenohira o yasashiku sashidashite
Kono sora ni tobikonda boku no yukisaki o matataki mo sezu jitto miteru

Nanimo nai shiroi heya no mado kara chiisa na karada o nobashite
Kono sora ni sukoshi chikazuita kimi wa boku to futari de odotte iru

Shizuka na1 yoru ni wa boku ga kono komoriuta de nagusamete ageru kara
Sonna ni nakanaide

Kaze ga sasayaita
“Asufaruto no yaketa nioi mo kono yoru ni wa nai yo,” to
Totsuzen no mawari no dekigoto ni kimi wa dōshite ii ka?…Tomadotte iru?

Kimi wa tenohira o yasashiku sashidashite kono mune ni tobikonda
Machi no shizukesa mo toshi no kazu no akari mo kimi no tame ni

Nanimo nai shiroi heya no mado kara tōku no keshiki o nagamete
Yūgure ni sukoshi tsumetai kaze o matoi
Kono hi no tame ni, itsumo kiseki o inotte ita

Nanimo nai shiroi heya no mado kara chiisa na karada o nobashite
Kono sora ni sukoshi chikazuita kimi wa boku to futari de odotte iru

Kono sora ni sukoshi chikazuita kimi wa boku to futari de odotte iru

Shizuka na2 yoru ni wa kimi no suteki na kao o misete
1 ‘Shizuka na’ is what is written, but when singing live in concert, Gackt sings ‘Nemureru’.
2 ‘Shizuka na’ is what is written, but when singing live in concert, Gackt sings ‘Nemureru’.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
The skin of the breeze gently embraces closely the sky of the night that becomes transparent and comes to softly swoop down toward us
The wind’s stir is slipping through our fingers while it is playing
 You gently held out your palm to me and
I stared intently without even blinking at my destination as I leapt into this sky

My small body grows longer from the window of this empty, white room and
You are dancing with me as the two of us got a little closer to this sky

Because I will do you the favor of and comfort you with this lullaby in the silent/quiet1 night
Do not cry like that

The wind whispered
“There is not on this night even the smell of heated asphalt”
Why is it good that you are in an incident of unexpected surroundings?…Are you being bewildered?

You gently held out your palm to me and leapt into this heart of mine
For you are the light of the number of years and the stillness of the streets

I gaze at the distant/far away scenery from the window of this empty, white room and
The cold wind shoots the sky a little in this evening/twilight
For the sake of this day, I always prayed and still do for a miracle

My small body grows longer from the window of this empty, white room and
You are dancing with me as the two of us got a little closer to this sky

You are dancing with me as the two of us got a little closer to this sky

I see your wonderful face in the silent/quiet2 night
1 ‘silent’/‘quiet’ is what is written, but when singing live in concert, Gackt sings ‘sleeping’.
2 ‘silent’/‘quiet’ is what is written, but when singing live in concert, Gackt sings ‘sleeping’.

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