~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.


Music: KALM
Lyrics: KALM
蒼い夜に導かれた 街の灯が灯り合う
君が今居るのなら 時間の鐘が聴こえるならば

何かに似たこの姿を 月の灯が笑い出す
僕は何処に居るのだろう 僕は何処へ逝くのだろう

蒼い夜は深く深く 少しづつ消えて行く
君が今居るのなら 君が今存在るなら

End of party 今宵二人で踊ろう
君が纏うドレスも 淡く白い翼も
End of party 今宵二人で踊ろう
天を抱く気分も やがて昇る光の中へ
End of party 今宵二人で踊ろう
君が抱く全てが 止まる前に最期の接吻を———————————————————————————————————————————
Modified Lyrics
蒼い夜に導かれた 街の灯が灯り合う
君が今居るのなら 時1の鐘が聴こえるならば

何かに似たこの姿を 月の灯が笑い出す
僕は何処に居るのだろう 僕は何処へ逝くのだろう

蒼い夜は深く深く 少しづつ消えて行く
君が今居るのなら 君が今居る2なら

End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー] End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー]3 今宵二人で踊ろう
君が纏うドレスも 淡く白い翼も
End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー] End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー] 今宵二人で踊ろう
天を抱く気分も やがて昇る光の中へ

蒼い夜に導かれた 街の灯が灯り合う
君が今居るのなら 時の鐘が聴こえるならば

蒼い夜は深く深く 少しづつ消えて行く
君が今居るのなら 君が今居るなら4

End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー] End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー] 今宵二人で踊ろう
君が纏うドレスも 淡く白い翼も
End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー] End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー] 今宵二人で踊ろう
天を抱く気分も やがて昇る光の中へ
End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー] End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー] 今宵二人で踊ろう
君が纏うドレスも 淡く白い翼も5
End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー] End of party [エンド・オブ・パーティー] 今宵二人で踊ろう
君が抱く全てが 止まる前に最期の接吻を
1 時間 is what is written, but is what is sung.
2 存在る is what is mistakenly written (as it should be 在る, as 存在る is not a word), but 居る is what is sung.
3 This line is repeated a second time (and is for every instance it is sung in the song), but is only written once per line in the official lyrics.
4 These last two verses are repeated again here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
5 These last six lines are repeated again here, but are not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Aoi yoru ni michibikareta...machi no hi ga tomoriau
Kimi ga ima iru no nara…toki1 no kane ga kikoeru naraba…

Nanika ni nita kono sugata o...tsuki no hi ga waraidasu
Boku wa doko ni iru no darō?…Boku wa doko e yuku no darō?

Aoi yoru wa fukaku, fukaku...sukoshi zutsu kiete yuku
Kimi ga ima iru no nara...kimi ga ima iru2 nara…

End of party [Endo obu pātī]…end of party [endo obu pātī]3…koyoi futari de odorō
Kimi ga matō doresu mo...awaku, shiroi tsubasa mo
End of party [Endo obu pātī]…end of party [endo obu pātī]…koyoi futari de odorō
Ten o idaku kibun mo...yagate noboru hikari no naka e

Aoi yoru ni michibikareta...machi no hi ga tomoriau
Kimi ga ima iru no nara…toki no kane ga kikoeru naraba…

Aoi yoru wa fukaku, fukaku...sukoshi zutsu kiete yuku
Kimi ga ima iru no nara...kimi ga ima iru nara…4

End of party [Endo obu pātī]…end of party [endo obu pātī]…koyoi futari de odorō
Kimi ga matō doresu mo...awaku, shiroi tsubasa mo
End of party [Endo obu pātī]…end of party [endo obu pātī]…koyoi futari de odorō
Ten o idaku kibun mo...yagate noboru hikari
End of party [Endo obu pātī]…end of party [endo obu pātī]…koyoi futari de odorō
Kimi ga matō doresu mo...awaku, shiroi tsubasa mo5
End of party [Endo obu pātī]…end of party [endo obu pātī]…koyoi futari de odorō
Kimi ga idaku subete ga...tomaru mae ni saigo no seppun o...———————————————————————————————————————————
1 ‘jikan’ is what is written, but ‘toki’ is what is sung.
2 ‘sonzairu’ is what is mistakenly written (as it should be ‘aru,’ as ‘sonzairu’ is not a word), but ‘iru’ is what is sung.
3 This line is repeated a second time (and is for every instance it is sung in the song), but is only written once per line in the official lyrics.
4 These last two verses are repeated again here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
5 These last six lines are repeated again here, but are not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
I was led in the blue night...the city lights are lit
If you are here now...if you hear the bell of time...

The light of the moon burst into laughter...at this form of mine that resembled something
I wonder where I am?...I wonder where I will go?

The blue night is deeply and deeply...vanishing/disappearing little by little
If you are here now...if you exist now…

End of party…end of party1…let the night dance with the two of us tonight
You will put on both your dress and...your pale white wings
End of party…end of party…let the night dance with the two of us tonight
You will also have the feeling to embrace Heaven...to the inside of the light that ascends in the end

I was led in the blue night...the city lights are lit
If you are here now...if you hear the bell of time...

The blue night is deeply and deeply...vanishing/disappearing little by little
If you are here now...if you exist now…2

End of party…end of party…let the night dance with the two of us tonight
You will put on both your dress and...your pale white wings
End of party…end of party…let the night dance with the two of us tonight
You will also have the feeling to embrace Heaven...to the inside of the light that ascends in the end
End of party…end of party…let the night dance with the two of us tonight
You will put on both your dress and...your pale white wings3
End of party…end of party…let the night dance with the two of us tonight
You will embrace it all, but...will stop before the last kiss...———————————————————————————————————————————
1 This line is repeated a second time (and is for every instance it is sung in the song), but is only written once per line in the official lyrics.
2 These last two verses are repeated again here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
3 These last six lines are repeated again here, but are not written in the official lyrics.

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