~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.



Music: KALM
Lyrics: DADA
腐ってく ルージュをあげよう
腐ってく あなたを埋めよう
腐ってく お花をあげよう
腐ってゆく 蘇らぬように

さあ 始めましょうか
そう 最後の舞台を

喉だったもので 私の名を呼び
耳だったもので 嘘を知り


腐ってく 濁った瞳を
腐ってく 閉ざしてあげよう
腐ってく 抜け殻みたいな
腐ってゆく あなたを埋めよう

ああ 闇が満ちてく
もう 全てが終わるんだ


Modified Lyrics
腐ってく ルージュをあげよう
腐ってく あなたを埋めよう
腐ってく お花をあげよう
腐ってく1 蘇らぬように

さあ 始めましょうか
そう 最後の舞台を

喉だったもので 私の名を呼び
耳だったもので 嘘を聞く2


腐ってく 濁った瞳を
腐ってく 閉ざしてあげよう
腐ってく 抜け殻みたいな
腐ってく4 あなたを埋めよう

ああ 闇が満ちてく
もう 全てが終わるんだ


1 腐ってゆくis what is written, but 腐ってくis what is sung.
2 知りis what is written, but 聞くis what is sung.
3 沈んでくis what is written, but 沈み is what is sung.
4 腐ってゆくis what is written, but 腐ってくis what is sung.
Rōmaji Lyrics
Kusatteku…rūju o ageyō
Kusatteku…anata o umeyō
Kusatteku…o-hana o ageyō
Kusatteku1…yomigaeranu yō ni

Sā…hajimemashō ka?
Sō…saigo no butai o…

Nodo datta mono de…watashi no na o yobi
Mimi datta mono de…uso o kiku2

Ochiba no beddo ni shizumi3
Kono mori ni mo kitto yagate hana ga saku

Kusatteku…nigotta hitomi o…
Kusatteku…tozashite ageyō
Kusatteku…nukegara mitai na…
Kusatteku4…anata o umeyō

Ā…yami ga michiteku
Mō…subete ga owaru n da

Hakike ga suru hodo areta
Sono hada ni mo kitto yagate hana ga saku

Mayoigo ga yomigaeranu yō
Utaimashō jōkan o komete
Kusatteku kono monogatari ni
Sayonara o suru shika nai deshō
1 ‘Kusatte yuku’ is what is written, but ‘Kusatteku’ is what is sung.
2 ‘shiri’ is what is written, but ‘kiku’ is what is sung.
3 ‘shizundeku’ is what is written, but ‘shizumi’ is what is sung.
4 ‘Kusatte yuku’ is what is written, but ‘Kusatteku’ is what is sung.
My English Translation
You are rotting…I will give you rouge
You are rotting…I will bury you
You are rotting…I will give you a flower
You are rotting…so you will not rise from the dead

Now…let us begin, shall we?
Yes…the final stage…

With what once was a throat…you call my name and
With what once were ears…you hear1 a lie

You are sinking in a bed of fallen leaves and2
Even in this forest, flowers will eventually, but certainly bloom

You are rotting…your clouded eyes…
You are rotting…I will close them for you
You are rotting…like a cast-off skin…
You are rotting…I will bury you

Ah…it is being filled with darkness
Already…everything is ending

It is so rough that it causes nausea
Even in that skin of yours, flowers will eventually, but certainly bloom

So, the lost child will not rise from the dead
Let us sing with feeling
There is nothing left but to say goodbye/farewell
To this rotting tale
1 ‘find’ is what is written, but ‘hear’ is what is sung.
2 ‘are sinking’ is what is written, but ‘are sinking…and’ is what is sung.

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