~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

エネルギッシュ ハンサム [Enerugisshu Hansamu] (???)

Title Translation: "Energetic Handsome" (Japanese)
Music: BERA
Lyrics: DADA
俺は占い師 エネルギッシュでハンサム
そりゃあ持てて当然さ エネルギッシュでハンサム
初な娘共濡れて見ろ カード捌きが超一流さ
俺の目を見ろよ せこい恋忘れさせて上げよう

誕生日もわからなきゃ出身地も不明 謎だらけらしい

“Can it be? There’s someone whose fortune I cannot see!?!”


見とれる程美しい まさか一目惚れなど俺らしくない
「カードが落ちました!」とよ ああ 笑われた!
Rōmaji Lyrics
Ore wa uranaishi…enerugisshu de hansamu
Soryā motete tōzensa…enerugisshu de hansamu
Ubu na musumedomo nurete miro…kādo-sabaki ga chōichiryūsa
Ore no me o miro yo…sekoi koi wasuresasete ageyō
Kyō no saigo no kyaku wa chōkōkyūshōjobaishunfu

Tanjōbi mo wakaranakya shusshinchi mo fumei…nazodarakerashii
“Ittai nan-nan da kono fuzaketa purofīru wa!?!
Donna onna ga shiran ga, amayakasu to karei na tengu de
Tappuri kane o bundotta ue ni, ore ni horekomasete yaru
Ore-sama ni uranaenai kyaku nante iru mono ka!”

“Can it be? There’s someone whose fortune I cannot see!?!”

“Irasshaimase, o-kyaku-sama, dōzo…”
(Yabe!) “Mechakucha taipu da! Dō shiyō?”
Yōsu ga okashii zo kotogotoku
Ore no uranai ga hazurete shimau

Kimi wa nani mono da? Naze sonna
Kanashii me o shite iru no sa? Ā…
Kimi no namae wa “Arisu,” chōkōkyūshōjobaishunfu
Kumo no tatō ga yureru munamoto dake ga kitto tegakari
Kimi no namae wa “Arisu,” chōkōkyūshōjobaishunfu
Mitoreru hodo utsukushii…masaka hitomebore nado orerashikunai
“Kādo ga ochimashita!” to yo…ā…warawareta!
My English Translation
I am a fortune teller…energetic and handsome
It is natural that I am popular among women…I am energetic and handsome
Inexperienced girls look while being wet…my card handling/dealing skill is super first-class
Look into my eyes…I will let you forget your cheap love
Today’s last customer is a super high-class, young girl prostitute

She doesn’t even know her own birthday and her birthplace is also unknown…there seem to be a lot of mysteries
“What is this nonsensical profile!?!
I don’t know what kind of woman she is, but if I spoil her, she will become vain about her splendor
After I plunder plenty of money from her, I will make her fall in love with me
There is no customer whose fortune I cannot tell!”

“Can it be? There’s someone whose fortune I cannot see!?!”

“Welcome, customer, please…”
(I am doomed!) “She is chaotically just my type! What should I do?”
Something is going wrong, everywhere
My fortune telling is going wrong/failing

Who are you? Why do you
Have such sad eyes? Ah…
Your name is “Alice,” a super high-class, young girl prostitute
Your upper chest, where a spider tattoo sways, must be the only clue
Your name is “Alice,” a super high-class, young girl prostitute
You are so beautiful that I can just watch you in fascination…that can’t be, love at first sight is not for/unlike me
“You dropped your cards!”…ah…she said that and laughed at me!

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