~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

FICTION (1997)

Music: 藤井 政英 (フジイマサヒデ) [Fujii Masahide]
Lyrics: KALM

こうして花弁は堕散るのに どうして巡り開くの?

こうして土に避るのに どうして終りじゃないの?

地に注ぐ水の色が 確かに天に見えても

借仰られた輪麺の 誘う手を離して一

こうして花弁は堕散るのに どうして生命を響すの?

こうして僕も堕散るのに どうして終りじゃないの?

言葉にすればえてしまう 甘く淡い最初の幻影

僕の体内で完結する 魅せてあげる最後の幻影

言葉になど出来はしない 欲しいのなら最初の幻影

僕の体内で完結する 魅せてあげる最後の幻影

Modified Lyrics

こうして花は堕散るのに どうして巡り開くの?

こうして土に還るのに どうして終りじゃないの?

地に注ぐ水の色が 確かにに見えても

信じられた輪廻の 誘う手を離して

口にすれば消えてしまう 甘く淡い最初のfiction [フィクション]

僕の中で完結する 魅せてあげる最後のfiction [フィクション]


こうして花は堕散るのに どうして種を零すの?

こうして僕も堕ちるのに どうして終わりじゃないの?


信じられた輪廻の 誘う手を離して

口にすれば消えてしまう 甘く淡い最初のfiction [フィクション]

僕の中で完結する 魅せてあげる最後のfiction [フィクション]

言葉になどできはしない 欲しいのなら最初のfiction [フィクション]

僕の中で完結する 魅せてあげる最後のfiction [フィクション]

Rōmaji Lyrics

Kōshite hana wa ochiru noni…dōshite meguri hiraku no?

Kōshite tsuchi ni kaeru noni…dōshite owari ja nai no?

Chi ni sosogu mizu no iro ga...tashika ni ten ni miete mo

Shinjirareta rinne no…sasō te o hanashiteee...

Kuchi ni sureba kiete shimau…amaku, awai saisho no fiction [fikushon]

Boku no naka de kanketsu suru…misete ageru saigo no fiction [fikushon]


Kōshite hana wa ochiru noni…dōshite tane o kobosu no?

Kōshite boku mo ochiru noni…dōshite owari ja nai no?

Chi ni sosogu mizu no iro ga...tashika ni ten ni miete mo

Shinjirareta rinne no…sasō te o hanashiteee...

Kuchi ni sureba kiete shimau…amaku, awai saisho no fiction [fikushon]

Boku no naka de kanketsu suru…misete ageru saigo no fiction [fikushon]

Kotoba ni nado deki wa shinai…hoshii no nara saisho no fiction [fikushon]

Boku no naka de kanketsu suru…misete ageru saigo no fiction [fikushon]

My English Translation

As the flower falls and scatters...why does it bloom again?

As it returns to the earth...why is it not the end?

Even if the color of the water pouring onto the ground...is certainly seen in the sky

I let go of the inviting hand...of the believed cycle of reincarnation...

If I speak it out, it will disappear...this sweet, fleeting first fiction

I'll show you the final fiction...that concludes within me


As the flower falls and scatters...why does it shed seeds?

As I also fall...why is it not the end?

Even if the color of the water pouring onto the ground...is certainly seen in the sky

I let go of the inviting hand...of the believed cycle of reincarnation...

If I speak it out, it will disappear...this sweet, fleeting first fiction

I'll show you the final fiction...that concludes within me

Words cannot express it...if you want it, the first fiction

I'll show you the final fiction...that concludes within me


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