~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

般若 [Hannya] (2007/2020)

Title Translation: “Grinning, Horned Demoness" (representing a woman’s rage or jealousy) (Japanese)
Music: Hiro
Lyrics: Kaya


あの夜 あたしを殺してくれたなら
もう耐え切れない あぁ

繋いでた 指が離れ
信じたすべてが 嘘になる
指が 髪が 裏切ってゆく
千の夜 千の誓い 千のくちづけが



あなたの 呼ぶ声は 何処

木に指に あなたに
釘を 愛を 深く打ちつける

あの時 あなたを何故 許せたのだろう
もう笑わないで あぁ

ひび割れて 壊れてゆく

絶え間ない 震えと吐き気

千の愛 千の殺意
焦がれる想いが せめぎあう



あなたを 呼ぶ声は誰



焼きついて消せない 無様な火傷
赤くただれた あなたの爪痕

繋いでた 指が離れ
信じたすべてが 嘘になる
指が 髪が 裏切ってゆく
千の夜 千の誓い 千のくちづけが

手探りで あなたを探す

ひび割れて 壊れてゆく

絶え間ない 震えと吐き気

千の愛 千の殺意
焦がれる想いが せめぎあう



あなたの 呼ぶ声は 何処

Modified Lyrics
あの夜 あたしを殺してくれたなら
もう耐え切れない あぁ

繋いでた 指が離れ
信じたすべてが 嘘になる
指が 髪が 裏切ってく1
千の夜 千の誓い 千のくちづけが
あなたの 呼ぶ声は 何処

木に指に あなたに
釘を 愛を 深く打ちつける
あの時 あなたを何故 許せたのだろう
もう笑わないで あぁ

ひび割れて 壊れてゆく
絶え間ない 震えと吐き気
千の愛 千の殺意
焦がれる想いが せめぎあう
あなたを 呼ぶ声は誰

焼きついて消せない 無様な火傷
赤くただれた あなたの爪痕

繋いでた 指が離れ
信じたすべてが 嘘になる
指が 髪が 裏切ってく2
千の夜 千の誓い 千のくちづけが
手探りで あなたを探す


あなたの 呼ぶ声は 何処

1 裏切ってゆく is what is written, but 裏切ってく is what is sung.
2 裏切ってゆく is what is written, but 裏切ってく is what is sung.
3 ひび割れて 壊れてゆく

絶え間ない 震えと吐き気

千の愛 千の殺意
焦がれる想いが せめぎあう

is what is written here, but is not sung at all.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Nokoriga ni kurū yoru
Jittori to karada ni karamitsuku
Gozen niji
Anata wa imagoro
Atashi o daku yō ni
Hoka no hito daku no deshō
Ano yoru, atashi o koroshite kureta nara…
Mō taekirenai…ā

Tsunaideta yubi ga hanare
Shinjita subete ga uso ni naru
Yubi ga, kami ga…uragitteku1
Sen no yoru, sen no chikai, sen no kuchizuke ga…
Uragitte yuku
Mekakushi no mama, yami o tadoru
“Oni-san, kochira”
Anata no yobu koe wa doko?

Ki ni, yubi ni…anata ni
Kugi o, ai o, fukaku uchitsukeru
Chi ga nijimu
Ano toki anata o naze yuruseta no darō?
Mō warawanaide…ā

Hibiwarete kowarete yuku
Yasashii anata no omoide ga
Taemanai furue to hakike
Sen no ai, sen no satsui
Kogareru omoi ga semegiau…
Mekakushi no mama, yami o tadoru
“Te no naru hō e”
Anata o yobu koe wa dare?

Yume o mita
Kono kodoku ga owaru hi
Totsuzen ni yume wa samete
Nokotta mono wa
Yakitsuite kesenai buzama na yakedo
Akaku tadareta anata no tsumeato

Tsunaideta yubi ga hanare
Shinjita subete ga uso ni naru
Yubi ga, kami ga…uragitteku2
Sen no yoru, sen no chikai, sen no kuchizuke ga…
Uragitte yuku
Tesaguri de…anata o sagasu


“Oni-san, kochira”
Anata no yobu koe wa, doko?

Anata wa imagoro
Atashi o daku yō ni
Ano hito o daku no deshō
1 ‘uragitte yuku’ is what is written, but ‘uragitteku’ is what is sung.
2 ‘uragitte yuku’ is what is written, but ‘uragitteku’ is what is sung.
3 ‘Hibiwarete kowarete yuku
Yasashii anata no omoide ga

Taemanai furue to hakike

Sen no ai, sen no satsui
Kogareru omoi ga semegiau…

Mekakushi no mama, yami o tadoru’
is what is written here, but is not sung at all.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
Night, when I am infatuated with your remaining scent
With which my body is moistly stained
At two o’clock a.m.
I imagine you are making love with someone else
Around this time
Like you do with me
That night, if you had killed me as a favor…
I cannot take it anymore…ah…

Our linked fingers come apart and
Everything I believed in becomes a lie
Your fingers, your hair…are betraying me
A thousand nights, a thousand promises, a thousand kisses…
Are betraying me
Being blindfolded, I trudge in the darkness
“Demon, I am here!”
Where is your voice calling me from?

Into trees, into fingers…into you
I drive nails and my love deep
Your blood runs
Why could I forgive you at that time?
Don’t laugh anymore…ah…

My memories of you as a kind person
Are cracking and breaking away
Ceaseless shaking and nausea fill me
A thousand loves, a thousand murderous intents
These longing thoughts torture me…
Being blindfolded, I trudge in the darkness
“Come here, to the direction where the clapping sound is”
Whose voice is calling you now?

I saw a dream
This loneliness will end one day
Suddenly the dream woke me up and
The things that remained
Burn into my mind and the unsightly burns do not disappear
The scars of you are red and inflamed/sore

Our linked fingers come apart and
Everything I believed in becomes a lie
Your fingers, your hair…are betraying me
A thousand nights, a thousand promises, a thousand kisses…
Are betraying me
I search for you…with groping hands


“Demon, I am here!”
Where is your voice calling me from?

I imagine you are making love with someone else
Around this time
I wonder if you are making love with that person
1 ‘My memories of you as a kind person
Are cracking and breaking away

Ceaseless shaking and nausea fill me

A thousand loves, a thousand murderous intents
These longing thoughts torture me…

Being blindfolded, I trudge in the darkness’
is what is written here, but is not sung at all.

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