~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Haven (2017)

Schwarz Stein
Music: Hora
Lyrics: Kaya
夢の果てに 辿り着いた 醒めない夢
手を繋いで 逃げてきたの すべて捨てて
痛みもない 涙もない 二人の園
あなたの声 吐息 言葉 それだけでいい

甘い嘘に 鍵を掛けて 閉じ込めましょう
想い出だけ 抱いたままで 生きてゆくの
大丈夫よ 怖くないわ 抱いてあげる
ここで生きて ずっと傍に 居てあげるわ

もう一度 聞かせて
その声で 聞かせて

吐くほどに辛い過去達が 時を重ねて薔薇に変わる

夢の果てに 辿り着いた 醒めない夢
手を繋いで 逃げてきたの 二人きりで
痛みもない 涙もない 二人の園
あなたの声 吐息 言葉 それだけでいい
Modified Lyrics
夢の果てに 辿り着いた 醒めない夢
手を繋いで 逃げてきたの すべて捨てて
痛みもない 涙もない 二人の園
あなたの声 吐息 言葉 それだけでいい

甘い嘘に 鍵を掛けて 閉じ込めましょう
想い出だけ 抱いたままで 生きてゆくの
大丈夫よ 怖くないわ 抱いてあげる
ここで生きて ずっと傍に 居てあげるわ

もう一度 聞かせて
その声で 聞かせて

吐くほどに辛い過去達が 時を重ねて薔薇に変わる

夢の果てに 辿り着いた 醒めない夢
手を繋いで 逃げてきたの すべて捨てて1
痛みもない 涙もない 二人の園
あなたの声 吐息 言葉 それだけでいい

もう一度 聞かせて
その声で 聞かせて2
1 二人きりで is what is written, but すべて捨てて is what is sung.
2 These two lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōma-ji Lyrics
Yume no hate ni…tadoritsuita…samenai yume
Te o tsunaide…nigete kita no…subete sutete
Itami mo nai…namida mo nai…futari no sono
Anata no koe…toiki…kotoba…sore dake de ii

Amai uso ni…kagi o kakete…tojikomemashō
Omoide dake…daita mama de…ikite yuku no
Daijōbu yo?…Kowakunai wa…daite ageru
Koko de ikite…zutto soba ni…ite ageru wa

Mō ichido…kikasete
Sono koe de…kikasete

Haku hodo ni tsurai kakotachi ga…toki o kasanete bara ni kawaru
Mō doko ni mo ikanakute mo ii
Yume ni ochite

Yume no hate ni…tadoritsuita…samenai yume
Te o tsunaide…nigete kita no…subete sutete1
Itami mo nai…namida mo nai…futari no sono
Anata no koe…toiki…kotoba…sore dake de ii

Mō ichido…kikasete
Sono koe de…kikasete2
1 ‘futarikiri de’ is what is written, but ‘subete sutete’ is what is sung.
2 These two lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
We finally reached…the end of the dream…a dream that we will not wake up from
We linked our hands together and…came back to escape…we will abandon everything and
Neither pain…nor tears exist…in the garden of the two of us/our garden
Your voice…sighs…words…that is all there is left for me

I will lock you away…with sweet lies and…let us imprison you
I keep on living…in this state of having made love with you…only in my memories
Are you okay?…I am not afraid…I will do you a favor and make love with you
I will live here with you and…will do you a favor and be/stay…by your side the whole time

Let me hear you…once more
Let me hear…that voice of yours

The bygone days that are so bitter/painful to the point that I vomit…repeat in time and change/transform into roses
Even if we do not go anywhere anymore
Fall into the dream

We finally reached…the end of the dream…a dream that we will not wake up from
We linked our hands together and…came back to escape…we will abandon everything and1
Neither pain…nor tears exist…in the garden of the two of us/our garden
Your voice…sighs…words…that is all there is left for me

Let me hear you…once more
Let me hear…that voice of yours2
1 ‘with just the two of us’ is what is written, but ‘we will abandon everything and’ is what is sung.
2 These two lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.

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