~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

ILLUMINATI [P-type] (1998)

Music: Közi
Lyrics: Gackt.C
Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.
Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.



I’m sunk in the abysmal swamp
Where there is no foothold
I have reached the watery depths
Distorted face…

Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.


Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.
Modified Lyrics
(I need to kill you in order to escape
I need to run away in order to get to you…
You can’t know…what I took away
Why…? Why can’t you kill me?
Death is the submission for me and I want to die
Touch me and ignore your senses…
That’s the Way of Illuminati…)1

Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.

Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.





Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.4

I’m sunk in the abysmal swamp
Where there is no foothold
I have reached the watery depths
Distorted face…

Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.


(And although I may have tried to kill you (If in my memory I tried to kill you, would you remain the way you are?
I really am a pawn of my ??? and my own lies ??? Or would I kill you on my own? Because she can?
When you love someone…you die When you also love someone, you die ??? telling ???
Crying to ??? And that’s the way you remain until everyone fades away
Take me up, up into Heaven) And you’re taken ???)5


Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.
Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.
Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.
Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.
Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod.
Magical or Merriment. Communion with Nimrod!6
1 This is spoken here before the song starts, but is not written in the official lyrics.  The parts I’ve put in Italics are said through the left channel speaker and the parts not in Italics are said through the right channel speaker.
2 is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
3 The line has two small breaks in it when sung, as I’ve indicated, but is written as one line in the official lyrics.
4 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
5 This is spoken here during the instrumental break, but is not written in the official lyrics.  The parts I’ve put in Italics are said through the left channel speaker and the parts not in Italics are said through the right channel speaker.  I have been unable to discern all of what is being said, which I’ve indicated through the use of question marks during the unknown portions.
6 This line is sung here a total of six times, but is only written once in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
(I need to kill you in order to escape
I need to run away in order to get to you…
You can’t know…what I took away
Why…? Why can’t you kill me?
Death is the submission for me and I want to die
Touch me and ignore your senses…
That’s the Way of Illuminati…)1

(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)
Mō,2 fuku o nugiyokotawaru sugata ni inori o sasagete

(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)
Moshi ichido te ni shite shimaeba nogareru koto wa dekinai
Dabide no Hoshi no moto de…3

…Subete to…


Tokihanatareta sono karada kara nagareru chi mo itami mo kairaku e to kawaru

Sukuwarenu karada de odoru shigusa wa Semiramisu no yō ni utsukushiku
Mi o yudanemogakikuruimau karada o
Hōrī-Gureiru de itadaki e to noboritsumereba ii

(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)4

I’m sunk in the abysmal swamp
Where there is no foothold
I have reached the watery depths
Distorted face…

(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)
Mōriya ni mi o otoshiyurete…yurete yume no naka de odoru

Yume no hazama de Boazu o kuchi ni kuwaeyureru mune mo karada mo towa ni ayatsurarete…

(And although I may have tried to kill you (If in my memory I tried to kill you, would you remain the way you are?
I really am a pawn of my ??? and my own lies ??? Or would I kill you on my own? Because she can?
When you love someone…you die When you also love someone, you die ??? telling ???
Crying to ??? And that’s the way you remain until everyone fades away
Take me up, up into Heaven) And you’re taken ???)5

Sukuwarenu karada de odoru shigusa wa Semiramisu no yō ni utsukushiku
Mi o yudanemogakikuruimau karada o
Hōrī-Gureiru de itadaki e to noboritsumereba ii

(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)
Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod
(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)
Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod
(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)
Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod!6
1 This is spoken here before the song starts, but is not written in the official lyrics.  The parts I’ve put in Italics are said through the left channel speaker and the parts not in Italics are said through the right channel speaker.
2 ‘Mō’ is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
3 The line has two small breaks in it when sung, as I’ve indicated, but is written as one line in the official lyrics.
4 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
5 This is spoken here during the instrumental break, but is not written in the official lyrics.  The parts I’ve put in Italics are said through the left channel speaker and the parts not in Italics are said through the right channel speaker.  I have been unable to discern all of what is being said, which I’ve indicated through the use of question marks during the unknown portions.
6 This line is sung here a total of six times, but is only written once in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
(I need to kill you in order to escape
I need to run away in order to get to you…
You can’t know…what I took away
Why…? Why can’t you kill me?
Death is the submission for me and I want to die
Touch me and ignore your senses…
That’s the Way of Illuminati…)1

(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod2)
Now,3 offer your prayer to the figure lying down after taking off their clothes

(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)
If I can keep you in my possession one more time, you will not be able to escape
I have intercourse with everything…4


…The Star of David

The pain/grief and the blood flowing out of that unleashed body of yours changes to pleasure

The way you dance with your unsavable body is beautiful like Semiramis5
And you are free to drive your helpless, ecstatic, dancing body/And you are free to hand over and have your squirming and wildly dancing body
Up to the climax/Reach the climax at the Holy Grail

(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)6

I’m sunk in the abysmal swamp
Where there is no foothold
I have reached the watery depths
Distorted face…

(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)
Disguising yourself as Moria7, swaying…swaying and dancing in a dream

Between dreams, holding Boaz8 in your mouth, both your swaying chest and body are being controlled forever and…

(And although I may have tried to kill you (If in my memory I tried to kill you, would you remain the way you are?
I really am a pawn of my ??? and my own lies ??? Or would I kill you on my own? Because she can?
When you love someone…you die When you also love someone, you die ??? telling ???
Crying to ??? And that’s the way you remain until everyone fades away
Take me up, up into Heaven) And you’re taken ???)9

The way you dance with your unsavable body is beautiful like Semiramis 
And you are free to drive your helpless, ecstatic, dancing body/And you are free to hand over and have your squirming and wildly dancing body
Up to the climax/Reach the climax at the Holy Grail

(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)
Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod
(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)
Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod
(Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod)
Magical or merriment. Communion with Nimrod!10
1 This is spoken here before the song starts, but is not written in the official lyrics. The parts I’ve put in Italics are said through the left channel speaker and the parts not in Italics are said through the right channel speaker.
2 Nimrod, king of Shinar, was, according to the Book of Genesis and Books of Chronicles, the son of Cush, the great-grandson of Noah. The Bible states that he was "a mighty hunter before the Lord [and] .... began to be mighty in the earth.” Extra-biblical traditions associating him with the Tower of Babel led to his reputation as a king who was rebellious against God. Nimrod is also a term used to describe a dimwitted person in modern culture. So I interpret this line to mean, “Magical or merriment. Communion with [someone who rebels against God]/[an ignorant person who doesn’t know what I’m doing to them]”
3 ‘Now’ is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
4 The line has a small break in it when sung, as I’ve indicated, but is written as one line in the official lyrics.
5 Semiramis was the legendary wife of King Ninus, succeeding him to the throne of Assyria. In 'The Divine Comedy', Dante sees Semiramis among the souls of the lustful in the Second Circle of Hell. Christian minister Alexander Hislop in 'The Two Babylons' (1853) claimed that Semiramis was an actual person in ancient Mesopotamia who invented polytheism and, with it, goddess worship. Hislop believed that Semiramis was a consort of Nimrod, builder of the Bible's Tower of Babel, though Biblical mention of consorts to Nimrod is lacking. So, the tie to this song is obvious, as in, “The way you dance with your unsavable body is beautiful like [someone who is lustful/the consort of Nimrod].”
6 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
7 In Greek mythology, Moria was a Naiad nymph dwelling by the river, Hermus; she makes an appearance in Nonnus’ 'Dionysiaca'. The interpretation in this song would be, “Disguising yourself as [a nymph, someone who is young, nubile and loves to dance and sing, as well as engages in constant sexual acts]…”
8 Boaz is a major figure in the Book of Ruth in the Bible. The roots of the name are interpreted to mean someone who is “strong”/“quick minded,” but it is also used to refer to someone who is rich and well-off. The interpretation in this song would be, “Between dreams, holding [the penis of someone who is strong/well-off] in your mouth…” and is an obvious reference to oral sex with someone who is a powerful and well-known figure in society dominating over you as you service them.
9 This is spoken here during the instrumental break, but is not written in the official lyrics. The parts I’ve put in Italics are said through the left channel speaker and the parts not in Italics are said through the right channel speaker. I have been unable to discern all of what is being said, which I’ve indicated through the use of question marks during the unknown portions.
10 This line is sung here a total of six times, but is only written once in the official lyrics.

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