~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.


Music: KALM
Lyrics: KALM
高く築き上げた石の城は 深い霧の中に眠る今もなお

過去に彩られた石の城は 月を語る窓を岩に根ざす

揺れる大地 絡みついた太陽
伝う雨も 何もかもが幻想

In Your Eyes やがて紅く君の前に昇る道
In My Eyes 君が見てる夢の中でいつまでも

In Your Eyes やがて白く神の前に続く道
In My Eyes 君と共に僕と共に何処までも

In Your Eyes

In Your Eyes やがて青く君の前に映る道
In My Eyes 君が見てる夢の中でいつまでも———————————————————————————————————————————
Modified Lyrics
高く築き上げた石の城は 深い霧の中に眠る今もなお

過去に彩られた石の城は 月を語る窓を岩に根ざす

揺れる大地 絡みついた太陽
伝う雨も 何もかもが幻想

In Your Eyes [イン・ヨー・アイズ]やがて紅く君の前に昇る道
In My Eyes [イン・マイ・アイズ]君が見てる夢の中でいつまでも
In Your Eyes [イン・ヨー・アイズ]やがて白く神の前に続く道
In My Eyes [イン・マイ・アイズ]君と共に僕と共に何処までも
In Your Eyes [イン・ヨー・アイズ]

高く築き上げた石の城は 深い霧の中に眠る今もなお1

In Your Eyes [イン・ヨー・アイズ]やがて青く君の前に映る道
In My Eyes [イン・マイ・アイズ]君が見てる夢の中でいつまでも
In Your Eyes [イン・ヨー・アイズ]やがて紅く君の前に昇る道
In My Eyes [イン・マイ・アイズ]君が見てる夢の中でいつまでも
In Your Eyes [イン・ヨー・アイズ]やがて白く神の前に続く道
In My Eyes [イン・マイ・アイズ]君と共に僕と共に何処までも
In Your Eyes [イン・ヨー・アイズ]2

In Your Eyes [イン・ヨー・アイズ]
In Your Eyes [イン・ヨー・アイズ]
In Your Eyes [イン・ヨー・アイズ]
In Your Eyes [イン・ヨー・アイズ]3
1 This line is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
2 These last five lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
3 This line is repeated here four times, but is not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōma-ji Lyrics
Takaku kizukiageta ishi no shiro wa…fukai kiri no naka ni nemuru ima mo nao

Kako ni irodorareta ishi no shiro wa…tsuki o kataru, mado o iwa ni nezasu

Yureru Daichi…karamitsuita daiyō
Tsutau ame mo…nanimokamo ga gensō

In your eyes [In yō aizu] yagate akaku kimi no mae ni noboru michi
In my eyes [In mai aizu] kimi ga miteru yume no naka de itsu made mo
In your eyes [In yō aizu] yagate shiroku kami no mae ni tsuzuku michi
In my eyes [In mai aizu] kimi to tomo ni boku to tomo ni doko made mo
In your eyes [In yō aizu] 

Takaku kizukiageta ishi no shiro wa…fukai kiri no naka ni nemuru ima mo nao1

In your eyes [In yō aizu] yagate aoku kimi no mae ni utsuru michi
In my eyes [In mai aizu] kimi ga miteru yume no naka de itsu made mo
In your eyes [In yō aizu] yagate akaku kimi no mae ni noboru michi
In my eyes [In mai aizu] kimi ga miteru yume no naka de itsu made mo
In your eyes [In yō aizu] yagate shiroku kami no mae ni tsuzuku michi
In my eyes [In mai aizu] kimi to tomo ni boku to tomo ni doko made mo
In your eyes [In yō aizu]2

In your eyes [In yō aizu]!
In your eyes [In yō aizu]!
In your eyes [In yō aizu]!
In your eyes [In yō aizu]!3
1 This line is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
2 These last five lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
3 This line is repeated here four times, but is not written in the official lyrics.
My English Translation
Even now, the stone castle that had been built up tall…is dormant/remains unused inside of the thick fog

The stone castle that had been adorned in the past…talks about the moon and how it, the castle, comes from/was created from boulders outside of its own windows

The Earth trembles…at the sun that twines around it
Now the rain will follow…anything and everything is all an illusion

In your eyes the way/path will ascend/rise before you in red in the end
In my eyes you will forever be inside of a dream that I am seeing
In your eyes the way/path that continues on leads to the gods in white in the end
In my eyes for all time I will be together with you
In your eyes

Even now, the stone castle that had been built up tall…is dormant/remains unused inside of the thick fog1

In your eyes the way/path is in front of you, who is pale in the end
In my eyes you will forever be inside of a dream that I am seeing
In your eyes the way/path will ascend/rise before you in red in the end
In my eyes you will forever be inside of a dream that I am seeing
In your eyes the way/path that continues on leads to the gods in white in the end
In my eyes for all time I will be together with you
In your eyes2

In your eyes!
In your eyes!
In your eyes!
In your eyes!3
1 This line is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
2 These last five lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
3 This line is repeated here four times, but is not written in the official lyrics.

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