~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Jailed prince (2014/2015)

Music: DADA
Lyrics: DADA
There was jail in the top of tower
dismal prisoner found little red spider
every day every night he talked with the spider
everyone said, finally he has crazy
she is dancing on my nail
please don’t afraid to me
and I’m a prince of tragedy
but no one thought it’s true

Iron mask covering terrible burning face
laughing jailers tried terrible tortures
kill him now as the nameless prisoner
spider kept silence and just seen it
filth of the cold floor It was royal blood
secret jailbird screamed his name
but no one thought it’s true

Do you need a face?
do you need a name?
if you love me I will give it
Can you see my face?
can you hear my voice?
it’s time to return to the cursed monster

I still remember feelings of innocent girl
I still remember feelings of loving girl

A lot of jailer’s skin
a lot of jailer’s blood
yes let’s start the surgery
now are you ready to change?

Do you need a face?
do you need a name?
I will use all of my red cursed thread
can you see my face?
can you hear my voice?
I remake you to another person

I still remember feelings of innocent girl
I still remember feelings of loving girl

Arachne, It was my old name
Arachne, It was my old name
Modified Lyrics
There was jail in the top of tower
dismal prisoner found little red spider
every day every night he talked with the spider
everyone said, finally he has crazy

she is dancing on my nail
please don’t afraid to me
and I’m a prince of tragedy
but no one thought it’s true

Iron mask covering terrible burning face
laughing jailers tried terrible tortures
kill him now as the nameless prisoner
spider kept silence and just seen it

filth of the cold floor It was royal blood
secret jailbird screamed his name
but no one thought it’s true

Do you need a face?
do you need a name?
if you love me I will give it
Can you see my face?
can you hear my voice?
it’s time to return to the cursed monster

I still remember feelings of innocent girl
I still remember feelings of loving girl

A lot of jailer’s skin
a lot of jailer’s blood
yes let’s start the surgery
now are you ready to change?

Do you need a face?
do you need a name?
I remake you to another person
can you hear my voice?
can you see my face?
I will use all of my red cursed thread1

I still remember feelings of innocent girl
I still remember feelings of loving girl

Arachne, It was my old name
Arachne, It was my old name———————————————————————————————————————————
1 The third and seventh lines of this verse are switched when sung from how they were written in the official lyrics, as are the fourth and fifth lines.
My English "Translation"
There was a jail in the top of a tower
A dismal prisoner found a little red spider
Every day and every night he talked with the spider
Everyone said, “Finally he has gone crazy”

She is dancing on my nail
Please don’t be afraid of me
And I’m a prince of tragedy
But no one thought it was true

An iron mask covering his terrible burnt face
The laughing jailers tried terrible tortures on him
“Let’s kill him now as the nameless prisoner”
The spider kept silent and just watched all of it

The filth on the cold floor, it was royal blood
The secret jailbird screamed his name
But no one thought it was true

Do you need a face?
Do you need a name?
If you love me, I will give them to you
Can you see my face?
Can you hear my voice?
It’s time to return to the cursed monster

I still remember feelings of being an innocent girl
I still remember feelings of being a loving girl

There was a lot of jailers’ skin
There was a lot of jailers’ blood
Yes, let’s start the surgery
Now, are you ready to change?

Do you need a face?
Do you need a name?
I will remake you into another person
Can you hear my voice?
Can you see my face?
I will use all of my red cursed thread

I still remember feelings of being an innocent girl
I still remember feelings of being a loving girl

Arachne…it was my old name
Arachne…it was my old name

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