~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

鏡の舞踏 幻惑の夜 [Kagami no Butō...Genwaku no Yoru] (2000)

Title Translation: “Dancing in a Looking-Glass/Mirror…Night of Fascination/Bewitching” (Japanese)
Music: Közi
Lyrics: Közi
What you can now see is an illusion of your mind — it guides you
If you cut this thread — the exit for the labyrinth will be there
And as you let go of time — that is when destiny's voice will lead you

今 解き放つ 無限の闇に光射す中へ

鏡の中 揺れる瞳 嘆きの声は無言の戯れ
鏡の中 踊る光 重なり渦巻く夜に

鏡の中 揺れる瞳 彷徨い漂う永遠の影は
鏡の中 踊る光 操られているのは

Mind Thread
The movement of bodies inside a looking-glass that reflects nobody

今 呼び醒ます 夢幻の果てに映し出す空間へ

鏡の中 揺れる瞳 彷徨い漂う永遠の
鏡の中 踊る光 操られているのは…———————————————————————————————————————————
Modified Lyrics
What you can now see is an illusion of your mind — it guides you

If you cut this thread — the exit for the labyrinth will be there

And as you let go of time — that is when destiny's voice will lead you

今 解き放つ 無限の闇に光射す中へ

鏡の中 揺れる瞳 嘆きの声は無言の戯れ
鏡の中 踊る光 重なり渦巻く夜に
鏡の中 揺れる瞳 彷徨い漂う永遠の影は
鏡の中 踊る光 操られているのは

Mind Thread
The movement of bodies inside a looking-glass that reflects nobody

今 呼び醒ます 夢幻の果てに映し出す空間1

鏡の中 揺れる瞳 嘆きの声は無言の戯れ
鏡の中 踊る光 重なり渦巻く夜に2
鏡の中 揺れる瞳 彷徨い漂う永遠の
鏡の中 踊る光 操られているのは…
1 Written as 空間, but pronounced as ばしょwhen sung.
2 These last two lines are repeated here when sung, but are not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
What you can now see is an illusion of your mind — it guides you

If you cut this thread — the exit for the labyrinth will be there

And as you let go of time — that is when destiny's voice will lead you

Ima…tokihanatasu…mugen no yami ni hikari sasu naka e

Kagami no naka…yureru hitomi…nageki no koe wa mugon no tawamure
Kagami no naka…odoru hikari…kasanariuzumaku yoru ni
Kagami no naka…yureru hitomi…samayoitadayou towa no kage wa
Kagami no naka…odoru hikari…ayatsurarete iru no wa

The movement of bodies inside a looking-glass that reflects nobody

Ima…yobisamasu…mugen no hate ni utsushidasu basho1 e

Kagami no naka…yureru hitomi…nageki no koe wa mugon no tawamure
Kagami no naka…odoru hikari…kasanariuzumaku yoru ni2
Kagami no naka…yureru hitomi…samayoitadayou towa no
Kagami no naka…odoru hikari…ayatsurarete iru no wa…
1 Written as ‘kūkan,’ but pronounced as ‘basho’ when sung.
2 These last two lines are repeated here when sung, but are not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
What you can now see is an illusion of your mind — it guides you

If you cut this thread — the exit for the labyrinth will be there

And as you let go of time — that is when destiny's voice will lead you

Now…you release it…to the inside of the light that shines in the infinite/boundless darkness

The voice of lamentation is a silent caprice…your eyes waver…inside of a looking-glass/mirror
In the overlapping and whirling night…the light dances…inside of a looking-glass/mirror
The shadows of eternity/eternal shadows wander aimlessly…your eyes waver…inside of a looking-glass/mirror
You are being manipulated by…the light that dances…inside of a looking-glass/mirror

The movement of bodies inside a looking-glass that reflects nobody

Now…to the place1 that shows/reflects the end of dreams/fantasies…I will call and awaken you

The voice of lamentation is a silent caprice…your eyes waver…inside of a looking-glass/mirror
In the overlapping and whirling night…the light dances…inside of a looking-glass/mirror2
Eternity wanders aimlessly…your eyes waver…inside of a looking-glass/mirror
You are being manipulated by…the light that dances…inside of a looking-glass/mirror…
1 Written as ‘space,’ but pronounced as ‘place’ when sung.
2 These last two lines are repeated here when sung, but are not written in the official lyrics.

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