~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Make up Shadow (2012/2014)

Music: KALM
Lyrics: DADA
真夜中の鏡 ドアの無い部屋で
お化粧で戯ぶ 顔の無い少年

ある時は姫君 ある時は淫売
描いては消した Make up shadow

その中のひとり 結ばれる夢など 
とうに捨て去った 幻覚のわたし 

脆くて弱い 孤独な彼に
恋焦がれているの 鏡の中で

真白からやがて 染みついて消せぬ
面影はまるで あの蜘蛛の化身




聞き分けなくちゃね さよならしなくちゃいけないと

教えてあげるわ この先は窓 鏡を割ったら 
新たな世界 彼女は待ってる さあ迷わずに

忘れないでねと 微笑みながら

I'm just a ghost in the mirror
I'm just a ghost in the mirror
Modified Lyrics
真夜中の鏡 ドアの無い部屋で
お化粧で遊ぶ1 顔の無い少年

ある時は姫君 ある時は淫売
描いては消した Make up shadow [メーキャップ・シャドー]

その中のひとり 結ばれる夢など 
とうに捨て去った 幻覚のわたし 

脆くて弱い 孤独な彼に
恋焦がれているの 鏡の中で

真白からやがて 染みついて消せぬ
面影はまるで あの蜘蛛の化身



聞き分けなくちゃね さよならしなくちゃいけないと

教えてあげるわ この先は窓 鏡を割ったら 
新たな世界 彼女は待ってる さあ迷わずに
忘れないでねと 微笑みながら

I'm just a ghost in the mirror
I'm just a ghost in the mirror
I'm just a ghost in the mirror
I'm just a ghost in the mirror2
1 戯ぶ is what is written, but 遊ぶ is what is sung.
2 This line is sung four times in the background, but is only written twice in the official lyrics.
Rōmaji Lyrics
Mayonaka no kagami…doa no nai heya de
O-keshō de asobu1…kao no nai shōnen

Aru toki wa himegimi, aru toki wa inbai
Egaite wa keshita…makeup shadow [mēkyappu-shadō]

Sono naka no hitori…musubareru yume nado
Tō ni sutesatta…genkaku no watashi

Morokute yowai…kodoku na kare ni
Koikogarete iru no…kagami no naka de

Masshiro kara yagate…shimitsuite kesenu
Omokage wa marude…ano kumo no keshin

(“Madomowazeru Taranchura“)

O-negai dakara, dōka awasete?
Iya yo! Soredake wa iitakunai wa
“Umarete hajimete dareka ni niteru to iwareta yo
Boku no subete ga kawaru ki ga suru”

Atokata mo naku kowasarete yuku sugata o miru no wa tsurasugiru kara…

…Kikiwake nakucha ne, sayonara shinakucha ikenai to
Oshiete ageru wa…kono saki wa mado…kagami o wattara
Arata na sekai…kanojo wa matteru…sā, mayowazu ni!
Tobichiru kakera ni natteku watashi wa kira-kira to
“Wasurenaide ne,” to…hohoeminagara

(I’m just a ghost in the mirror
I’m just a ghost in the mirror
I'm just a ghost in the mirror
I'm just a ghost in the mirror)2
1 ‘odokebu’ is what is written, but ‘asobu’ is what is sung.
2 This line is sung four times in the background, but is only written twice in the official lyrics.
My English Translation
Looking at a midnight mirror…in a room without a door
A boy without a face…plays with makeup

At certain times, he makes himself into a princess, at other times he makes himself into a prostitute
Drawn/Painted on and erased by a…makeup shadow

He is only one person therein among them…I abandoned long ago
The dreams and such I had tied together with him…I am simply of a hallucination/an illusion of his

I am deeply in love with…the him that is fragile, weak and
Lonely/Isolated…inside of the mirror

His face is just like…the incarnation of that spider
Before long, being indelibly stained by…pure white and it cannot be erased

(“Mademoiselle/Miss Tarantula“)

Because it is my wish, can I please meet her?
No! That alone, I don’t want to say
“I was told that I resemble someone for the first time since I was born
I feel that everything about me will now change”

Because it is too painful to see her destroy your figure/appearance without leaving any trace…

…You have to understand, it is pointless to have to say goodbye/farewell

I will do you the favor of teaching you this…from now on, if you break/smash the mirror…that is a window
To a new world where…she is waiting for you, you will be free…now, without hesitating, do it!
I glitter as she becomes broken pieces that scatter
“Don’t forget me,” she says…while smiling

(I’m just a ghost in the mirror
I’m just a ghost in the mirror
I'm just a ghost in the mirror
I'm just a ghost in the mirror)1
1 This line is sung four times in the background, but is only written twice in the official lyrics.

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