~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

MARY (???)

Music: KALM
Lyrics: KALM
痛みの隙間から太陽が滲みていく 望まれない朝は繰り返される
心に残された あなたの微笑みも 差し伸べた指を触れはしない

幾千眠れば 辿り着けるのだろう 舞い戻る朝に狂わされる
身体に残された あなたの体温も 激しく降る陽にかき消されていく

Maria, あなたの前では僕は術を無くすから
Maria, あなたの想いは決して誰にも言えない

I will go mad in sunrise.———————————————————————————————————————————
Modified Lyrics
痛みの隙間から太陽が滲みていく 望まれない朝は繰り返される
心に残された あなたの微笑みも 差し伸べた指を触れはしない

幾千眠れば 辿り着けるのだろう 舞い戻る朝に狂わされる
身体に残された あなたの体温も 激しく降る陽にかき消されていく

Maria [マリア], あなたの前では僕は術を無くすから
Maria [マリア], あなたの想いは決して誰にも言えない

Maria [マリア], あなたの前では僕は術を無くすから
Maria [マリア], あなたの想いは決して誰にも言えない

Maria [マリア], あなたの前では僕は術を無くすから
Maria [マリア], あなたの想いは決して誰にも言えない

Maria [マリア], あなたの前では僕は術を無くすから

I will go mad, go mad in sunrise. [アイ・ウィル・ゴー・マッド、ゴー・マッド・イン・サンライズ]
I will go mad, go mad in sunrise. [アイ・ウィル・ゴー・マッド、ゴー・マッド・イン・サンライズ]6

Go mad, go mad in sunrise. [ゴー・マッド、ゴー・マッド・イン・サンライズ]7
1 In the official lyrics, 今も is only written once, but when sung, it is said twice.
2 is what is written, but 羽根 is what is sung.
3 In the official lyrics, 永遠に is only written once, but when sung, it is said twice.
4 This verse is repeated twice more here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
5 These two lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
6 ‘I will go mad in sunrise. [アイ・ウィル・ゴー・マッド・イン・サンライズ]
is what is written, but
I will go mad, go mad in sunrise. [アイ・ウィル・ゴー・マッド、ゴー・マッド・イン・サンライズ]
is what is sung and then repeated a second time, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
7 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Itami no sukima kara taiyō ga shimite iku…nozomarenai asa wa kurikaesareru
Kokoro ni nokosareta…anata no hohoemi mo…sashinobeta yubi o fure wa shinai

Ikusen nemureba…tadoritsukeru no darō…maimodoru asa ni kuruwasareru
Karada ni nokosareta…anata no taion mo…hageshiku furu yō ni kakikesarete iku

Maria [Maria], anata no mae de wa boku wa jutsu o nakusu kara
Ima mo, ima mo1 tobenai hane2 ni madowasareru dake
Maria [Maria], anata no omoi wa kesshite dare ni mo ienai
Towa ni, towa ni3 nemureru yume ga hoshii kara

Maria [Maria], anata no mae de wa boku wa jutsu o nakusu kara
Ima mo, ima mo tobenai hane ni madowasareru dake
Maria [Maria], anata no omoi wa kesshite dare ni mo ienai
Towa ni, towa ni nemureru yume ga hoshii kara

Maria [Maria], anata no mae de wa boku wa jutsu o nakusu kara
Ima mo, ima mo tobenai hane ni madowasareru dake
Maria [Maria], anata no omoi wa kesshite dare ni mo ienai
Towa ni, towa ni nemureru yume ga hoshii kara4

Maria [Maria], anata no mae de wa boku wa jutsu o nakusu kara
Ima mo, ima mo tobenai hane ni madowasareru dake5

I will go mad, go mad in sunrise [Ai uiru gō maddo, gō maddo in sanraizu]
I will go mad, go mad in sunrise [Ai uiru gō maddo, gō maddo in sanraizu]6

Go mad, go mad in sunrise [Gō maddo, gō maddo in sanraizu]7
1 In the official lyrics, ‘Ima mo’ is only written once, but when sung, it is said twice.
2 ‘tsubasa’ is what is written, but ‘hane’ is what is sung.
3 In the official lyrics, ‘Towa ni’ is only written once, but when sung, it is said twice.
4 This verse is repeated twice more here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
5 These two lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
6 I will go mad in sunrise [Ai uiru gō maddo in sanraizu]’
is what is written, but
‘I will go mad, go mad in sunrise [Ai uiru gō maddo, gō maddo in sanraizu]’
is what is sung and then repeated a second time, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
7 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
The sun is penetrating through the cracks of my pain…the morning that I do not wish for coming again
I cannot touch against the fingers you held out to me…even your smile…that I reserved in my heart has been left behind

If I die/sleep thousands of times over…I wonder if I will follow and join with you where you are…I am driven mad by the morning that comes back
I am being visibly erased by the rain that falls violently…even your temperature…that I kept saved in my body has been left behind

Maria, because I will lose the way in front of you
Even now, even now1 I am made puzzled by my wings that will not fly
Maria, your feelings are never possible to say to anyone
Because I want a dream that will let me sleep eternally, eternally2

Maria, because I will lose the way in front of you
Even now, even now I am made puzzled by my wings that will not fly
Maria, your feelings are never possible to say to anyone
Because I want a dream that will let me sleep eternally, eternally

Maria, because I will lose the way in front of you
Even now, even now I am made puzzled by my wings that will not fly
Maria, your feelings are never possible to say to anyone
Because I want a dream that will let me sleep eternally, eternally3

Maria, because I will lose the way in front of you
Even now, even now I am made puzzled by my wings that will not fly4

I will go mad, go mad in sunrise
I will go mad, go mad in sunrise5

Go mad, go mad in sunrise6
1 In the official lyrics, ‘Even now’ is only written once, but when sung, it is said twice.
2 In the official lyrics, ‘eternally’ is only written once, but when sung, it is said twice.
3 This verse is repeated twice more here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
4 These two lines are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
5 I will go mad in sunrise’
is what is written, but
‘I will go mad, go mad in sunrise’
is what is sung and then repeated a second time, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
6 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.

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