~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

MODULATE GOD -deep Mix- (2005)

Music: Hora
Lyrics: Hora

Destruct First Blood Construct New Blood


Destruct First Blood Construct New Blood———————————————————————————————————————————
Modified Lyrics

Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]
Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]
Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]
Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]1


Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]
Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]
Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]
Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]2

Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]
Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]
Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]
Destruct [ディストラクト] First Blood [ファースト・ブラッド] Construct [コンストラクト] New Blood [ニュー・ブラッド]3———————————————————————————————————————————
1 This line is repeated four times here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
2 This line is repeated four times here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
3 This line is repeated four times again here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
Rōmaji Lyrics
Meguru inochi no hi o kate ni yadoru ishi no saki
Saranaru risō kogarete wa sono mi sae kirisaku

Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]
Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]
Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]
Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]1

Jihinaki rinsa tachikireba, tsumi no nigasa shiru
Haha naru o-mae no niku sura musaborikoete iku

Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]
Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]
Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]
Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]2

Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]
Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]
Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]
Destruct [Disutorakuto]…first blood [fāsuto buraddo]…construct [konsutorakuto]… new blood [nyū buraddo]3———————————————————————————————————————————
1 This line is repeated four times here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
2 This line is repeated four times here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
3 This line is repeated four times again here, but is not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
The future of the purpose that dwells in the provisions inside your body for the light of the life that surrounds you
Even more, yearning for ideals will tear even that body of yours into pieces

Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood
Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood
Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood
Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood1

If I sever the chains/connections of those lacking compassion, then I will come to know the bitterness of my sins
I am lusting insatiably/devouring greedily and exceedingly even the flesh of you who will become my mother

Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood
Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood
Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood
Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood2

Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood
Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood
Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood
Destruct…first blood…construct…new blood3
1 This line is repeated four times here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
2 This line is repeated four times here, but is only written once in the official lyrics.
3 This line is repeated four times again here, but is not written in the official lyrics.

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