~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

人形娼館 [Ningyōshōkan] (Jagd panther Mix) (2012)

Title Translation: "Doll Brothel" (Japanese)
Music: KALM
Lyrics: DADA



会わせてあげるわ 姿もそのままに

あなたはわたしを捨てたり出来ない 幾つになっても


Modified Lyrics

会わせてあげるわ 姿もそのままに

あなたはわたしを捨てたり出来ない 幾つになっても

1 人形 is what is written, but お人形 is what is sung.
2 あなたの事など忘れてしまってるけれど is what is written, but 私はあなたを忘れてしまってるけど is what is sung.
3 巻く is what is written, but 巻き is what is sung.
Rōmaji Lyrics
Kanashimi no Ningyōshōkan e yōkoso
Itsuka anata ga kono doa o tataku no wa wakatte ita no yo
Hazukashigarazu ni watashi o motomete

Osanai anata ga nakushite kizuita, dare yori itoshii, kawaii o-ningyō1
Awasete ageru wa…sugata mo sono mama ni
Watashi wa anata o wasurete shimatteru kedo2

Anata wa watashi o sutetari dekinai…ikutsu ni natte mo

“Bunkai, senjō, keijō no henkō, memorī-risetto, sonzaimasshō”
Mō nani hitotsu omoidasenai kara ‘Go-shujin-sama’ nante iu wakenai desho
Kuchibeni o sashite, senaka no neji o maki3
Anata o kodomo ni suru tame ni kaette kita no
1 ‘ningyō’ is what is written, but ‘o-ningyō’ is what is sung.
2 ‘Anata no koto nado wasurete shimatteru keredo’ is what is written, but ‘Watashi wa anata o wasurete shimatteru kedo’ is what is sung.
3 ‘maku’ is what is written, but ‘maki’ is what is sung.
My English Translation
Welcome to the Doll Brothel of Sadness
I knew that you would someday knock on this door
Don’t be shy and desire/make love with me

A beloved, cute doll which you love more than anyone’s
Childlike, you noticed it after you lost it
I will let you meet…keeping the same appearance
But I have forgotten about you1

You will not be able to leave me…no matter how old you become

“My disassembly, washing, modification of my form, memory reset and the erasure of my existence”
Since I cannot recall even one thing, of course I will not call you by the name of ‘Master’
I put lipstick on you, wind the spring on your back and2
I came back to make you a child
1 ‘Though I have forgotten about you, who is so insignificant’ is what is written, but ‘But I have forgotten about you’ is what is sung.
2 ‘I point at the lipstick and wind the spring on your back’ is what is written, but ‘I point at the lipstick, wind the spring on your back and’ is what is sung.

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