~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

桜花 -百鬼乱舞編- [Ōka -Hyakkiranpuhen-] (2007)

Title Translation: “Cherry Blossoms -A Many-Spirited, Chaotic Dance Gathering-” (Japanese)
Music: KALM
Lyrics: Kaya
花冷えの 夜にざわめく 蜉蝣
夜桜 ほのかに 馨りなびく
宵闇が そっと私を連れてゆく


重ねあう くちびるから こぼれだす 甘い罪

狂おしく 舞う薄紅
甘やかに 汚されて

幻影 たなびき 搦みあう 息
泡沫 はかなく とけてゆく 聲


薄紅の毛氈 闇夜を彩り 一夜は永遠

重ねあう くちびるから
こぼれだす 甘い罪
狂おしく 舞う薄紅
甘やかに 汚されて

風に散る 淡い想い
交じりあう 夜伽の嘘

ゆるゆると 視界を食む 蜉蝣

花の 色は 移りに けりな
いたづらに わが身世に ふるながめせしまに

Modified Lyrics
花冷えの 夜にざわめく 蜉蝣
夜桜 ほのかに 馨りなびく
宵闇が そっと私を連れてゆく


重ねあう くちびるから こぼれだす 甘い罪
狂おしく 舞う薄紅
甘やかに 汚されて
1 たなびき 搦みあう 息
泡沫 はかなく とけてゆく 聲

花冷えの 夜にざわめく 蜉蝣
夜桜 ほのかに 馨りなびく
宵闇が そっと私を連れてゆく

薄紅の毛氈 闇夜を彩り 一夜は永遠

重ねあう くちびるから
こぼれだす 甘い罪
狂おしく 舞う薄紅
甘やかに 汚されて
風に散る 淡い想い
交じりあう 夜伽の嘘
ゆるゆると 視界を食む 蜉蝣

花の 色は 移りに けりな
いたづらに わが身世に ふるながめせしまに

1 幻影 is what is written, but is what is sung.
2 This verse is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Hanabie no…yoru ni zawameku…kagerō
Yozakura…honoka ni…kaorinabiku
Yoiyami ga…sotto watashi o tsurete yuku
Tsuioku no hate e to

Furishikiru hanabira ga
Harari-harari to futari o kakushita

Kasaneau…kuchibiru kara…koboredasu…amai tsumi
Kuruoshiku…mau usubeni
Amayaka ni…yogosarete
Utakata…hakanaku…tokete yuku…koe
Oborozuki ga naku

Hanabie no…yoru ni zawameku…kagerō
Yozakura…honoka ni…kaorinabiku
Yoiyami ga…sotto watashi o tsurete yuku
Tsuioku no hate e to2

Usubeni no mōsen…yamiyo o irodori…hitoya wa eien

Kasaneau…kuchibiru kara
Koboredasu…amai tsumi
Kuruoshiku…mau usubeni
Amayaka ni…yogosarete
Kaze ni chiru…awai omoi
Majiriau…yatogi no uso
Yuru-yuru to…shikai o hamu…kagerō
Midare, tsukite…

Hana no…iro wa…utsuri ni…keri na
Itazura ni…wagami yo ni…furu nagamese shima ni

Oborozuki ga naku
1 ‘Gen’ei’ is what is written, but ‘Maboroshi’ is what is sung.
2 This verse is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
Rustling ephemerally…in the cherry blossom-chilled…night
Evening cherry blossoms…are faintly fragrant…in the breeze
The evening twilight…gently takes me
To the end of my recollection/reminiscence

A steady shower of cherry blossoms
Hid the two of us in fluttering petals

Sweet sin…overflowing…from our overlapped/kissing…lips
Passionately…dancing light pink
Sweetly…smears and
Illusions…hang over…our intermingling…breaths
Our dissolving…voices…like short-lived…bubbles
A hazy moon cries

Rustling ephemerally…in the cherry blossom-chilled…night
Evening cherry blossoms…are faintly fragrant…in the breeze
The evening twilight…gently takes me
To the end of my recollection/reminiscence1

A carpet of light pink…moves through the dark night and…this one evening is eternity/lasts eternally

Sweet sin…overflowing
From our overlapped/kissing…lips
Passionately…dancing light pink
Sweetly…smears and
Short-lived sentiments…falling in the wind
The lies of intimate…night companions
The short-lived…that slowly eats…our view
Falls into disorder, gives out and…

The colors…of flowers…appear…while I aimlessly
Watch…their falling…on my body

A hazy moon cries
1 This verse is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.

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