~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

One Caress (2011/2014)

Music: KALM
Lyrics: DADA
そう 君は 嘘をつく
真実は 闇の中
そう 君は 女でも
男でも ない筈さ

そう 僕も 嘘をつく 
真実を 知りながら 
そう 熱く 震えてる
花びらに just one caress 

だめ だめ 落ちてゆく 
だめ だめ 溶けてゆく 
拒んだり 蔑んだり 欺いたりしたけれど 
だめ だめ 疼きだす 
だめ だめ 崩れてく
拒んだり 蔑んだり 欺いたりしたけれど ah....ah....

呪われし 意思を持つ 赤い糸は
この性を 何度でも 紡ぎ変えるでしょう


運命に 逆らえず
運命を 受け入れて
拒んだり 蔑んだり 欺いたりしたけれど 
お願い 早く来て
飴玉 欲しくなる 
拒んだり 蔑んだり 欺いたりしたけれど 

ああ...もう 濡れてゆく 
拒んだり 蔑んだり 欺いたりしたけれど
貴方は 耐えられる?
地獄で 踊りましょう
拒んでも 蔑んでも 欺いても逆らえないわ...ah....———————————————————————————————————————————
Modified Lyrics
そう 君は 嘘をつく
真実は 闇の中
そう 君は 女でも
男でも ない筈さ

そう 僕も 嘘をつく 
真実を 知りながら 
そう 熱く 震えてる
花びらに just one caress [ジャスト・ワン・カレス]

だめ だめ 落ちてゆく 
だめ だめ 溶けてゆく 
拒んだり 蔑んだり 欺いたりしたけれど 
だめ だめ 疼きだす 
だめ だめ 崩れてく
拒んだり 蔑んだり 欺いたりしたけれど ah....ah....

呪われし 意思を持つ 赤い糸は
この性を 何度でも 紡ぎ変えるでしょう


宿命1に 逆らえず
定め2を 受け入れて
拒んだり 蔑んだり 欺いたりしたけれど 
お願い 早く来て
飴玉 欲しくなる 
拒んだり 蔑んだり 欺いたりしたけれど 

ああ...もう 濡れてゆく 
拒んだり 蔑んだり 欺いたりしたけれど
貴方は 耐えられる?
地獄で 踊りましょう
拒んでも 蔑んでも 欺いても逆らえないわ...ah....
1 運命 is what is written, but 宿命 is what is sung.
2 運命 is what is written, but 定め is what is sung.
Rōmaji Lyrics
Sō…kimi wa…uso o tsuku
Shinjitsu wa…yami no naka
Sō…kimi wa…onna demo
Otoko demo…nai hazu sa

Sō…boku mo…uso o tsuku
Shinjitsu o…shirinagara
Hanabira ni…just one caress [jasuto-wan-karesu]

Dame…dame…ochite yuku
Dame…dame…tokete yuku
Kobandari…sagesundari…azamuitari shita, keredo
Kobandari…sagesundari…azamuitari shita, keredo…ah…ah… [a…a…]

Norowareshi…ishi o motsu…akai ito wa
Kono sei o…nando demo…tsumugikaeru deshō

"Kanojo ni irekawaru"

Shukumei1 ni…sakaraezu
Sadame2 o…ukeirete
Kobandari…sagesundari…azamuitari shita, keredo
O-negai…hayaku kite
Amedama…hoshiku naru
Kobandari…sagesundari…azamuitari shita, keredo…

Ā...mō…nurete yuku
Shizuku ga ochite yuku
Kobandari…sagesundari…azamuitari shita, keredo
Anata wa…taerareru?
Jigoku de…odorimashō
Kobande mo…sagesunde mo…azamuite mo sakaraenai wa…ah… [a…]
1 ‘Unmei’ is what is written, but ‘Shukumei’ is what is sung.
2 ‘Unmei’ is what is written, but ‘Sadame’ is what is sung.
My English Translation
So…you…tell a lie
Your truth…is in the dark
So…you…I expect
Are neither male…nor female

So…I also…tell a lie
Although I know…your truth
So…just one caress…on your petals
That tremble…hotly

No…no…I am falling
No…no…I am melting
Refusing you…despising you…and deceiving you, I did all this, but
No…no…I begin to ache
No…no…I collapse and
Refusing you…despising you…and deceiving you, I did all this, but…ah…ah…

The red string of Fate1…has cursed…intentions
I suppose it will spin and change…this sex of mine…any number of times

“I will replace her”

Without going against…my destiny
I receive…my fate and
Refusing you…despising you…and deceiving you, I did all this, but
Please…come quickly and
I want…your candy
Refusing you…despising you…and deceiving you, I did all this, but…

Ah…already…I am getting wet
Tear drops are falling down
Refusing you…despising you…and deceiving you, I did all this, but
Can you…resist me?
Let us dance…in Hell
Even if I refuse you…even if I despise you…even if I deceive you, we cannot defy our entwined destinies…ah…
1 In Chinese-Japanese folklore, fated lovers were said to be joined by an unseen red string, tied around one little finger of each.

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