~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

白い肌に狂う愛と哀しみの輪舞 [Shiroi Hada ni Kurū Ai to Kanashimi no Rondo] (2000)

Title Translation: “Manic for White Skin/Pale Flesh, a Dance for Love and Sorrow”/“A Dance of Sadness and Love Being Infatuated with White Skin/Pale Flesh” (Japanese)
Music: Mana
Lyrics: Mana
降りしきる雨と風 森を駆けぬける夜

鐘の調べの中 刻は今…

優しく翳る月 今宵 霧と共に


白い肌に舞う 緋い薔薇に接吻を
運命の棘が胸を 貫き心引き裂いた

The life breathing in the pitch-black darkness
The limbs seized by the transient sleep
And, these shadows are overlapping each other
Tonight, the peal of thunder invites you to the new encounter

交わり しなやかに 堕ちる闇と共に


白い肌に舞う 緋い薔薇に接吻を
運命の棘が胸を 貫き心を

白い肌に狂う 愛と哀しみの輪舞
運命の棘が胸の 閉ざした刻を今…

白い肌に狂う 愛と哀しみの輪舞
運命の棘が胸を 貫き心を引き裂いた———————————————————————————————————————————
Modified Lyrics
降りしきる雨と風 森を駆けぬける夜
鐘の調べの中 刻は今…

優しく翳る月 今宵 霧と共に


白い肌に舞う 緋い薔薇に接吻を
運命の棘が胸を 貫き心引き裂いた

The life breathing in the pitch-black darkness
The limbs seized by the transient sleep
And, these shadows are overlapping each other
Tonight, the peal of thunder invites you to the new encounter

交わり しなやかに 堕ちる闇と共に


白い肌に舞う 緋い薔薇に接吻を
運命の棘が胸を 貫き心を

白い肌に狂う 愛と哀しみの輪舞
運命の棘が胸の 閉ざした刻を今…

白い肌に狂う 愛と哀しみの輪舞
運命の棘が胸を 貫き心を引き裂いた———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Furishikiru ame to kaze…mori o kakenukeru, yoru
Kane no shirabe no naka…toki wa ima…

Yasashiku kageru tsuki…koyoi…kiri to tomo ni

Inori sasagu aria

Shiroi hada ni mau…akai bara ni kuchizuke o…
Unmei no Toge ga mune o…tsuranuki, kokoro hikisaita

The life breathing in the pitch-black darkness
The limbs seized by the transient sleep
And these shadows are overlapping each other
Tonight, the peal of thunder invites you to the new encounter

Majiwari…shinayaka ni…ochiru yami to tomo ni

Yoake tsugeru aria

Shiroi hada ni mau…akai bara ni kuchizuke o…
Unmei no Toge ga mune o…tsuranuki, kokoro o…

Shiroi hada ni kurū…ai to kanashimi no rondo
Unmei no Toge ga mune no…tozashita toki o ima…

Shiroi hada ni kurū…ai to kanashimi no rondo
Unmei no Toge ga mune o…tsuranuki, kokoro o hikisaita———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
The night, when I run through the forest…the rain sweeps with the wind
In the tune of the bells…now is the time…

The moon darkening gently…this evening…together with the fog/mist

An aria is offering a prayer

Kiss the red rose…dancing around the white skin/pale flesh…
The Thorn of Fate…penetrated my chest and tore my heart

The life breathing in the pitch-black darkness
The limbs seized by the transient sleep
And, these shadows are overlapping each other
Tonight, the peal of thunder invites you to the new encounter

With the darkness mingling…and falling…limberly

The aria foretelling the dawn

Kiss the red rose…dancing around the white skin/pale flesh…
The Thorn of Fate…penetrated my chest and tore my heart…

Manic for white skin/pale flesh/A dance of sadness and love…a dance for love and sorrow/being infatuated with white skin/pale flesh
The Thorn of Fate…the time locked in my chest now…

Manic for white skin/pale flesh/A dance of sadness and love…a dance for love and sorrow/being infatuated with white skin/pale flesh
The Thorn of Fate…penetrated my chest and tore my heart

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