~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

SILK (KALMIA Cover) (1999)

Music: KALM
Lyrics: DADA
跪いた僕の前で あなたは何故笑うの
雫のあと辿りながら あなたはあざ笑うの
綺麗な薔薇には 必ず棘がある
爪先絡めて SILKに身を任せ
残酷さを競うように あなたはまだ笑うの
綺麗な薔薇には どうして棘がある?
哀れな願いが 叶うというのなら
綺麗な薔薇には 必ず棘がある
爪先絡めて SILKに身を任せ
Modified Lyrics
(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

跪いた僕の前で あなたは何故笑うの
雫のあと辿りながら あなたはあざ笑うの

綺麗な薔薇には 必ず棘がある
爪先絡めて SILK [シルク]に身を任せ

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

残酷さを競うように あなたはまだ笑うの (I lost my mind…)

綺麗な薔薇には どうして棘がある?
哀れな願いが 叶うというのなら         (I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)
綺麗な薔薇には 必ず棘がある (I lost my mind…)
爪先絡めて SILK [シルク]に身を任せ
眠らせて         (I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)
眠らせて         (I lost my mind…)
‘(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)’ is said in various places throughout the song, but is not written in the official lyrics.
Rōmaji Lyrics
(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

Hizamazuita boku no mae de…anata wa naze warau no?
Shizuku no ato tadorinagara…anata wa azawarau no

Kirei na bara ni wa…kanarazu toge ga aru
Tsumesaki karamete…silk [shiruku] ni mi o makase

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

Zankokusa o kisou yō ni…anata wa mada warau no (I lost my mind…)

Kirei na bara ni wa…dōshite toge ga aru?
Aware na negai ga…kanau to iu no nara         (I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)
Kirei na bara ni wa…kanarazu toge ga aru         (I lost my mind…)
Tsumesaki karamete…silk [shiruku] ni mi o makase
Nemurasete                                 (I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)
Nemurasete                                 (I lost my mind…)
‘(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)’ is said in various places throughout the song, but is not written in the official lyrics.
My English Translation
(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

In front of me, who is kneeling down…why do you laugh?
Following the trace of a tear drop…you ridicule me/mockingly laugh at me

Beautiful roses…always have thorns
Being entangled with the tips of your nails/claws…I give myself up to your silk
And let me sleep

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)

As if competing for cruelty…you still laugh                                                               (I lost my mind…)

Why do beautiful roses…have thorns?
If you say a pitiful wish of mine…will be granted, then I shall ask it of you      (I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)
Beautiful roses…always have thorns                                                                       (I lost my mind…)
Being entangled with the tips of your nails/claws…I give myself up to your silk
And let me sleep                                                                             (I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)
And let me sleep                                                                                       (I lost my mind…)
‘(I lost my mind (I lost my mind)…)’ is said in various places throughout the song, but is not written in the official lyrics.

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