~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Sorciere (2011)

Title Translation: "Witch"/"Sorceress" (French ~ incorrect spelling; it should be written as 'Sorcière')
Music: RIU
Lyrics: Kaya
夜の帳 広がる闇の中
そっと なめらかな肌を 少し切ってみた

ロマネスクに隠れて 魅惑の逢引
綺麗な嘘だけ 夜にばらまいて

真夜中の十字路で 祈り捧げて

夢みたままで ねぇ遊びましょう


ロマネスクに隠れて 魅惑の逢引
綺麗な嘘だけ 夜にばらまいて

真夜中の十字路で 祈り捧げて

夢みたままで ねぇ遊びましょう
Modified Lyrics
夜の帳 広がる闇の中
そっと なめらかな肌を 少し切ってみた

ロマネスクに隠れて 魅惑の逢引
綺麗な嘘だけ 夜にばらまいて
真夜中の十字路で 祈りを捧げて1

夢みたままで ねぇ遊びましょう


ロマネスクに隠れて 魅惑の逢引
綺麗な嘘だけ 夜にばらまいて
真夜中の十字路で 祈り捧げて

夢みたままで ねぇ遊びましょう
祈りを捧げて is what is written, but 祈り捧げて is what is sung.
みたいな is what is written, but みたい is what is sung.
みたいな is what is written, but みたい is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Yoru no tobari...hirogaru yami no naka
Sotto...nameraka na hada o...sukoshi kitte mita

Romanesuku ni kakurete...miwaku no aibiki
Kirei na uso dake...yoru ni baramaite
Amai yubi o namete
Revī no iu tōri
Mayonaka no jūjiro de...inori o sasagete1

Koi wa karoyaka ni
Uso wa utsukushiku
Yume mita mama de...nē, asobimashō
Marude neko mitai,2 itoshii sodomī
Ima koso kindan no kuchizuke o...

Kuroneko ga kurayami ni magireru yoru

Romanesuku ni kakurete...miwaku no aibiki
Kirei na uso dake...yoru ni baramaite
Amai yubi o namete
Revī no iu tōri
Mayonaka no jūjiro de...inori sasagete

Koi wa karoyaka ni
Uso wa utsukushiku
Yume mita mama de...nē, asobimashō
Marude neko mitai,3 itoshii sodomī
Ima koso kindan no kuchizuke o...
'inori sasagete' is what is written, but 'inori o sasagete' is what is sung.
'mitai na' is what is written, but 'mitai' is what is sung.
'mitai na' is what is written, but 'mitai' is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
Inside of the despair that spreads out...like a veil of darkness
Gently...I had tried to cut through...your smooth skin a little

We conceal ourselves in Romanesque architecture...for our fascinating rendez-vous/secret arranged meeting
I will scatter in the night...only your beautiful lies
I will lick your sweet fingers and
On a avenue/road that is named/called 'Levi'
Offer your prayer...on the crossroads at midnight

Our love is non-serious
Your lies are beautiful
Hey, let us play...in this state that is of a dream
You are my beloved sodomy, who is completely bottom-like/cat-like1
Now is the time for you to give me your forbidden kiss...

The black cat is a night that is lost in/is almost indistinguishable from the darkness

We conceal ourselves in Romanesque architecture...for our fascinating rendez-vous/secret arranged meeting
I will scatter in the night...only your beautiful lies
I will lick your sweet fingers and
On a avenue/road that is named/called 'Levi'
Offer your prayer...on the crossroads at midnight

Our love is non-serious
Your lies are beautiful
Hey, let us play...in this state that is of a dream
You are my beloved sodomy, who is completely bottom-like/cat-like2
Now is the time for you to give me your forbidden kiss...
Even though this is the kanji for "cat," its meaning here is actually translated as "bottom," as in the slang term for the submissive partner of a homosexual relationship.
Even though this is the kanji for "cat," its meaning here is actually translated as "bottom," as in the slang term for the submissive partner of a homosexual relationship.

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