~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

spread world (2014)

Music: KALM
Lyrics: KALM
天使の翼 海に落として




与げる 与げる 虹色のセカイを
混ぜる 交ぜる 滲色のセカイへ





与げる 与げる 虹色のセカイを
混ぜる 交ぜる 滲色のセカイへ———————————————————————————————————————————
Modified Lyrics
天使の羽根1 海に落として




上げる 上げる11 虹色のセカイを
混ぜる 交ぜる 滲色のセカイへ





上げる 上げる23 虹色のセカイを
混ぜる 交ぜる 滲色のセカイへ

上げる 上げる 虹色のセカイを
混ぜる 交ぜる 滲色のセカイへ24

上げる 上げる25

上げる 上げる26
1 is what is written, but 羽根 is what is sung.
2 裸足 is what is written, but is what is sung.
3 大陸 is what is written, but 御国 is what is sung.
4 先導う is what is mistakenly written, but 誘う is what is sung.
5 終末り is what is mistakenly written, but 終わり is what is sung.
6 現実 is what is written, but is what is sung.
7 願うる is what is mistakenly written, but 願い is what is sung.
8 僕達 is what is written, but 僕ら is what is sung.
9 is what is written, but 花は is what is sung.
10 そう僕ら is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
11 与げる 与げる is what is written, but 上げる 上げる is what is sung.
12 僕達 is what is written, but 僕ら is what is sung.
13 is what is written, but 花は is what is sung.
14 そう僕ら is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
15 僕達 is what is written, but 僕ら is what is sung.
16 生誕 is what is written, but 初め is what is sung.
17 そう僕ら is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
18 きっと最期の言葉云えずに終えるだろう is what is written, but 最期の言葉云えずに終えるだろう is what is sung.
19 僕達 is what is written, but 僕ら is what is sung.
20 瞬間 is what is written, but is what is sung.
21 そうだから is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
22 だから別離の夜も未練はないだろう’ is what is written, but 別れの夜も未練はないだろう is what is sung.
23 与げる 与げる is what is written, but 上げる 上げる is what is sung.
24 This verse is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
25 These two words are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
26 These two words are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
Rōmaji Lyrics
Tenshi no hane1…umi ni otoshite
Sono ashi2 de aruke to tsugeru
Umi ni megakeochiru anata o…
Mikuni3 o mezasu chō-chō ga sasō4

Sekai ni hajime ga aru no nara
Ima sugu koko de tojite hoshii
Sekai ni owari5 ga kuru naraba
Tsuzukeru imi wa doko ni aru no?

Kono yo ni yūretsu aru no nara
Karen na hana shika nokorenai no?
Kono yo ga hidari6 de aru naraba
Negai7 imi wa doko ni aru no?

Sō, bokura8
Hajime no hana wa9 mo wasurete shimau kara
Sō, bokura10
Saisho no yoru mo wasurete shimau kara

Ageru, ageru,11 niji’iro no sekai o…
Mazeru, mazeru, niji’iro no sekai e

Yami no naka de umiotoshita
Sono hana wa hikari o eranda

Sō, bokura12
Hajime no hana wa13 mo wasurete shimatta kara
Sō, bokura14
Saisho no yoru mo wasurete shimatta kara

Sō, bokura15
Hajime16 no koto mo oboete inai kara
Sō, kitto17
Saigo no kotoba iezu ni oeru darō18

Sō, bokura19
Ichido no toki20 tebanashite shimau kara
Sō, dakara21
Wakare no yoru mo miren wa nai darō22

Ageru, ageru,23 niji’iro no sekai o…
Mazeru, mazeru, niji’iro no sekai e

Ageru, ageru, niji’iro no sekai o…
Mazeru, mazeru, niji’iro no sekai e24

Ageru, ageru…25

Ageru, ageru…26
1 ‘tsubasa’ is what is written, but ‘hane’ is what is sung.
2 ‘hadashi’ is what is written, but ‘ashi’ is what is sung.
3 ‘Tairiku’ is what is written, but ‘Mikuni’ is what is sung.
4 ‘sendōu’ is what is mistakenly written, but ‘sasō’ is what is sung.
5 ‘shūmatsuri is what is mistakenly written, but ‘owari’ is what is sung.
6 ‘genjitsu’ is what is written, but ‘hidari’ is what is sung.
7 ‘Negauru’ is what is mistakenly written, but ‘Negai’ is what is sung.
8 ‘bokutachi’ is what is written, but ‘bokura’ is what is sung.
9 ‘kuchibiru’ is what is written, but ‘hana wa’ is what is sung.
10 ‘Sō, bokura’ is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
11 ‘Azukageru, azukageru’ is what is written, but ‘Ageru, ageru’ is what is sung.
12 ‘bokutachi’ is what is written, but ‘bokura’ is what is sung.
13 ‘kuchibiru’ is what is written, but ‘hana wa’ is what is sung.
14 ‘Sō, bokura’ is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
15 ‘bokutachi’ is what is written, but ‘bokura’ is what is sung.
16 ‘Seitan’ is what is written, but ‘Hajime’ is what is sung.
17 ‘Sō, bokura’ is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
18 ‘Kitto saigo no kotoba iezu ni oeru darō’ is what is written, but ‘Saigo no kotoba iezu ni oeru darō’ is what is sung.
19 ‘bokutachi’ is what is written, but ‘bokura’ is what is sung.
20 ‘shunkan’ is what is written, but ‘toki’ is what is sung.
21 ‘Sō, dakara’ is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
22 ‘Dakara, betsuri no yoru mo miren wa nai darō’ is what is written, but ‘Wakare no yoru mo miren wa nai darō’ is what is sung.
23 ‘Azukageru, azukageru’ is what is written, but ‘Ageru, ageru’ is what is sung.
24 This verse is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
25 These two words are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
26 These two words are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
My English Translation
The wings of an angel…drop into the sea and
So the angel walks with those legs1 of theirs instead and tells me a secret
The butterflies that head for this country2 lure3
The you that aims at and sinks into the sea

If there exists a beginning to the world
I will close my eyes and want to be at this place right now
If the end4 to the world comes
Where is the significance/meaning of our existence that keeps us going?

If there is any merit to our existing/being alive that is in this world
Why then is there nothing but sweet flowers that remain after we die?
If this world were to exist with a left hand side/alternate reality5 instead
Where is the significance/meaning in our prayers6?

Yes, all of us
Because we have completely forgotten even the first flowers7 of this world, to our regret
Yes, all of us8
Because we have completely forgotten even the first night of this world, to our regret

The rainbow-colored world…that gives us life…that gives us life…
We will go to the world of piercing colors…that blends all life…that blends all life

Those flowers the world gave birth to among the darkness
Selected the light of our life

Yes, all of us
Because we have completely forgotten even the first flowers9 of this world, to our regret
Yes, all of us10
Because we have completely forgotten even the first night of this world, to our regret

Yes, all of us
Because we are not remembering even the events of the beginning11 of this world
Yes, all of us12
We will probably finish ourselves off because we cannot utter our final words13

Yes, all of us
Because we have completely let go of the time14 of that one occasion, to our regret
So, therefore15
There will probably not be any lingering affection even for the night of our separation/parting/farewell16

The rainbow-colored world…that gives us life…that gives us life…
We will go to the world of piercing colors…that blends all life…that blends all life

The rainbow-colored world…that gives us life…that gives us life…
We will go to the world of piercing colors…that blends all life…that blends all life17

That gives us life…that gives us life…18

That gives us life…that gives us life…19
1 ‘bare feet’ is what is written, but ‘legs’ is what is sung.
2 ‘continent’ is what is written, but ‘country’ is what is sung.
3 ‘lead’ is what is mistakenly written, but ‘lure’ is what is sung.
4 ‘weekend’ is what is mistakenly written, but ‘the end’ is what is sung.
5 ‘reality’ is what is written, but ‘left hand side/alternate reality’ is what is sung.
6 ‘to pray’ is what is mistakenly written, but ‘prayers’ is what is sung.
7 ‘lips’ is what is written, but ‘flowers’ is what is sung.
8 ‘Yes, all of us’ is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
9 ‘lips’ is what is written, but ‘flowers’ is what is sung.
10 ‘Yes, all of us’ is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics
11 ‘birth’ is what is written, but ‘beginning’ is what is sung.
12 ‘Yes, all of us’ is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
13 ‘Undoubtedly, we will probably finish ourselves off because we cannot utter our final words’ is what is written, but ‘We will probably finish ourselves off because we cannot utter our final words’ is what is sung.
14 ‘moment’ is what is written, but ‘time’ is what is sung.
15 ‘So, therefore’ is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
16 ‘Therefore, there will probably not be any lingering affection even for the night of our separation/parting’
is what is written, but
‘There will probably not be any lingering affection even for the night of our separation/parting/farewell
is what is sung.
17 This verse is repeated here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
18 These two words are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
19 These two words are repeated here, but are not written in the official lyrics.

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