~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Succubus -2014- (2014)

Schwarz Stein
Music: Hora
Lyrics: Kaya
甘美な背徳感を 吐くまで詰め込んで
甘い唇を噛む 倒錯した感情

長い睫毛も 愛しいぼうやも
すべてすべてよ 髪も声もあたしのもの

そうよ 全て悪い夢なの

"no more"
Modified Lyrics
甘美な背徳感を 吐くまで詰め込んで
甘い唇を噛む 倒錯した感情

“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“no more [ノー・モー]

“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“no more [ノー・モー]1

長い睫毛も 愛しいぼうやも
すべてすべてよ 髪も声もあたしのもの
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“no more [ノー・モー]

“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“no more [ノー・モー]2

そうよ 全て悪い夢

“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“no more [ノー・モー]

“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“no more [ノー・モー]

“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“no more [ノー・モー]

“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]5
1 These last eight lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
2 These last eight lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
3 そうよ 全て悪い夢なの
is what is written, but
そうよ 全て悪い夢
is what is sung.
4 過去など潰してあげるから
is what is written, but
is what is sung.
5 “Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“no more [ノー・モー]”’
is what is written, but
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“no more [ノー・モー]

“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“no more [ノー・モー]

“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“no more [ノー・モー]

“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
“Nightmare [ナイトメア]
is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Kanbi na haitokukan o…haku made tsumekonde
Amai kuchibiru o kamu…tōsaku shita kanjō

“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“No more [Nō mō]!”

“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“No more [Nō mō]!”1

Nagai matsuge mo…itoshii bōya mo
Subete, subete yo…kami mo koe mo, atashi no mono

“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“No more [Nō mō]!”

“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“No more [Nō mō]!”2

Nē, atashi o dakitai no, deshō?
Sō yo…subete warui yume3
Kako nado tsubushite ageru4
Kotchi e irasshai

“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“No more [Nō mō]!”

“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“No more [Nō mō]!”

“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“No more [Nō mō]!”

“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”5
1 These last eight lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
2 These last eight lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
3 ‘Sō yo…subete warui yume nano’
is what is written, but
‘Sō yo…subete warui yume’
is what is sung.
4 ‘Kako nado tsubushite ageru kara’
is what is written, but
‘Kako nado tsubushite ageru’
is what is sung.
5 ‘“Nightmare [Naitomea]”
“No more [Nō mō]”’
is what is written, but
‘“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“No more [Nō mō]!”

“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“No more [Nō mō]!”

“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“No more [Nō mō]!”

“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”
“Nightmare [Naitomea]!”’
is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
Stuff your mouth full of it until you vomit…a sweet, immoral feeling
While having this perverted feeling…I will bite your sweet lips

“No more!”

“No more!”1

Long eyelashes and…this beloved boy
Everything, everything…your hair and your voice, I own them/they are now my possessions

“No more!”

“No more!”2

Hey, you want to make love to me, don’t you?
That’s right…everything is a bad dream
I will dissipate a meaningless thing like your past for you3
So, come this way

“No more!”

“No more!”

“No more!”

1 These last eight lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
2 These last eight lines are sung here, but are not written in the official lyrics.
3 ‘Because I will dissipate a meaningless thing like your past for you’
is what is written, but
I will dissipate a meaningless thing like your past for you
is what is sung.
4 ‘“Nightmare”
“No more”’
is what is written, but
“No more!”

“No more!”

“No more!”

is what is sung.

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