~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

Syunikiss ~二度目の哀悼~ [Syunikiss ~Nidome no Aitō~] (1998)

Title Transliteration: 主に帰す ~二度目の哀悼~
Title Transliteration: “Shu ni Kisu ~Nidome no Aitō~”
Title Translation: “To Blame/To End at the Lord/(One’s) Master ~Lamentation for the Second Time~” (English/Japanese)
Music: Yuki
Lyrics: Gackt.C
Hold on… you’re gonna be okey…
somebody… help us…

Ah… 君が繰り返す独り言は君の最後に僕が叫んだ言葉


Ah… 君が繰り返す独り言は誰も知るはずもない最後の言葉


Ah… 僕の願いを叶えてくれた空にやどる主へ


Ah… 僕の願いを叶えてくれた空にやどる主へ

Ah… 僕の願いを叶えてくれた空にやどる主へ

Modified Lyrics
Hold on… you’re gonna be okey…
somebody… help us…

Ah [ああ] 君が繰り返す独り言は君の最後に僕が叫んだ言葉


Ah [ああ] 君が繰り返す独り言は誰も知るはずもない最後の言葉


Ah [ああ] 僕の願いを叶えてくれた空にやどる主へ


Ah [ああ] 僕の願いを叶えてくれた空にやどる主へ

Ah [ああ] 僕の願いを叶えてくれた空にやどる主へ

Rōmaji Lyrics
(Hold on…you’re gonna be okay…
Somebody…help us…)

Ah [Ā]…kimi ga kurikaesu, hitorigoto wa kimi no saigo ni boku ga sakenda kotoba

Inori ga todoita no ka?…Me no mae ni, kioku no mama no kimi ga iru

Ah [Ā]…kimi ga kurikaesu, hitorigoto wa daremo shiru hazu mo nai saigo no kotoba

Kakeyotta boku wa kimi o dakifurueru yubi de hoho o nazoru

Ah [Ā]…boku no negai o kanaete kureta sora ni yadoru aruji e
Mō ichido negai o kanaete…“Kanojo ni kokoro o modoshite”

Tsumetai hitomi de sora o mitsumeteru
Kaerubeki basho o shitte iru ka no yō ni

Ah [Ā]…boku no negai o kanaete kureta sora ni yadoru aruji e
Mō ichido negai o kanaete…“Kanojo ni kokoro o modoshite”

Ah [Ā]…boku no negai o kanaete kureta sora ni yadoru aruji e
Saigo no negai o kanaete…“Kanojo o yasuraka ni nemurasete”

Tsumetai yubi de namida no ato o nazoru
Furueru koe de, “Sora ni kaeshite…” to kurikaesu———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
(Hold on…you’re gonna be okay…
Somebody…help us…)

Ah…the words you repeat to yourself are the words I shouted in your final moments

Have my prayers been answered?…Before my eyes, you are here as you were in my memories

Ah…the words you repeat to yourself are the last words no one should know/come to know

I ran up to embrace you as I tremble and brush your cheek with my fingers

Ah…to the lord who lives in the sky who granted my wish
Grant my wish once more…“Return the girl’s heart to her”

She stares at the sky with cold eyes
As if she knows the place she should return to

Ah…to the lord who lives in the sky who granted my wish
Grant my wish once more…“Return the girl’s heart to her”

Ah…to the lord who lives in the sky who granted my wish
Grant my last wish…“Let her sleep peacefully”

I follow the traces of my tears with her cold fingers
I repeat, “Return to the sky…” with a voice that trembles

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