~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

捨て猫 [Suteneko] (2000)

Title Translation: "Abandoned Cat"/"Stray Cat" (Japanese)
Lyrics: DADA
箱入りじゃない お払い箱だ
寄るなノラ猫 同情するなよ
何故俺だけ捨てられた? グレてやる
道行くあなた マドモアゼルよ
「男と女」 世の中それだけだろう

ララララ 耳元で吐息混じり 猫無で声で
ララララ 朝昼晩 甘えられて もはや手遅れ

「男と女」 世の中それだけだろう

ララララ うるうるしたその瞳で 上目使いで
ララララ 朝昼晩 見つめられて もはや手遅れ

ララララ 背中に爪 引っかき傷残される程
ララララ 朝昼晩 求められて もはや手遅れ

そんな夢見て 鳴き続けたら
Modified Lyrics
箱入りじゃない お払い箱さ1
寄るなノラ猫 同情するなよ
何故俺だけ捨てられた? グレてやる
道行くあなた マドモアゼルよ
「男と女」 世の中それだけだろう

ララララ 耳元で吐息混じり 猫無で声で
ララララ 朝昼晩 甘えられて もはや手遅れ

「男と女」 世の中それだけだろう

ララララ うるうるしたその瞳で 上目使いで
ララララ 朝昼晩 見つめられて もはや手遅れ

ララララ 背中に爪 引っかき傷残される程
ララララ 朝昼晩 求められて もはや手遅れ

そんな夢見て 鳴き続けたら
1 is what is written, but is what is sung.
Rōmaji Lyrics
Ame ni utareteru dan-bōru-bako
Hakoiri ja nai…o-haraibako sa1
Yoru na noraneko…dōjō suru na yo
Naze ore dake suterareta?…Gurete yaru
Doko ni mo yuku atenai n desu
Michi iku anata…madomoazeru yo!
Suteneko hirotte mimasen ka?
“Otoko to onna”…yo no naka soredake darō?

Ra, ra, ra, ra…mimimoto de toiki majiri…nekonadegoe de
Ra, ra, ra, ra…asahiruban…amaerarete…mohaya teokure
Kedamono ni naru shika nai ne

Tatoeba subete o miushinau
Sore demo ii to omoeru hodo no
Koi nara kōkai shinai hazu
“Otoko to onna”…yo no naka soredake darō?

Ra, ra, ra, ra…uru-uru shita sono hitomi de…uwamezukai de
Ra, ra, ra, ra…asahiruban…mitsumerarete…mohaya teokure
Kedamono ni kubiwa o

Ra, ra, ra, ra…senaka ni tsume…hikkakikizu nokosareru hodo
Ra, ra, ra, ra…asahiruban…motomerarete…mohaya teokure
Kedamono ni kubiwa o

Sonna yume mite…nakitsuzuketara
Ano hi anata ga kasa o sashidashita
1 ‘da’ is what is written, but ‘sa’ is what is sung.
My English Translation
A cardboard box beaten by the rain
It is not a gift box…but is1 a discarded box
Don’t come near me, stray cat…I have no sympathy for you
Why am only I abandoned here?…I will make myself a bad cat
I do not have anywhere to go for help
You, walking down the street…mademoiselle/miss!
Would you care to try picking up an abandoned/stray cat?
“A man and a woman”…isn’t that everything in this world?

La, la, la la…whispering into my ear with a sigh and…with a coaxing voice
La, la, la, la…being sweetly stimulated…in the morning, afternoon and evening…already it is too late for any remedies
No other choice but turn into a beast

I should not regret my love
If it is so strong that I can feel it all right
Even in the event of losing sight of everything
“A man and a woman”…isn’t that everything in this world?

La, la, la, la…with those glossy, wet eyes…glancing up
La, la, la, la…being watched affectionately…in the morning, afternoon and evening…already it is too late for any remedies
A collar for the beast

La, la, la, la…so much as scratch marks are left…on my back by your nails
La, la, la, la…I am being desired…in the morning, afternoon and evening…already it is too late for any remedies
A collar for the beast

As I continued to mew…having such a dream
That day you held up an umbrella for me
1 ‘is’ is what is written, but ‘but is’ [with assertion] is what is sung.

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