~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

「······························」 (1999)

Music: KALM
Lyrics: DADA
毎晩 屋根裏部屋に彼は閉じ籠りなあら
気付いてほしいの 孤独なあなたを いつでも見てたわ
愛されて愛したい おめかしして出掛けたい
どんなにそう願っても この身体動かない
私の髪を撫で 悲しい顔しないで
どんなにそう願っても 歯車は動かない
あなた無しでは 作り笑いも出来ない 哀れな操り人形
あなたがいなければ 恋もできない

願い事は叶うもの 鏡の奥からマダムが来て言いました
「おまえを人間の女の子にしてやる 契約書にサインを」
喜んで預けば 頬を撫でられた
切り付けられた掌からは血が溢れだす 美しい眺め
Modified Lyrics
毎晩 屋根裏部屋に彼は閉じ籠りなあら

気付いてほしいの 孤独なあなたを いつでも見てたわ

愛されて愛したい おめかしして出掛けたい
どんなにそう願っても この身体動かない
私の髪を撫で 悲しい顔しないで
どんなにそう願っても 歯車は動かない

あなた無しでは 作り笑いも出来ない 哀れな操り人形
あなたがいなければ 恋もできない


願い事は叶うもの 鏡の奥からマダムが来て言いました
「おまえを人間の女の子にしてやる 契約書にサインを」
喜んで預けば 頬を撫でられた

切り付けられた掌からは血が溢れだす 嬉しい1眺め

1 美しい is what is written, but 嬉しい is what is sung.
2 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
Rōmaji Lyrics
Maiban…yaneurabeya ni kare wa tojikomorinagara
Nanimo shaberanai o-ningyō ni hanashikaketeru

Kizuite hoshii no…kodoku na anata o…itsu demo miteta wa
Mō jitto shite iru no wa iya na no

Ai sarete, ai shitai…o-mekashi shite dekaketai
Donna ni sō negatte mo…kono karada ugokanai
Watashi no kami o nade…kanashii kao shinaide
Donna ni sō negatte mo…haguruma wa ugokanai

Watashi wa aware na kansetsuningyō
Anatanashi de wa…tsukuri warai mo dekinai…aware na ayatsuriningyō
Anata ga inakereba…koi mo dekinai

Garasu no me dakara namida mo deyashinai wa

Negaigoto wa kanau mono…kagami no oku kara, Madamu ga kite iimashita
“O-mae o ningen no onna no ko ni shite yaru…keiyakusho ni sain o...”
Yorokonde azukeba…hoho o naderareta

Kiritsukerareta tenohira kara wa chi ga afuredasu…ureshii1 nagame
Kare mo kitto, kitto yorokonde kureru
Mahōtsukai-san, dōmo arigatō

Demo mada, o-ningyō no furi o suru wa
Dōka hayaku kite watashi o dakishimete
Kono nukumori ni kizukasete ageru2
1 ‘utsukushii’ is what is written, but ‘ureshii’ is what is sung.
2 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.
My English Translation
Every evening…while he confines himself in an attic room
A doll maker talks to a doll which does not speak anything

I want you to notice me…I was always watching you…lonely you
I don’t want to sit still any longer

I want to be loved and love back…I want to dress up and go out
No matter how much I wish it…this body of mine does not move
Give me loving strokes over my hair…please do not make a sad face
No matter how much I wish it…these gears of mine do not move

I am a miserable, jointed doll/puppet
Without you…I cannot even make a fake smile…I am a miserable marionette
If you are not with me/If you do not exist…I cannot even love

Since these are glass eyes of mine, even tears do not come out

A wish is something that can come true…Madame came out from the depths of the mirror and said
“I will make you a human girl, granting your wish…sign the contract…”
If you willingly entrust me with the contract…my cheek was stroked by the tips of her nails as I signed the contract

The girl’s blood overflows from her slashed palm…a pleasant1 scene
He also will certainly, certainly be glad for me
Ms. Sorceress, I am grateful/thank you very much

But for now, I will pretend to still be a doll
Dear doll maker, please come soon and hold me tight
Notice this warmth in my body and I will offer it to you2———————————————————————————————————————————
1 ‘beautiful’ is what is written, but ‘pleasant’ is what is sung.
2 This line is sung here, but is not written in the official lyrics.

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