~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

ファン レター紅 [Fan Retā-Kurenai] (2002)

Title Translation: "Fan Letter Crimson" (Japanese)
Music: BERA
Lyrics: DADA
大好きなロック・スターにお手紙を書いたのに 何故か返事が来ない
もうあんな嘘つきの歌なんて 二度と聞くものか サヨナラ
貴重盤売りさばき 切り抜きを さらば思春期と焼いたら
隠してた本名がサバ読めず ある日新聞に出ていた
せめて私のお手紙を読んでから 死んでよ
あんたの毒に刺激され 溢れ出たフェロモン
血まみれの浴室じゃ あの真っ赤なラブレター
目立たない紙クズ 馬鹿みたい
吐き気する追悼のキャンペーン 始まるけど
気紛れな貴方のことだから 此処にはいないよね
あんた以上の男はいない だからきっと死ぬのね
愛しているの誰よりも 会った事無いけど
女ですもの 泣いたりなどしないわ
血まみれの浴室じゃ あの真っ赤なラブレター
目立たない紙クズ 馬鹿みたい
吐き気する追悼のキャンペーン 始まるけど
気紛れはお互いさまだから 明日になったら忘れてあげる
Modified Lyrics
大好きなロック・スターにお手紙を書いたのに 何故か返事が来ない
もうあんな嘘つきの歌なんて 二度と聞くものか サヨナラ

貴重盤売りさばき 切り抜きを さらば思春期と焼いたら
隠してた本名がサバ読めず ある日新聞に出ていた

せめて私のお手紙を読んでから 死んでよ
あんたの毒に刺激され 溢れ出たフェロモン

血まみれの浴室じゃ あの真っ赤なラブレター
目立たない紙クズ 馬鹿みたい
吐き気する追悼のキャンペーン 始まるけど
気紛れな貴方のことだから 此処にはいないよね

あんた以上の男はいない だからきっと死ぬのね
愛しているの誰よりも 会った事無いけど
女ですもの 泣いたりなどしないわ

血まみれの浴室じゃ あの真っ赤なラブレター
目立たない紙クズ 馬鹿みたい
吐き気する追悼のキャンペーン 始まるけど
気紛れはお互いさまだから 明日になったら忘れてあげる
Rōmaji Lyrics
Daisuki na rokku-sutā ni o-tegami o kaita noni…nazeka henji ga konai
Mō anna usotsuki no uta nante…nido to kiku monoka…sayonara

Kichōban’urisabaki…kirinuki o…saraba shishunki to yaitara
Kakushiteta honmyō ga, saba-yomezu…aru hi shinbun ni dete ita

Semete watashi no o-tegami o yonde kara…shinde yo
Anta no doku ni shigeki sare…afuredeta feromon
Hoka no dareka ni takarareru no wa yoroshikunai wa

Chimamire no yokushitsu ja…ano makka na rabu-retā
Medatanai kamikuzu…baka mitai
Hakike suru tsuitō no kyanpēn…hajimaru kedo
Kimagure na anata no koto dakara…koko ni wa inai yo, ne?

Antaijō no otoko wa inai…dakara kitto shinu no ne
Ai shite iru no dare yori mo…atta koto nai kedo
Onna desu mono…naitari nado shinai wa

Chimamire no yokushitsu ja…ano makka na rabu-retā
Medatanai kamikuzu…baka mitai
Hakike suru tsuitō no kyanpēn…hajimaru kedo
Kimagure wa o-tagai-sama dakara…ashita ni nattara wasurete ageru
Hanabira no yō ni
My English Translation
I wrote a letter to a rock star I really like…but for some reason a reply has not come
I will never again listen to…the songs of such a liar anymore…goodbye

If I say farewell to my adolescence, then I will burn…the clipping…of your valuable record-selling achievements
He could not avoid it any longer, but one day he was in the newspaper by his real name…which he had kept secret

At least after you read my letter…be dead
The pheromones that overflowed…as I was being stimulated by your poison
It is no good to be sponged/freeloaded on by someone else

Your bathroom smeared with blood…and that deep red love letter I sent you
It might not be noticed and may be mistaken for wastepaper/a scrap of paper…it looks foolish
But to begin to feel nauseous…when you see your memorial/mourning campaign/record sales
However, your whimsical alias/nickname…it is not here, isn’t that right?

There is no man better than you…that’s why you must die
I love you more than anyone…although I have never met you
Don’t be crying and so forth…that is a female/woman thing

Your bathroom smeared with blood…and that deep red love letter I sent you
It might not be noticed and may be mistaken for wastepaper/a scrap of paper…it looks foolish
But to begin to feel nauseous…when you see your memorial/mourning campaign/record sales
Therefore, your uneven temper is mutual…I will do you the favor of forgetting all about you
In the same way that flower petals fall and are forgotten

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