~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

悲しみの薔薇装束 [Kanashimi no Barashōzoku] (2001)


Title Translation: "Rose Apparel of Sadness" (Japanese)
Music: BERA
Lyrics: DADA
の命 それはもう短くて
咲き乱れて 振り向き さよならと

その命 削りながら 散り始めた君の前で


錆びた鍵 そして鍵穴
葬儀のあと 何もかも失くした僕は
あの日から あの日から
女装趣味の気狂いは ほら だんだん君に似てきたよ


僕が着る 鏡の前で
今夜 テイープ・レッドの 紅をさし
あなたと同じ顔に 生まれ変われば
ガラス越し 触れ合えずに
黒い涙 蜘蛛の巣をつたう

with eyeshadow.
Oh my little girl , you’re not alone.
Oh my little girl, Istill love you.
touch me, kiss me
like a living lover’s do….
Modified Lyrics
花の命 それはもう短くて
咲き乱れて 振り向き さよならと

その命 削りながら 散り始めた君の前で

女装趣味の気狂いは ほら だんだん君に似てきたよ

僕が着る 鏡の前で
今夜 テイープ・レッドの 紅をさし
あなたと同じ顔に 生まれ変われば
ガラス越し 触れあえずに
黒い涙 蜘蛛の巣をつたう

…with eyeshadow.
Oh my little girl , you’re not alone.
Oh my little girl, Istill love you.
touch me, kiss me
like a living lover’s do….
1 錆びた鍵 そして鍵穴
葬儀のあと 何もかも失くした僕は
あの日から あの日から

This entire verse is written, but is not sung in the song at all.
Rōmaji Lyrics
Hana no inochi…sore wa mō mijikakute
Ashita nante mienai
Sakimidarete…furimuki…sayonara to
Sono hitomi ga itteru

Sono inochi…kezurinagara…chirihajimeta kimi no mae de
Dō suru koto mo dekizu ni tachitsukushita ano hi

Kuroi bara no doresu wa
Mō nido to aenai hazu no
Kimi no wasuregatami ka?
Kanashimi no barashōzoku


Josōshumi no kigurui wa…hora…dan-dan kimi ni nite kita yo!
Are hodo mo nikumitsuzuketa ano Madamu to onaji doresu?
Imawashii hazu na noni, ima de wa natsukashii

Kuroi bara no doresu wa
Boku ga kiru kagami no mae de
Kon’ya dīpu-reddo no kurenai o sashi
Anata to onaji kao ni umarekawareba
Mō nido to aenai hazu no futari
Itsu demo aeru
Garasu-goshi fureaezu ni
Kuroi namida…kumo no su o tsutau

…With eyeshadow
Oh, my little girl, you’re not alone
Oh, my little girl, I still love you
Touch me, kiss me
Like a living lover’s do…
1 Sabita kagi…soshite kagiana
Sōgi no ato…nanimokamo nakushita boku wa
Mata kono heya ni kite shimatta
Anata no nokoriga sae mo nakute
Tada furubita kurōzetto ga soko ni aru dake
Konna toki wa kagami ni mukatte hanashikakeru sa
Ano hi kara…ano hi kara

This entire verse is written here, but is not sung in the song at all.
My English Translation
The life of a flower…that is short before long
And it cannot see such a thing like tomorrow
They are blooming profusely and…saying farewell with…their eyes
When they turn their faces

That day I just stood helplessly in front of you
Whose blossoms had started to fall, reducing your life

Is this black rose dress
The legacy of you
Whom I am not supposed to see again?
The rose apparel of sadness


Look…the craziness of the feminine dressing habit…is starting to resemble yours little by little!
Isn’t that the same dress as that Madame’s, whom you continued hating so much?
Although it is supposed to be disgusting, now it is fondly remembered

I will wear the black rose dress tonight
In front of the mirror
Putting on a deep red rouge
If I am reborn with the same face as yours
I can see you anytime across the piece of glass
Not being able to touch each other
Although we two are not supposed to be able to meet again
Black tears…run through a spiderweb

…With eyeshadow
Oh, my little girl, you’re not alone
Oh, my little girl, I still love you
Touch me, kiss me
Like a living lover does…
1 A rusted key…and old keyhole
I, who lost everything…after the funeral
Ended up coming to this room again
I have nothing better to do than to talk to a mirror at times like this
When there is not even your lingering scent
And the only thing there is is an old closet
From that day…from that day

This entire verse is written here, but is not sung in the song at all.
*Credit to Silk Hime for sending me the original lyric scans from the demo tape in order to get an accurate transcription and translation.  Please visit her blog for more Visual Kei topics: (http://silkhime.blogspot.com)

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