~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

最後の晩餐 [Saigo no Bansan] (2002)


Title Translation: "The Final Dinner"/"The Last Supper" (Japanese)
Music: BERA
Lyrics: DADA
罪深い恋人は 出会わなければ

動けないオルゴヲル 瓶の底に残る
何滴かが 万が一生きていたら


情緒不安定 故 巡り逢える
貴方さえいればいい 幻でも 
情緒不安定 故 巡り逢える
鏡に写らない 貴方と

死のドライブへと 谷底へと
愛してるわ 灰になるまで 


情緒不安定 故 巡り逢える
貴方さえいればいい 幻でも
情緒不安定 故 巡り逢える
パブミラー写らない 貴方と

運転手よ もう此処でいいわ

アクセルペダルに 赤煉瓦を…
Modified Lyrics
罪深い恋人は 出会わなければ
動けないオルゴヲル 貴方だけにはさよならしなきゃ1

恋をした 赤ワイン 
瓶の底に残る 何滴かが 


情緒不安定 故 巡り逢える
貴方さえいればいい 幻でも 

死のドライブへと 谷底へと
愛してるわ 灰になるまで 


情緒不安定 故 巡り逢える
貴方さえいればいい 幻でも
情緒不安定 故 巡り逢える
鏡に写らない 貴方と

運転手よ もう此処でいいわ
アクセルペダルに 赤煉瓦を…
運転手よ もう此処でいいわ

アクセルペダルに 赤煉瓦を…5
1 動けないオルゴヲル 瓶の底に残る is what is written, but 動けないオルゴヲル 貴方だけにはさよならしなきゃ is what is sung.
2 何滴かが 万が一生きていたら is what is written, but 
   恋をした 赤ワイン 
   瓶の底に残る 何滴かが 
    is what is sung.
3 情緒不安定 故 巡り逢える
  鏡に写らない 貴方と
  is written, but is not sung here.
4 パブミラー写らない 貴方と
   is what is written, but 
   鏡に写らない 貴方と
    is what is sung.
5 These two lines are repeated again, but are only written once each.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Tsumibukai koibito wa…deawanakereba
Yokatta no kashira
Ugokenai orugōru…anata dake ni wa sayonara shinakya1

Koi o shita…aka wain
Bin no soko ni nokoru…nanteki ka ga
Man ga ichi ikiteitara2
Atashi no aji to oboetokinasai

Anata no maboroshi to koyoi dakiau ria shīto

Anata sae ireba ii…maboroshi demo

Shi no doraibu e to…tanizoko e to
Ai shiteru wa…hai ni naru made

Hito wa naze koi o suru?
Itsuka owaru to shirinagara

Anata sae ireba ii…maboroshi demo
Kagami ni utsuranai…anata to
Te o tsunaidara4

Untenshu yo!…Mō koko de ii wa
Akuseru pedaru ni…akarenga o…
Untenshu yo!…Mō koko de ii wa

Akuseru pedaru ni…akarenga o…5
1 Ugokenai orugōru…bin no soko ni nokoru’ is what is written, but Ugokenai orugōru…anata dake ni wa sayonara shinakya’ is what is sung.
2 ‘Nanteki ka ga…man ga ichi ikiteitara’ is what is written, but 
    Koi o shita…aka wain
     Bin no soko ni nokoru…nanteki ka ga
     Man ga ichi ikiteitara’ 
     is what is sung.
3 Jōchofuantei…yue…meguriaeru
    Kagami ni utsuranai…anata to
    Te o tsunaidara’
    is written, but is not sung here.
4 ‘Pabu mirā utsuranai…anata to
    Te o tsunaidara’ 
     is what is written, but 
    Kagami ni utsuranai…anata to
     Te o tsunaidara’ 
     is what is sung.
5 These two lines are repeated again, but are only written once each.
My English Translation
I wonder if it was better if
The sinful lovers had not met
The music box that cannot work…has to say goodbye to only you1

You fell in love with…the red wine
Some drops of which…remain at the bottom of the bottle
If by any chance you survive2
You should remember it as my taste

The rear/back seat is where your illusion and I embrace/make love to each other on this early evening

We can meet again by chance…because of…our emotional instability
All I need is you…even if you are only an illusion

To a death drive…to the bottom of a gorge
I love you…until we turn to ashes

Why do people fall in love?
While knowing it will end someday

We can meet again by chance…because of…our emotional instability
All I need is you…even if you are only an illusion
We can meet again by chance…because of…our emotional instability
If I hold hands with the you…who is not reflected
In the mirror4

Driver!…Here is fine
Push the accelerator pedal…to the red brick…
Driver!…Here is fine

Push the accelerator pedal…to the red brick…5
1 The music box that cannot work…remains at the bottom of the bottle’ is what is written, but The music box that cannot work…has to say goodbye to only you’ is what is sung.
2 If by any chance you survive…some drops of which’ is what is written, but 
    You fell in love with…the red wine
     Some drops of which…remain at the bottom of the bottle
     If by any chance you survive’ 
     is what is sung.
3 We can meet again by chance…because of…our emotional instability
     If I hold hands with the you…who is not reflected
     In the mirror’
    is written, but is not sung here.
4 If I hold hands with the you…who is not reflected
     In the public mirror’ 
     is what is written, but 
    If I hold hands with the you…who is not reflected
     In the mirror’ 
     is what is sung.
5 These two lines are repeated again, but are only written once each.

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