~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

ヴェル・エール ~空白の瞬間の中で~ [Veru Ēru ~Kūhaku no Toki no Naka de~] (1997/1998)

Title Translation: “Bel Air/Beautiful Air ~Within the Time of a Void~ (Japanese)
Music: Mana
Lyrics: Gackt.C
ほらまだ温もりさえ 僕の手の平に抱かれている現実は

この背中を包む夜と闇に絵を描く僕は 時間という名の支配者に操られて

大空に浮かべた思い出の中で 踊る二人を見つめ泣いていた
最後までさよならさえ言えずこの場所で 眠りに落ちた貴女を抱いていたくて


この痛みを増す夜に同じ言葉を繰り返し 揺れながら空に足を浮かせて

大空に浮かべた思い出の中で 僕を見つめた貴女は微笑んで
最後まで腕を伸ばして薄れていく声は 現実を見つめることを祈って


大空に浮かべた思い出の中で 踊る二人は今も微笑んで
長い夜の終わりを告げるこの腕で 眠りに落ちた貴女を抱いていたくて


Modified Lyrics
ほらまだ温もりさえ 僕の手の平に抱かれている今1

この背中を包む夜と闇に絵を描く僕は 時3という名の者4に操られて

大空に浮かべた思い出の中で 踊る二人を見つめ泣いていた
最後までさよならさえ言えずこの場所で 眠りに落ちた貴女を抱いていたくて


この痛みを増す夜に同じ言葉を繰り返し 揺れながら空に足を浮かせて

大空に浮かべた思い出の中で 僕を見つめた貴女は微笑んで
最後まで腕を伸ばして薄れていく声は 今5を見つめることを祈って


大空に浮かべた思い出の中で 踊る二人は今も微笑んで
長い夜の終わりを告げるこの腕で 眠りに落ちた貴女を抱いていたくて


1 現実 is what is written, but is what is sung.
2 現在 is what is written, but is what is sung.
3 時間 is what is written, but is what is sung.
4 支配者 is what is written, but is what is sung.
5 現実 is what is written, but is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
Rōmaji Lyrics
Sā, me o akete boku o mite yo!
Hora, mada nukumori sae?…Boku no tenohira ni dakarete iru ima1 wa
Mō itami mo nai naka de
Anata wa nani o ima2 mo omotte iru no?

Kono senaka o tsutsumu yoru to yami ni e o egaku boku wa…“Toki”3 to iu na no mono4 ni ayatsurarete…

Ōzora ni ukabeta, omoide no naka de…odoru futari o mitsumenaite ita
Saigo made sayonara sae iezu, kono basho de…nemuri ni ochita anata o daite itakute…

Yurenagara, ashi o ukase…

Kono itami o masu yoru ni onaji kotoba o kurikaeshi…yurenagara, sora ni ashi o ukasete…

Ōzora ni ukabeta, omoide no naka de…boku o mitsumeta anata wa hohoende
Saigo made ude o nobashite, usurete iku koe wa…ima5 o mitsumeru koto o inotte…


Ōzora ni ukabeta, omoide no naka de…odoru futari wa ima mo hohoende
Nagai yoru no owari o tsugeru kono ude de…nemuri ni ochita anata o daite itakute…

Yurenagara, ashi o ukase…

Yurenagara, sora ni mi o yosete…
1 ‘genjitsu’ is what is written, but ‘ima’ is what is sung.
2 ‘genzai’ is what is written, but ‘ima’ is what is sung.
3 ‘“Jikan”’ is what is written, but ‘“Toki”’ is what is sung.
4 ‘shihaisha’ is what is written, but ‘mono’ is what is sung.
5 ‘genjitsu’ is what is written, but ‘ima’ is what is sung.———————————————————————————————————————————
My English Translation
Now, open your eyes and look at me!
See, can you still feel even the warmth?…While the present time,1 being held with the palms of my hands
Is having no more pain
What are you thinking even now?

I, who paint pictures in the night and the darkness which is covering this back of mine…am controlled by the person2 whose name is “Time” and…

I was crying, gazing at us two…who were dancing in the memory projected upon the canopy of the heavens
Without being able to even say goodbye until the end…I want to hold you, who fell asleep at this place and…

While swaying, letting your feet float…

In the night when this pain increases, I repeat the same words and…while swaying, letting your feet float in the sky and…

In the memory projected upon the canopy of the heavens…you, who gaze at me, smile and
Stretching my arms until the end, my voice becoming fainter…wishes to be looking intensely at the present time3 and…


The two of us, who dance….in the memory projected upon the canopy of the heavens, smile even now
I want to continue holding you, who fell asleep…in these arms that tell the end of a long night and…

While swaying, letting your feet float…

While swaying, letting your body come closer to the sky and…
1 ‘reality’ is what is written, but ‘present time’ is what is sung.
2 ‘ruler’ is what is written, but ‘person’ is what is sung.
3 ‘reality’ is what is written, but ‘present time’ is what is sung.

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