~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

New vogue children (2003)

Schwarz Stein
Music: Hora
Lyrics: Kaya
もっともっと 側においで 瞳閉じて
もっともっと 強く揺らして

あたしが孕んだ ソドムの胎児よ
産声をあげて 目覚めるのよ

羽根をもがれて 動けないなら
あたしの胸で お休みなさい
華咲き乱れる 此処へお帰り
決して醒めない 夢をあげるわ

あたしが孕んだ ソドムの胎児よ
ヘテロの愚民を 喰い尽くしなさい
“My New vogue children”

羽根をもがれて 動けないなら
あたしの胸で お休みなさい
華咲き乱れる 此処へお帰り
決して醒めない 夢をあげるわ

羽根をもがれて 動けないなら
あたしの胸で お休みなさい
華咲き乱れる 此処へお帰り
決して醒めない 夢をあげるわ
Modified Lyrics
もっともっと 側においで 瞳閉じて
もっともっと 強く揺らして

あたしが孕んだ ソドムの胎児よ
産声をあげて 目覚めるのよ

羽根をもがれて 動けないなら
あたしの胸で お休みなさい
華咲き乱れる 此処へお帰り
決して醒めない 夢をあげるわ

あたしが孕んだ ソドムの胎児よ
ヘテロの愚民を 喰い尽くしなさい
“My New vogue children [マイ・ニュー・ヴォーグ・チルドレン]

羽根をもがれて 動けないなら
あたしの胸で お休みなさい
華咲き乱れる 此処へお帰り
決して醒めない 夢をあげるわ

羽根をもがれて 動けないなら
あたしの胸で お休みなさい
華咲き乱れる 此処へお帰り
決して醒めない 夢をあげるわ
Rōmaji Lyrics
Motto, motto…soba ni o-ide…hitomi tojite
Motto, motto…tsuyoku yurashite
Dakasete ageru

Atashi ga haranda…Sodomu no taiji yo
Ubugoe o agete…mezameru no yo

Hane o mogarete…ugokenai nara
Atashi no mune de…o-yasuminasai
Hana sakimidareru…koko e o-kaeri
Kesshite samenai…yume o ageru wa

Atashi ga haranda…Sodomu no taiji yo
Hetero no gumin o…kuitsukushinasai
Minikuku, utsukushii
“My new vogue children [Mai nyū vōgu chirudoren]”

Hane o mogarete…ugokenai nara
Atashi no mune de…o-yasuminasai
Hana sakimidareru…koko e o-kaeri
Kesshite samenai…yume o ageru wa

Hane o mogarete…ugokenai nara
Atashi no mune de…o-yasuminasai
Hana sakimidareru…koko e o-kaeri
Kesshite samenai…yume o ageru wa
My English Translation
More, more…come closer…closing your eyes
More, more…strongly rocking
Let me hold you in my arms

Sodom’s embryo…that I conceived
Wake up…making your first cry

If you cannot move…after your wings are plucked
Rest…on my chest
Come back here…where flowers are blooming profusely
I will give you a dream…from which you will never wake up

Sodom’s embryo…that I conceived
Devour…all of the foolish heterosexuals
Ugly and beautiful though you all may be, you are still
“My new vogue children”

If you cannot move…after your wings are plucked
Rest…on my chest
Come back here…where flowers are blooming profusely
I will give you a dream…from which you will never wake up

If you cannot move…after your wings are plucked
Rest…on my chest
Come back here…where flowers are blooming profusely
I will give you a dream…from which you will never wake up


  1. thx very muc hfor your work, its beautifull

    1. You're welcome! Thank you for your kind words! :)
