~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

VELVET EDEN (2013/2014)

Music: Chro
Lyrics: DADA




ああ 確かに 私に 似てるわ


ああ 指輪に ドレスに 屍

此処はエデン 罪の花園
Rōmaji Lyrics
Anata wa ido e to otosareta
Minna ni kerarete otosareta
Anata ga bukimi de kowai kara

Kagami no sekai ni tojikomori
Keshō de dareka ni narisumasu
Kao sura motanai igyō no ko

O-mae o mikudasu monosubete
O-mae o uragiru monosubete
Kanaderu himei ga komoriuta

Kono yo no kutsū o tsukasadore
Jibun no bibō ni oborenuke
Samenai akumu no komoriuta

Ā…tashika ni…watashi ni…niteru wa

Tsukiakari yo! Terase wagahitomi
Kawaisō na kare ni mieru yō ni

Ā…yubiwa ni…doresu ni…shikabane

Kon'ya kara wa, nanore wagaomei
Shinda hazu no kumo no keshin toshite
Kuroi yami no yō na birōdo no
Koko wa Eden…Tsumi no Hanazono
My English Translation
You were lost to the well
You were kicked by everyone until in you fell
Because you're strange and frightening

Shut yourself up in the world of the mirror
Pretend to be someone with makeup
The deformed/heteromorphic child who doesn't even have a face

Everyone looks down on/despises you
Everyone betrays you
Your scream is like a lullaby that dances

Rule the pain of this world
Indulge in your own beauty
The lullaby of a never-waking nightmare

Ah...surely…you resemble me

Moonlight! Shine at my eyes
In order to show me the oh, so pitiful him

Ah...my ring...my dress...your corpse

From tonight on, you will call yourself my disgrace
As you are an incarnation of the spiders that should have died
Being covered with velvet like the black night
Here is my Eden…the Garden of Sin