~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

赤と黒 [Aka to Kuro] (1997)

Title Translation: "Red and Black" (Japanese)
Music: 藤井 政英 (フジイ マサヒデ) [Fujii Masahide]
Lyrics: KALM

太陽は欲しくない ジリジリと眩む「赤」が 安息も眠りも燃やし尽くしてしまうから

盲目の思想が ユラユラ振り子の様で 機味な刻みに翻弄されてしまう

「存在」をあげましょう 御望みならば「黒」も カラカラの体内が僕の皮膚が背き始めて

太陽は語らない 太陽は語れない 透明な心は黒い汚水に浸されて行く

Memory気がついたのは 幼き僕の視界と

Dead end遅すぎたのは 二度と逢えないアナタの色彩

永遠の夢想に舞う 芥子の花弁が欲しい

永遠に生き続ける 芥子の花弁が欲しい


Modified Lyrics

太陽は欲しくない ジリジリと眩む「赤」が 安息も眠りも燃やし尽くしてしまうから

盲目の思想が ユラユラ振り子の様で 曖昧な刻みに翻弄されてしまう

「存在」をあげましょう 御望みならば「黒」も カラカラの体内が僕の皮膚が背き始めて

太陽は語らない 太陽は語れない 透明な心は黒い汚水に浸されて行く

Memory [メモリー]気がついたのは 幼き僕の視界と

Dead end [デッド エンド]遅すぎたのは 二度と逢えないアナタの色彩

永遠の夢想に舞う 芥子の花弁が欲しい

永遠に生き続ける 芥子の花弁が欲しい


Memory [メモリー]気がついたのは 幼き僕の視界と

Dead end [デッド エンド]遅すぎたのは 二度と逢えないアナタの色彩

永遠の夢想に舞う 芥子の花弁が欲しい

永遠に生き続ける 芥子の花弁が欲しい

永遠の夢想に舞う 芥子の花弁が欲しい

永遠に生き続ける 芥子の花弁が欲しい


Rōmaji Lyrics

Taiyō wa hoshikunai...jiri-jiri to mabumu "aka" ga...ansoku mo nemuri mo moyashitsukushite shimau kara

Mōmoku no shisō ga...yura-yura furiko no yō de...aimai na kizami ni honrō sarete shimau

"Sonzai" o agemashō...onozomi naraba "kuro" mo...kara-kara no tainai ga boku no hifu ga somukihajimete

Taiyō wa kataranai...taiyō wa katarenai...tōmei na kokoro wa kuroi osui ni shitasarete yuku

Memory [Memorī]...ki ga tsuita no wa...osanaki boku no shikai to

Dead end [Deddo endo]...ososugita no wa...nido to aenai anata no shikisai

Eien no musō ni mau...kakushi no haben ga hoshii

Eien ni ikitsuzukeru...kakushi no haben ga hoshii

Akai "kuro" ni...

Memory [Memorī]...ki ga tsuita no wa...osanaki boku no shikai to

Dead end [Deddo endo]...ososugita no wa...nido to aenai anata no shikisai

Eien no musō ni mau...kakushi no haben ga hoshii

Eien ni ikitsuzukeru...kakushi no haben ga hoshii

Eien no musō ni mau...kakushi no haben ga hoshii

Eien ni ikitsuzukeru...kakushi no haben ga hoshii

Akai "kuro" ni...

My English Translation

I do not want the sun...the glaring "red"...burns away both rest and sleep

A blind ideology...sways like a pendulum...tossed by an ambiguous rhythm

I will offer "existence"...and if you desire, also "black"...my parched insides, my skin, begin to turn away

The sun does not speak...the sun cannot speak...my transparent heart is submerged in black, murky water

Memory...I realized it was my childhood vision

Dead end...too late, the colors of you I can never meet again

I want the petals of the poppy...dancing in my eternal dreams

I want the petals of the poppy...that continue to live forever

In the red "black"...

Memory...I realized it was my childhood vision

Dead end...too late, the colors of you I can never meet again

I want the petals of the poppy...dancing in my eternal dreams

I want the petals of the poppy...that continue to live forever

I want the petals of the poppy...dancing in my eternal dreams

I want the petals of the poppy...that continue to live forever

In the red "black"...

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