~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

フレア スタック [Furea Sutakku] (2010)

Aural Vampire
Title Translation: "Flare Stack" (Japanese)
Lyrics: Aural Vampire


白煙 飛ばして燻るなんとか


ひとえに、絶え間ない その供給

なにか いつどこで 生まれ


動く手 そう それがルール







火の花ちらした相棒は もう


匂いがしても いずれ錆に 変わって消える

そんなものだけれども そう それがルール

Ah 瓦礫の事 柵がない事まで

主義にみせては ロマンに変えよう

頭もまだ機能しているはず 炎の柱に祈ろう

その灯りの下で 今 顔知れない誰かを信じて

動く手 そう それがルール

Modified Lyrics



白煙 飛ばして燻るなんとか


ひとえに、絶え間ない その供給

なにか いつどこで 生まれ


動く手 そう それがルール







火の花ちらした相棒は もう


匂いがしても いずれ錆に 変わって消える

そんなものだけれども そう それがルール

Ah 瓦礫の事 柵がない事まで

主義にみせては ロマンに変えよう

頭もまだ機能しているはず 炎の柱に祈ろう

その灯りの下で 今 顔知れない誰かを信じて

動く手 そう それがルール

Rōmaji Lyrics

Shōtaifumei no tonari no tanku

Hakuen…tobashite iburu nantoka

Ban suru koto nai sōko no nanbā

Hitoeni, taemanai…sono kyōkyū

Nanika…itsu doko de…umare

Mujin no shima o shikiru dareka o shinjite

Ugoku te…sō…sore ga rūru

Asu-asu no koto mo wakaranai mama

Wagatachiba o shinpai suru ki mo nai

Mukai no futō ni mieru yakō ni sugaritsuki

Kyō mo mata hitori

Hansō sareteta sodai na nimotsu

Romen no senro ni kizuato nokorazu

Hi no hana chirashita aibō wa…mō

Shirezu ni dōgu no ichibu to natta yō na

Nioi ga shite mo…izure sabi ni…kawatte kieru

Sonna mono da keredo mo…sō…sore ga rūru

Ah [A], gareki no koto…shigarami ga nai koto made

Shugi ni misete wa…roman ni kaeyō

Atama mo mada kinō shite iru hazu…honō no hashira ni inorō

Sono tomori no shita de…ima…kao shirenai dareka o shinjite

Ugoku te…sō…sore ga rūru

My English Translation

An unknown tank next door

Billowing....white smoke, smoldering something

A warehouse number with no guard

Simply, an endless...supply

Something...born...somewhere, sometime

Believing in someone who rules an uninhabited island

Moving hands...yes...that's the rule

Without knowing what tomorrow brings

Not even worried about my own position

Clinging to the lights visible on the opposite pier

Alone again today

Transported bulky cargo

Leaving no trace on the road's track

My partner, who scattered sparks...is now

Seemingly just a part of the tools, unknown

Even if it smells...it will eventually turn to rust and...disappear

That's just how it is...yes...that's the rule

Ah, even things...like rubble and lack of fences

Let's turn them into ideals...and transform them into romance

My mind should still be functional...let's pray to the pillar of fire

Under that light...now...believing in an unknown someone

Moving hands...yes...that's the rule

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