~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

ここにおいで [Koko ni O-ide] (2022)

Title Translation: "Come Here" (Japanese)
Music: ソワレ [Soware]
Lyrics: ソワレ [Soware]



いつも夢を見ていた あなたの腕の中で


幕が上がるその時 あたしはひとりぼっち

静かな闇の中に ただ飛び込むの

あれからどれくらい 愛を歌ったんだろう

遥か空の彼方に 輝く宝石この手に 諦めないわ

あしたの恋人たち あたしはここに居るよ

諦め切れないのよ 恋することを

ひと色欠けた虹で 包み込んでいいのよ

そしてあたしは歌うのよ 駆け引きを

涙を見せるほど 気高くはないから



ここにおいで あたしの胸のそば

愛をあげる 綺麗な嘘を見て

重ね合った瞳に 伝えたいこと全部

乗せてあなた見つめてると 気が付いて

出逢えたその奇跡を 照らす月の灯りで

眩しい白い胸に ねえ触れたいの

俯いた笑顔を あたしは知ってるわ

もうすぐ雨が降るから 濡れたあたしの声聴いてよ


ここにいるわ あなたの望むまま

愛を込めて 歌うあなただけに

さあ あたしの夢は 今ここで叶うの

ここにおいで あたしの胸のそば

愛をあげる 綺麗な嘘を見て

ここにおいで あたしの胸のそば

愛をあげる 素敵な夢を見て

Rōmaji Lyrics

Itsumo yume o mite ita...anata no ude no naka de

Kanawanai koto nanka nani hitotsu nai

Maku ga agaru sono toki...atashi wa hitori botchi

Shizuka na yami no naka ni...tada tobikomu no

Are kara dore kurai...ai o utatta n darō?

Haruka sora no kanata ni...kagayaku hōseki kono te ni...akiramenai wa

Ashita no koibitotachi...atashi wa koko ni iru yo!

Akiramekirenai no yo!...Koi suru koto o...

Hitoiro kaketa niji de...tsutsumikonde ii no yo!

Soshite atashi wa utau no yo!...Kakehiki o...

Namida o miseru hodo...kedakaku wa nai kara

Hitoyo saite wa kieru

Hakanai butai ga atashi o moyashite kureru

Koko ni o-ide...atashi no mune no soba

Ai o ageru...kirei na uso o mite

Kasaneatta hitomi ni...tsutaetai koto zenbu

Nosete anata mitsumeteru to...ki ga tsuite

Deaeta sono kiseki o...terasu tsuki no akari de

Mabushii shiroi mune ni...nē, furetai no

Utsumuita egao o...atashi wa shitteru wa

Mō sugu ame ga furu kara...nureta atashi no koe kiite yo!

Futari no yoru ni...

Koko ni iru wa...anata no nozomu mama

Ai o komete...utau anata dake ni...

Sā...atashi no yume wa...ima koko de kanau no

Koko ni o-ide...atashi no mune no soba

Ai o ageru...kirei na uso o mite

Koko ni o-ide...atashi no mune no soba

Ai o ageru...suteki na yume o mite

My English Translation

I've always dreamed...in your arms

There's nothing that can't come true

When the curtain rises...I'll be all alone

I'll just leap...into the quiet darkness

How long has it been...since I sang of love?

In the far-off sky...a shining jewel...I won't give up

The lovers of tomorrow...I'll be here!

I can't give up!...On falling in love...

It's okay to wrap it...in a colorless rainbow!

And then I'll sing!...A game of wits...

I'm not so noble...as to show my tears

I bloom for a night and then disappear

This fleeting stage burns me up

Come here...by my heart

I'll give you love...see the beautiful lie

Everything I want to tell...in our overlapping eyes

I'll convey it all to you and...you'll realize

With the light of the moon illuminating...the miracle of our encounter

Listen, I want to touch...your brilliant white chest

I know that...downward smile

It's about to rain...so listen to my wet voice!

In our night together...

I'm here...as you wish

With love...I sing only for you...

Now...my dream...comes true right here

Come here...by my heart

I'll give you love...see the beautiful lie

Come here...by my heart

I'll give you love...see the wonderful dream

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