~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.


Music: KALM
Lyrics: KALM


耳元に語りかける 産声をあげる夜


運命に定められた 肉体ごと捧げる夜



Moonrise 眠る青白い呼吸の中で 僕は十字架の裁きに喘ぐ

Moonrise巡る太陽の影の中 僕は破戒への着みにむせる

僕が消えて行く 僕が楽れて行く

「感覚ヲ殺シマショウ 死ノ香り忘レル為二」

Modified Lyrics


耳元に語りかける 産声をあげる夜


運命に定められた 体ごと捧げる夜


Moonrise [ムーンライズ]眠る青白い呼吸の中で Moonrise [ムーンライズ]僕は十字架の裁きに喘ぐ

Moonrise [ムーンライズ]Moonrise [ムーンライズ]僕が消えて行く Moonrise [ムーンライズ]Moonrise [ムーンライズ]僕が楽れて行く





Moonrise [ムーンライズ]眠る青白い呼吸の中で Moonrise [ムーンライズ]僕は十字架の裁きに喘ぐ

Moonrise [ムーンライズ]僕が消えて行く Moonrise [ムーンライズ]Moonrise [ムーンライズ]僕が楽れて行く

Moonrise [ムーンライズ]Moonrise [ムーンライズ]僕が消えて行く Moonrise [ムーンライズ]Moonrise [ムーンライズ]僕が楽れて行く

Moonrise [ムーンライズ]Moonrise [ムーンライズ]Moonrise [ムーンライズ]、が消えて行く Moonrise [ムーンライズ]Moonrise [ムーンライズ]

Moonrise [ムーンライズ]

「感覚ヲ殺シマショウ 死ノ香り忘レル為二」

Rōmaji Lyrics

"Kankaku o koroshinasai"..."Kanjō o ōrenasai"

Mimimoto ni katarikakeru...ubugoe o ageru yoru

"Michibiki o yaburinasai"..."Rinri nado kowashinasai"

Unmei ni sadamerareta...karadagoto sasageru yoru

Boku o ushinau ishiki no kairō wa ano hi to onaji tsukiyo ni okasareteee...

Moonrise [Mūnraizu], nemuru aojiroi kokyū no naka de...moonrise [mūnraizu], boku wa jūjika no sabaki ni aegu

Moonrise [Mūnraizu], moonrise [mūnraizu], boku ga kiete yuku...moonrise [mūnraizu], moonrise [mūnraizu], boku ga tanoshinde yukuuu...

"Kankaku o koroshinasai"..."Kanjō o ōrenasai"

"Michibiki o yaburinasai"..."Rinri nado kowashinasai"

Boku ga sodatsu ibara no yurinō wa itsu demo eien made mo tsuki ni terasareteee...

Boku o ushinau ishiki no kairō wa ano hi to onaji tsukiyo ni okasareteee...

Moonrise [Mūnraizu], nemuru aojiroi kokyū no naka de...moonrise [mūnraizu], boku wa jūjika no sabaki ni aegu

Moonrise [Mūnraizu], boku ga kiete yuku...moonrise [mūnraizu], boku ga tanoshinde yukuuu...

Moonrise [Mūnraizu], moonrise [mūnraizu] boku ga kiete yuku...moonrise [mūnraizu], moonrise [mūnraizu], boku ga tanoshinde yukuuu...

Moonrise [Mūnraizu], moonrise [mūnraizu], moonrise [mūnraizu] ga kiete yuku...moonrise [mūnraizu], moonrise [mūnraizu] 

Moonrise [Mūnraizu]...

"Kankaku o koroshimashō...shi no kaori wasureru tame ni..."

My English Translation

"Kill the senses"..."Don't respond to emotions"

Whispering in my ear...on a night that gives birth

"Break the guidance"..."Destroy ethics"

A night where I dedicate...my body to fate

The corridor of consciousness where I lose myself is violated on the same moonlit night as that dayyy...

Moonrise, in the sleep of pale breaths...moonrise, I gasp under the judgment of the cross

Moonrise, moonrise, I am disappearing...moonrise, moonrise, I am being liberateddd...

"Kill the senses"..."Don't respond to emotions"

"Break the guidance"..."Destroy ethics"

The thorny cradle where I grow is illuminated by the moon, eternallyyy...

The corridor of consciousness where I lose myself is violated on the same moonlit night as that dayyy...

Moonrise, in the sleep of pale breaths...moonrise, I gasp under the judgment of the cross

Moonrise, I am disappearing...moonrise, I am being liberateddd...

Moonrise, moonrise, I am disappearing...moonrise, moonrise, I am being liberateddd...

Moonrise, moonrise, moonrise, I am disappearing...moonrise, moonrise


"Let's kill our senses...to forget the scent of death..."

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