~The Lair of Madame Tarantula~

Japanese song lyric transliterations/English translations & Visual Kei magazine scans (edited by me).

All transliterations and translations have been done personally by me.

Each song lyric has its own page (instead of the usual "post" format) containing the transliterations and my English translations on the page in a format that makes it easier for me to post and also allows anyone to copy and paste them for their own use. To find a song, simply click the artist's photo in one of the side columns or the artist's name listed in the rows at the top of this site, which will take you to a complete discography listing (if I've had the time to create it, some are not finished yet) and links for any song I've translated and posted on this site. Scan directory links are also listed underneath discographies for each artist by magazine and then release date chronologically once they've been edited by me (removing watermarks, color correction, straightening, cropping, etc.) and posted to this site.

弟切草 [Otogirisō] (2022)


Title Translation: "Hypericum erectum (a species of St. John's wort flower, it is a perennial herb whose stems and leaves are considered a folk medicine. The Japanese name is derived from a legend from the 平安 [Heian] era. A falconer had a secret that the plant healed a wound on a falcon, but his younger brother gave away the secret and was killed. The spattering blood was said to remain on the leaves and flower petals as black spots. It was described in 和漢三才図会 [Wakansansaizue] written in the 江戸 [Edo] era in 1713. The plant was grouped as a weed and was used as a hemostatic for cuts and to treat sick falcons and dogs in 大和本草 [Yamatohonzō] as written by 貝原 益軒 [Kaibara Ekken] in 1709)" (Japanese)

Music: 源 依織 [Minamoto Iori]

Lyrics: Kaya






これは 罰か 報いか




真夜中 窓の下に迎えに行くわ





さぁ跪いて 縋り付いて

ただ私だけ 愛していると言って














Rōmaji Lyrics

Subete o sasagete sugoshita saigetsu

Wazuka ni hiraita kuchibiru kara

Koboreru genjitsu

Subete ga uso ni naru

Kore wa...batsu ka...mukui ka?

Mō kono me o tsubushite

Nanimo mitakunai

Shinku ni somaru hana o kono te ni daite

Mayonaka...mado no shita ni mukae ni yuku wa

Kako mo mirai mo subete ga hoshii

Anata no nanimokamo o ubaisaritai

Ai shiteru wa

Anata o shinu made yurushi wa shinai kara

Sā, hizamazuite...sugaritsuite

"Tada watashi dake...ai shite iru," to itte

Ima nara mada ma ni au wa

Nanimokamo koko ni wa nokotte inai wa

Hitori ni wa sasenai

Sugu ato o ō kara

Sono te de ai mo uso mo yakiharaeba ii

Tadareta omoide goto moyashitsukushite

Tabun watashi wa kurutte iru no ne

Yogoreta yubi de nani o mamotte ita no?

Sekketsu ni akaku somaru otogirisō

Kon'ya mo mado no shita ni mukae ni yuku wa

Kako mo mirai mo subete ga hoshii

Anata no nanimokamo o ubaisaritai

Ai shiteru wa

My English Translation

The years I dedicated everything to are long gone

From your slightly parted lips

Spills forth reality

Everything becomes a lie

Is this...a punishment or...retribution?

I want to crush these eyes of mine

I don't want to see anything anymore

Embracing the flowers dyed in deep crimson

I'll go to meet you beneath the window at...midnight

I want everything, the past and the future

I want to steal everything from you

I love you

Because I won't forgive you until the day I die

Now, kneel and...cling to me

"Just tell me that you love...only me"

It's still not too late

There's nothing left here anymore

I won't let you be alone

I'll follow right after

It's okay to burn away love and lies with those hands

Burn up all the festering memories

Maybe I'm going crazy

What was I protecting with these tainted fingers?

The hypericum erectum dyed red with fresh blood

I'll go to meet you beneath the window tonight as well

I want everything, the past and the future

I want to steal everything from you

I love you

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